Oh yeah, escpecially AT performance was buffed, right? no no it wasn't. B4s ability sucks now. You pay 60 ammo for 400 of damage and closeish range. |
Sorry to dive in here, but is that certain scenario really that common? I feel like this is not really a notworthy point in this whole debate.
Yes I've had situations when that increased damage would help a lot while fighting light vehicles. And even if it's not so common, the change would still greatly increase IS's potential while used in conjunction with PTRSs and SU 76s. |
In a vacuum 200 damage would mean a whole lot, but the soviet have a some "sub standard" AT that it would make a difference for. A wham bam with a su76 and an IS-2 would be half a p4s health for example, or in conjunction with PTRS' you cound find some ttk shaved. Half the stock AT the soviet have would see a difference.
Plus, even though it's only 40 more damage, you notice when a firefly hits you. It would do a bit to make the tank FEEL more powerful, even if ttk itself is wholey unchanged.
Right now the is 2 is a good tanks, a reliable tank, but not an interesting tank. And since it's only in 2 commanders the lack of interesting sort of waters down the draw of those commanders. At least for me.
Again, it's not necessary. But it would be nice
Exactly what i'm talking about. Not only it would perform better in conjunction with some other AT sources (like PTRSs you've mentioned), but it would also increase it's performance against puma and luchs. The tank would stand out more and would have greater fear factor |
the is-2 has 50% more pen than the kv-2 and even on armor piercing ammo the isu barely has a 10 pen advantage (and that only at close range, which is not exactly where you'd want to be with a casemate tank).
I meant that it has the same pen that ISU, not KV. Previously someone was mentioning that people would rather have more rof than damage per shot, the ISU, hell even the KV with it's 150 pen proves that it's not the case.
also, while i can relate to the sentiment that the AT performance of the 122 mm feels kind of inferior to what you'd expect from such a large caliber, its effect vs soft target is acually quite well represented in the game.
By soft targets I meant 222, 251, flak truk etc, sorry for the inconveniece. I am fine with it's current damage vs infantry, but I think that AT damage should be increased to 200 and then AI should be adjusted to be similar to what we currently have. You can even cap the damage to 3 models per squad, so even if it manages to kill 3 models, you will always have time to retreat. The tank should be more all-rounder that we have now. |
Dshk machine gun stops firing when suppresed or pinned and using the armour piercing ability |
I didn't say the Panther's penetration was the only thing it has going for it. It was a more general point that players tend to prefer a reliable unit over an RNG one (which we can see when looking at the patches over the last years across all types of units and in general the changes have been perceived positively).
A single StuG has actually slightly better (calculated, so theoretically expected) damage output than a Panther, even against an IS2, and you can buy two of them for a similar price. And if we consider that there will be a TD and ATGs pushing as support, even the Panthers armor and health advantage is not as big anymore. Now don't get me wrong: I am not saying the Panther does not have any advantages, what I am saying is that with a bit of micro, you can organize a defense against an IS2 just as effectively with StuGs. However, every now and then, the first shots will just bounce or miss, and if one of your StuGs will have to retreat at that point your defense is quite weak. The Panther is WAY more reliable in that regard.
I have defended with StuGs against heavies already. It works. Sometimes you can miraculously delete a heavy tank within the blink of an eye almost. But sometimes your whole defense breaks due to RNG and you can do nothing about it.
I'm pretty sure that vast majority of IS-2 users would love to see a change in alpha damage. Very often you can push with your heavy only for a moment, so you get only one shot in, and the increased alpha it would greatly increase IS-2's potential in those engagements. We can currently see that KV-2 is preforming really well, and so is ISU. I don't see anyone complaining about ISUs randomness, and those tanks even get the same penetration.
IS-2's description even says that it has a powerful gun. I don't think that it's performance against soft target resembles powerful gun.  |
Yes. KV-2 is much much better at AI than IS-2 but is also less agile. Furthermore, it's penetration values are quite low so on the off chance it penetrates... sure. You do 240 dmg. But unless the enemy is throwing a P4 at your KV2, KV2 ain't that great at AT.
KV2 at AT is some sort of support. It won't do the job on it's own, but it will scare off if there is a zis nearby. IS-2 on the other hand is more agile and can "solo" enemies easier. Don't neglect the IS-2's [much] higher penetration values, especially in team games where Panther/Tiger/KT spam is a thing. Having SU85, KV2 and what not on the field leaves you wide open to Panther dives. That is, if the enemy is not 90% of COH2 players and actually uses the margins and flanks to flank and go behind you.
I have used KV-2 in team games and it does the job at scaring enemies. When a diving panther gets 240 dmg on the side you can see how fast the germans click "U". Also It does half of it's damage when not penetrating, so you always get a hit. And actually KV-2 does great while 1v1 fighting a panther, even form the front. When i preformed tests, to my suprise, KV-2 would sometimes win with much more health left than the IS would. |
Fix the Soviet Advanced Warfare airstrike and please do something about IS-2 and Pershing. |
IS-2 is not OP nor UP. The reason it's not picked is because there are better commanders to choose and it comes too late. Tiger is the best heavy tank, followed by IS-2, splitting the place with KV-2. Generalist heavy ofc. Pershing is most likely dead last with a big vacuum between it and the next best thing.
Is IS-2 a bit underwhelming? Maybe. Is it underpowered? No.
KV-2 does way better job than the IS-2 due to it's powerful AoE and 240 damage when on penetration. Also it's ability makes it a viable support tank. KV on vet 3 can even become a very good damage sponge as it gets 1200 HP.
I simply can't think of a situation where IS-2 would be as useful as KV-2, and judging by the current KV-2s performance i thought that higher damage per shot would be a welcome change in the IS |
>any real statistical revelance for balance/like
yea no especially if it's only 50 people (of which some probably don't even play)
poll on the internet are only for memes and clout
I know, but pickrate for that tank is still very low compared to other heavies and the vehicle simply does not posses a threat. |