Me too, i dont care at all about DOW3 
Er... when I wrote "who cares about CoH 2", I meant in Relic, lol  Of course, community cares, and even I do (otherwise nobody of us would be here). But do you really think, that Relic will try to improve CoH 2 anymore? It will be better for them (in $$$ meaning) to make CoH 3. |
i agree it is shit optimized, but we aren't talking about improving the graphics or optimization. But increasing the size of the blast of explosions. Increasing the size of the explosion is be fairly easy, seeing how in they did actually have bigger blasts for the 120mm morter before and few other projectiles. In the attribute editor there are options to change the radius and splat. They could have it visually bigger, but doing the same damage as all projectiles do now.
Well... my graphics-optimisation part of post were was just "nostaligc thoughts". And I tried to show, that vCoH had better visuals not only in explosions...
But if we talk serious, I think, if they will make visual size of explosions bigger - they will have to make them technicaly "bigger" - larger AoE damage and maybe some side effectis (like in vCoH almost all arty could supress - from mortars to heavy howitzers). That would be actually great, but... it is "indirects buff", which people don't like so much, so... it won't happen, I suppouse.
About tank-howitzers, like KV-2 or Scott - same point. Bigger explosions - bigger causes of explosions. Otherwise it will look a bit strange... But, maybe Im wrong, and there is something else behind it...
for christs sake. NO. stop it
And why not? Static heavy AT defenses would work very good for USSR. Such as static AI defenses.
1. Explosions were great. Much more great, than in CoH 2.
2. All other graphics-physics issues were better too. For example, hits in tanks. They looked and sounded like it is really hit in metal tincan. In CoH 2 - sometimes it looks like platic models fighting. And reflecting shells... in CoH 1 they were really great. Still remember, how Panther reflected direct hits from... 25 pounder.
3. Obviously, nobody will improve CoH 2 in all those ways, cos 1.) Relics are too lazy; 2.) Game is already bad optimised and lag even on PCs, where GTA 5 works fine, so improving graphics will only cause burn of people videocards. And nobody gonna improve optimisation, becasue *look at point 1.)* 3.) Soon comes DoW 3, so... who needs CoH 2 at all? |
I see even better solution for M-42:
1. M-42 out.
2. BS-3 in.
3. ???
4. Profit!
Sturmpios taking too much Popcap and has too much roles on them for to use them as AT infantry. You need at least 1 able squad for repairs, in late maybe even 2. It also would be sweet to have 1 squad with sweeper, for to clear infinite soviet mines, cos otherwise - you gonna lose your high priced tanks very fast.
I don't use them as AT at all, in all modes, cos... I can't afford to have SO many SPios. In general, it was way better before, when Volks had Shrecks. Original design of OKW was very much better, than that we have today, that I can say for sure. |
Panzerwefer - 10 rockets - 85 fuel - has suppression, unlike all other arty in game - shots all 10 rockets in 1 salvo (that is good thing, doesn't allow your opponent to avoid extra rockets, like it happens with Katyusha pretty often) - non-doctrinal.
Wuhrframmen - 6 rockets - 100 fuel - wipes light vechicles and able to destroy mediums by those rockets - line-shooting provides lesser area damage, but incredibly nice accuracy, which helps to wipe enemy squads, weapon teams and same vechicles - earliest to get rocket platform in game - non-doctrinal.
So... I don't really understand what more do you need. PWerfer is not awesome, I agree, but... it has it's own good sides, just like Wuhrframmen. I wouldn't also say, that Allies rocket platforms are awesome - Katyusha's 4 salvo barrage can be very bad, cos your opponent usualy move away units after first 4-8 rockets, so half of rockets hitting nothing. Calliope is pretty random, when I had it against me I didn't even move my squads from barrage area, because of very high scatter of rockets and as result - very low damage, but... I guess it's happy random. Mattress was uberOP, but now it comes later, has very low range of fire (just like Sexton, lol).
So - I see no problems here at all. |
I've lost more Raketens due to the crew having to make a U-turn to retreat than anything else. It is especially painful with death loops. I rather have a reverse command than a retreat command.
Agree, wheelplatformed weapons are painful to use. Maxims also suffer very hard because of it. |
1. It's T0 AT gun. Exclusive, like USF mortar.
2. It has cloak. Arguable efficience, but still - may be pretty useful.
3. Can retreat. That is serious boost to survivability.
4. It's also cheaper. 270 or 280 MP vs 320 for common AT guns. Lower price - lower efficiency.
5. One more - can camp in buildings. Questionable, but again - sometimes may be effective.
6. And I wouldn't say, that it is ONLY AT, which OKW can rely on. From my understanding of new faction design - Puphen must help you to survive until T3 with JagdPanzers, Panthers and others serious AT units. And Puphen performs well in that way. Can counter lights, mediums, for heavies - use T3. Just like USSR, for early use ZIS, later - try SU-76, if it's not enough, then get 85 and let them DIIIIIEEE (ZIS, for example, has serious problems with dealing with Panthers, saw myself how Panther reflected 5 rounds in raw from ZIS, lol).
In any case, if you want to know, what is really "shiity AT" - try M-42. You will see, that Puphen is helluva 88mm Flak.
But... if you want improvement so much, then RW should get both price increase and... maybe like MG-34 unlocking with later tier. Otherwise it would be ridiculous - AT gun, comapreable with power with other AT guns, which you can get in T0 with such discount. |
1. Allow it to be stolen.
2. Another proof of "CoH 1 > CoH 2" - in CoH 1 trenches looked like... trenches. Hole in teh ground for tommierats. Here they looks like field HQs, even bigger than bunkers, so large they are.
Of course, nobody will do it, but still - make trenches look like trenches, not like condominium house, please. |