So much salt about the USF changes. Do people really think that requiring one more hit (not even) from hard AT to kill a Jackson is really going to make all that much more of a difference? M10 spam with Armor Company is popular for a reason and a lot of that has to do with the fact that M10s are a lot more efficient despite their lower Pen because they don't get 3 shotted left and right like Jacksons do due to their having a higher health pool despite being cheaper.
It's not like it's a straight buff either - they are going to be more expensive too - almost Firefly expensive. Meanwhile Jacksons won't have nearly that same Alpha Strike damage as Tulips give the Brits. Meanwhile Axis TDs will still have a much faster reload and can outshoot Jacksons.
and lets ignore the the slow speed,non-rotating turret,giant cost and popcap of jadtiger/elefant
again i am fine with jackson changes but not coupled with jadtiger and elefant nerfs which m10/t34 or shermans/cromwell will have field day with |
You are the only one, who complaining about OKW so hard. So i want to see, what is the reason for this. Best way to understand you - see your playercard and some replays from the mod, where you have used this units (jt,sturmtiger and etc.).
First of all, their playercards are public. Everybody can see them (and they are good).
Second, it helps to understand your and their level of skill.
Third, Balance team are communicating with community and pro-players. Because it will save a lot of time in the future, when they start the work with the new patch. But it require a lot of replays, so balance team can see, what is wrong.
do i need really to provide replays for obvious nerfs to niche units that most people know really..??
you can see their playercards too right..??
you see the difference in their axis and allied stats right..atleast for mr.smith?? and okw for miragefla
as far communicating wiht pro players i need reciept i need the extent of involvement i refuse to believe devm would have suggested something as ridiculous as sturmtiger nerf
i am not hating on the mod as whole btw some of these changes are great are needed ost changes are great too and some philosophy behind it too like less reliance on tanks more on infy,less explosive fest removing cheese but these usf buffs and okw nerfs is beyond stupid |
Maybe later this summer, i would be a great to have an informal tournament with the mod to see how it goes.
One of the big factor that make a game appeal last is when the devs or the community keep tuning patch coming regularly.
It keep the game fresh, even if some time the changes are reverted.
So all efforts deployed by the mod team are good if not essential to make the game appeal last.
Relic must take notice and help the mod team because it's gonna reward them on the long run.
yeah a mod toruney would be great after people had practice for 1 month |
No I meant for falls, obers, and pfusies too. Also worth noting that obers come wayyyy earlier with more or less the same performance at that stage of the game.
So Jackson = jt? Open your eyes man.
see the reply to oldershatterland
edit : how is +1 popcap and slight sight increase is anyway a buff and also read the later changes to them also
as for second thing way to spin off the comment eh...the allied bias clouds you it was the reasoning part for nerfds to jt/elef i am fine with jackson buffs as long as jadtiger/elefant changes are reverted dont know even where jackson = jt is coming from
edit 2 : you might have stated this as a joke but at this point jackson > jadtiger haha
edit : also many people are still not clear with vet miragefla or mrsmith should post updated vet by each level looks like some people still cant read properly they aren;t getting extra abilites they are exchanging these useless abilties for raw vet. |
I am so tired of people complaining OKW just got nerfs. Some of you don't get it, how powerful the 60 fuel t4 is. Obers received a major buff (timing, vet 0 performance), Fallschirmjäger too (camoflage, cost, vet). Kubel start means you can get 3 Volks by the 2 min mark etc. If more would play the mod, a lot of this complaining would be unnecessary.
And for the rare ones who want to actually play the mod, add me on steam. We play almost daily some 2vs2 or 1vs1s so I can invite you the next time we search for players.
what the hell plain wrong
falls got nerfed and obers too in VET READ CAREFULLY,camo they already had and it just hides them doesn't do much combat wise moreover their one use to kill snipers from building gone so that probaly explains manpower drop
how come little early timing and little cost decrease for falls is major in just delays the entry point nothing else i will take more manpower cost to decent performing unit but still shocks and guards cost less rangers are overpriced though and commandos too
what matters is perfomacne per popcap again a vet 3 double bar rifle standard early hitting,easier to field,versatiel infy (lower popcap) beat falls vet 5 dedeicated infy (since they are infiltrator just in name) is beyond me DONT even let me talk about double bren tommies haha they anhiliate them even obers(although overs win with just 1 model and sliver of health ) |
Stick the replay, so other can see how they are in the mod. Except miragefla here are other members of the community.
You need to provide, that they are underperforming in the mod. Nothing else.
P.S. I still want to see your playercard 
my bad it was mr.smith not miragefla they made the mod they should know it,as far replay i am away from gaming pc so cant post it but anyone can check even in live version they lose let alone this mod
PLAYer card for what..?/ if thats some kind of entry then how are miragefla and mr.smith allowed for changes |
MR.smith still haven't replied regarding his lie about falls and obers and i tested that in base version in this they might be even more bad just from changes alone
Shock Troops
- Reduce reinforcement time reduced from 6.5 secs to 5.5 secs
- Reinforcement cost reduced from 33MP to 31MP
- Tripwire flares removed
- Veterancy 1 reduces smoke grenade cost 15MU to 10MU
- Veterancy 2 smoke recharge (-40%) moved to Vet1
- Grenade far AOE from 0.15 to 0.5.
- Cost from 400 to 340
- Population from 10 to 9
- Upgrades from 60 to 80 munitions (both LMG and STG)
- Reinforce time to 9 from 12.5. Build time to 36 from 50.
- Vet2 bonus: Timed ability that causes suppression at the cost of damage
- Vet4 bonus: Old Vet5 bonus
- Adjusted cost of grenade to 40 (to match PGren)
- Have stationary pathfinder-like camouflage at Vet 0
- Population from 8 to 9
- Call-in manpower cost reduced from 440 to 340
- Received Accuracy from 0.87 to 0.83
- Vet3 RA from 0.71 to 0.77
- Vet5 changed to 1.3 accuracy and +5 range.
- Vet2 bonus: Passive medical kits
- Vet4 bonus: Panzerfaust gains +5 range and +20 damage
- Population from 6 to 7
- Vet2 bonus: 1.15 capture and decapture rate.
- Vet4 bonus: Passive Sprint
- Flare cost reduced from 45MU to 30MU
- Sight range bonus from upgrade reduced from +50% to +28% (50 to 45)
We are adding some utility to the Lieutenant to make him a viable asset for the long-haul.
- Population from 8 to 7
- Cost from 300 to 280 (replacement squad)
- No longer starts with a BAR. Can upgrade a single BAR for 60 munitions.
- Now has ‘Push Forward’ ability. When active on a friendly squad, the target unit will move faster. 15 munitions, 10 second duration. Range 30; 60 second cooldown.
- Squad reinforce cost standardized to 28 per model.
- Population from 8 to 7
- Squad reinforce cost standardized to 28 per model.
- Cost from 300 to 280 (replacement squad)
- Veterancy 2 weapon cooldown from 15% to 20% (to match other squads)
M4A3 Sherman
We are adding consistency to the HE shells.
- HE shells now ignore terrain
- HE shell distance changed to 0.75/1.5/2.25 to 0.5/1.25/3
Paratrooper changes are mostly to normalise Airborne Paratroopers with Recon Paratroopers.
- (Airborne) Paratrooper demo charge deals additional damage vs teamweapons
- (Recon) Now plant mines faster to match other factions
- Can now purchase 2x Thompson guns if they only have 1 slot left
- All Paratrooper squads now receive a -15% reload time at Vet2
- Removed +10% accuracy from Vet0 Recon paratroopers
- All Paratrooper squads receive passive healing at Vet2
- HE far AOE from 0.05 to 0.15
- Popcap reduced from 10 to 9
before anyone screams assymetry both ost and okw dont have any advantges assymtry wise left but the other factions sniper,nor mortar,no proper at gun,weeird teching paying more for side grades,no sniper,far inferior commander abilites,almost all commander units nerfed....etc..
oh look jackson was buffed with health while making jadtiger and elefant even more useless....might as well delete sturmtiger from the game too |
holy shit at those usf infantry buffs and popcap reduction in general .... and the amount of veterncay they recieve in just vet 3
meanhiwle obers and falls are already nerfed,jaditger and sturmtiger already turned useless......and some of the vet on okw units is worse than vet 3 of other faction lmao
and mr smith you didn't answer my question about falls losing to ver 3 double bar rifle,you lie and then ignore me lol i am not letting that happen
yes turn jackson into some uber tank destoryer...........see this is what i mean by a few posts back this ridiculous homogenization without any resemblance to the actual power relatively original
Did you contacted devm on leig changes or usf too |
If we're talking five levels of veterancy:
Five levels of veterancy should have never put OKW above other units after their initial change from the resource-starved faction to what we had in December 2015. It should have put them on-par, but give them additional tricks and abilities to help them out. OKW don't cost more than the other side as part of a random mark-up. Their cost is based on their performance in-game and has been adjusted to such.
You still have the flavor of veterancy 5 and you get things that most units either need an upgrade or doctrine to get. Paratroopers need LMGs to get suppression abilities. Obers get that as part of their veterancy package in Revamp that you can use to turn the tide without taking away any of their combat bonuses that they would get later on which are on-par with EFA.
Veteran Jagdpanzers are still lethal when attacking from ambush, but there is no justification for why that a level 5 Jagdpanzer should deal 400+ damage from stealth which is more than a Jagdtiger or Elefant.
are you gonna give okw sniper,mortar,better commander abilites because they dont seem to have any asymmetry advantage over other factions now and the nerfing of units isn't helping it either...
in the end yo u can defend this all you want if these changes go live somehow the winrate will speak for themselves and the near nonexistent use of units like jadtiger,sturmtiger...etc
although i do aprreicate some of the qol cahnges and changes to chesse like demo's...if only they weren't to mask axis nerfs |