
russian armor

How are Infantrysections since patch?

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27 Sep 2019, 20:47 PM
avatar of T.R. Marcel

Posts: 26

I also think theyre pretty good as they are atm
29 Sep 2019, 15:50 PM
avatar of rqd

Posts: 65

I think they lose health too fast in early game combats, if they can't get into cover in time. Maybe need to buff their RA out of cover a little and cut some in cover RA buff.
2 Oct 2019, 12:05 PM
avatar of Pereat

Posts: 56

Their current strength does not justify them not having AT nades as they are very comparable to other mainline inf. I'm not saying they should get it - but if IS strength comes at a price, why are they still paying the price when their performance is not exceptional.

My biggest disappointment with the balance change is that you can not flank mgs if there are pioneers around as they will contest the running/not-in-cover IS easily. Hence the biggest imbalance is 200mp builders holding their ground vs 280mp mainlines.
2 Oct 2019, 13:04 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Oct 2019, 12:05 PMPereat
Their current strength does not justify them not having AT nades as they are very comparable to other mainline inf. I'm not saying they should get it - but if IS strength comes at a price, why are they still paying the price when their performance is not exceptional.

My biggest disappointment with the balance change is that you can not flank mgs if there are pioneers around as they will contest the running/not-in-cover IS easily. Hence the biggest imbalance is 200mp builders holding their ground vs 280mp mainlines.

Their current AI strength doesn't make them worth 280 MP either.

Overall UKF is garbage after patch, feels almost like they didn't just soft-remove the Bofors but the entire faction. They are just not good enough anymore.

As you said playing against Ostheer now is insanely hard. You can't counter MGs, you can't counter PGrens and none of your tanks is better than the Ost variants. No matter if it's Centaur and Ostwind, Cromwell and P4, Comet and Panther or the Churchill variants and Tiger. On top of that UKF still has no non-doctrinal mortar, no flame thrower, no rocket arty and the highest costs for upgrading their infantry due to the 35 fuel you have to invest for bolster.

And playing vs OKW isn't much better either because you can't deal with the Falls and Obers whatsoever.
2 Oct 2019, 14:38 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Their current AI strength doesn't make them worth 280 MP either.

Overall UKF is garbage after patch, feels almost like they didn't just soft-remove the Bofors but the entire faction. They are just not good enough anymore.

As you said playing against Ostheer now is insanely hard. You can't counter MGs, you can't counter PGrens and none of your tanks is better than the Ost variants. No matter if it's Centaur and Ostwind, Cromwell and P4, Comet and Panther or the Churchill variants and Tiger. On top of that UKF still has no non-doctrinal mortar, no flame thrower, no rocket arty and the highest costs for upgrading their infantry due to the 35 fuel you have to invest for bolster.

And playing vs OKW isn't much better either because you can't deal with the Falls and Obers whatsoever.

I'm a little surprised to see you say this. My two teammates who normally play Brits have said almost the exact same thing about UKF. The only additional thing they would add is that Brits have no counter to the double LEIG plus IR halftrack, short of a Sexton but game is likely out of hand by then. Sections don't last very long, even in cover, before they have to retreat or be wiped by the LEIG.
2 Oct 2019, 17:36 PM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

Sections with full upgrade and vet canbe somewhat fine late game but out of the box, they suck. The fact is the whole early - early mid game of UKF is suck and it prevent you from getting to the late game, where things are a bit better.
2 Oct 2019, 22:04 PM
avatar of Pereat

Posts: 56

IS have so many strong counter units that mess up the whole stay in cover thing. The faction was bottle necked into playing around one strong unit with careful advances which got fixed into a liability that the unit is now.

IS was nerfed disregarding their drawbacks as a unit. Grens were buffed disregarding their strengths.
2 Oct 2019, 22:57 PM
avatar of YeltsinDeathBrigades

Posts: 110

Imo they are nearly fine.
Only thing which seems badly to me is their price and building speed.
Here is true overnerf: previosly IS price and production speed was on this lvl because their early game spam was a thing. Now it is not: yes, IS-spam still be strong, but not that much, nothing scary like before patch.
So maybe there can be fix like with early pfusies? 270/260 mp instead of 280 and -3/5 sec for building speed?
3 Oct 2019, 02:18 AM
avatar of PanzerFutz

Posts: 97

Honest question: are there any other 4 man infantry units in the game that cost 280 MP?
3 Oct 2019, 03:13 AM
avatar of T.R. Stormjäger

Posts: 3588 | Subs: 3

Honest question: are there any other 4 man infantry units in the game that cost 280 MP?

For the first few minutes until you get bolster, then for 280mp you get 5 man squads.
3 Oct 2019, 03:25 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

I still think they just need some sort of nondoctrinal ranger/shock troop analogue (durable assault infantry) because they literally have no way of pushing besides just brute force, force that they don't really even have anymore. They obviously don't have to be as good as rangers or shocks, more on the level of pgrens I guess, but brits have basically no mobile options right now anad lack indirect and smoke and garrison clearance on top of that.

Basically if sections actually had support and were backed up by a different infantry type too they'd be fine. I find them useable when I don't expect them to do all the heavy lifting (literally just when I go commandos) or when they have the assault section upgrade but otherwise I see no reason to play brits.
3 Oct 2019, 03:29 AM
avatar of srider

Posts: 34

For the first few minutes until you get bolster, then for 280mp you get 5 man squads.

If you want to calculate it this way, you need to consider the reinforcement cost for the 5th model.
So essentially any section squad built pre-bolster effectively costs 280 + 28 = 308 manpower.

In terms of balance, I think the general feeling is that they are very close to being in the right place, but there are too many instances where they don't perform as intended in real in-game situations. Cost/build time tweak or in cover dps/RA tweak should be in order, but don't have to be drastic.

With that said, the current performance target for sections has bigger implication that others have already touched upon. Commando or Royal Engineer performance should be looked at.

One out of the box idea is maybe just make engineers 5 squad from the start and allow them to build heavy cover.
3 Oct 2019, 04:32 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

To improve UKF early game, i suggest swapping royal engineer and Universal carrier. RE in T1 provide early capping power and close range defense. Add a fuels cost of 10-15 to UC and put it in T2, allow troops to fight from inside of the vehicle and add an armour upgrade, cost fuel, to bring it up to M20 lv, add a smoke pot to it.
3 Oct 2019, 04:40 AM
avatar of Support Sapper

Posts: 1220 | Subs: 1

Re then can use vet to gains grease gun profile for their sten, or upgrade to 2 Thompson.
3 Oct 2019, 04:58 AM
avatar of distrofio

Posts: 2358

Let IS attack from inside a UC
3 Oct 2019, 07:44 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

My biggest problem with Infantry Sections is that you are stuck getting the healing upgrade on every squad as this will be healing for your entire army unless you build a FHQ at home and add medics to it, making it the largest and most expensive medic bunker in the game. This also means you won't get any use from your artillery unless you are good with the Sniper or go for Royal Artillery and just spend munitions on barrages. If you're in a team game you can have a USF player spare an Ambulance for you which is a major help, and lets me feel like I have some breathing room, but you cannot do this in 1v1 or with multiple UKF players.

Now this part goes for USF too, but something I've observed in a lot of replays and in my own gameplay is that outfitting an army with small arms is hard. The side tech seems to exist just because it does, it doesn't allow you cheaper or better weapons than Ostheer or OKW's default availability. Bren guns not as good as an MG 42, likewise BAR's are not even on the level of a single Panzergrenadier; despite you needing to tech before you can even buy these upgrades. The system feels balanced around the idea that you can and will get two of them, and I don't like that. I'd much rather be stuck with one that works well, rather than 1 that barely works because the system was designed with the idea that I'll be doubling up. Alternatively, just knock the price down so it's not so expensive. As traditionally munitions starved Ostheer, I always find munitions to give every Grenadier an MG 42, or Panzerfaust every tank. When I'm playing USF however I feel like I'm constantly struggling to arm every Riflesquad with BARs, while Bazooka's aren't even worth taking a Rifle out of the squad, let alone the 50 munitions!

Thematically speaking, it's weird for the British to not have easy access to Bren Guns, because like Grenadiers and their MG 42, the Tommies based their firepower around the Bren.
3 Oct 2019, 09:38 AM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

1 bren cost less than mg 42

1 bar is better than 2 stg form okw, and did u really expect a bar to beat pgren at close range ? do stg or mp40 volks beat shock troops ?

ukf has the best healing of the game, being mobile and always viable in an area and on ur main line for free after paying 30 mun

3 Oct 2019, 21:30 PM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

1 bren cost less than mg 42

1 bar is better than 2 stg form okw, and did u really expect a bar to beat pgren at close range ? do stg or mp40 volks beat shock troops ?

ukf has the best healing of the game, being mobile and always viable in an area and on ur main line for free after paying 30 mun

That's missing the point, but it was late and I was rambling a lot, so I should have chosen my words better. I didn't mention Volksgrenadiers, other than them and Grenadiers getting their upgrades far more easily. The comparison to Panzergrenadiers was just to highlight how weak the BAR is for something that costs so much to get, same with comparing the Bren to the MG 42. The side tech seems to be a speed bump with no benefit. If the guns were cheaper to equip at the cost of requiring tech, then it'd be worth it. As it is, USF/UKF have to pay for something that their adversaries gain for free, and have to go back to HQ to pick it up.

I despise UKF infantry design, there's one way to build, and no room for alternative strategies. So not only do you lack options for infantry, you don't even get options on how to build the one squad you do have, because there only is one good build. You need to upgrade medkits, or you won't have healing until you build the forward healing station at your base or go for Glider Medics if you have that doctrine. So the only build you ever really see is Double Bren Medic Section, very boring, but very practical given the circumstances.
3 Oct 2019, 21:37 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

That's missing the point, but it was late and I was rambling a lot, so I should have chosen my words better. I didn't mention Volksgrenadiers, other than them and Grenadiers getting their upgrades far more easily. The comparison to Panzergrenadiers was just to highlight how weak the BAR is for something that costs so much to get, same with comparing the Bren to the MG 42. The side tech seems to be a speed bump with no benefit. If the guns were cheaper to equip at the cost of requiring tech, then it'd be worth it. As it is, USF/UKF have to pay for something that their adversaries gain for free, and have to go back to HQ to pick it up.

I despise UKF infantry design, there's one way to build, and no room for alternative strategies. So not only do you lack options for infantry, you don't even get options on how to build the one squad you do have, because there only is one good build. You need to upgrade medkits, or you won't have healing until you build the forward healing station at your base or go for Glider Medics if you have that doctrine. So the only build you ever really see is Double Bren Medic Section, very boring, but very practical given the circumstances.
god every fucking time, i know everyone who plays coh2 is bad with math but we literally have a thread with cost for all faction

they pay the same as allies (either more or less depending of the faction) cause they pay more for teching


the allies have the advantage to skip those to get LV or tank faster (example ukf can get centaur the same time as an ostwind but osther has to give up all tier only playing with pio mg and pg, ukf keeps all tier units and snares) and can double up them

and btw why are u saying bar are bad when volks stg are worse ? well ig ues since it has a start on it , it must be UP :snfPeter:
6 Oct 2019, 20:55 PM
avatar of Pereat

Posts: 56

god every fucking time, i know everyone who plays coh2 is bad with math but we literally have a thread with cost for all faction

they pay the same as allies (either more or less depending of the faction) cause they pay more for teching

Every time you post I ask myself are you misleading people on purpose or just yourself bad at math? The claim you state is that axis pay more for tech. Taking the numbers YOU YOURSELF have posted, to get to end-tech as cheaply as you can cost as follows:

Brits: Platoon: 180/30, Company: 280/115, Anvil/Hammer: 200/50. Making it 600mp 195 fuel

OKW: Truck#1: 100/15 , DeploymentT2: 200/25, Truck#2: 100/15, DeploymentT4: 200/120. Making it 600mp 175 fuel (They start with 15 less fuel that doesn't account for 20 fuel difference vs UKF tech and could be argued that their end tech is relay the bonus KT they get for all the buildings deployed)

OH: BP1: 100/40, BP2: 200/90, BP3: 100/25, T4: 100/25. Making it 500mp 180 fuel

At this point the end tech is unlocked and axis have nades and weapons fully unlocked for their units while paying LESS for teching. You can choose to pay more by making extra buildings but the numbers
here is where it stands.

Stug life has a rabbit of making convoluted arguments adding random thing into the equation, probably to trow people off.

If we would look just at mainline inf and teching: it takes OH 180/50 to unlock T2 (using this as it hard tied to nades and weapons for axis) and have nades and weapons and fausts available on grens, 300/40 for OKW and 430/55 for UKF to have T2 AND weapons + nades. AGAIN. More expensive for UKF. Not even counting the extra 80 mp OH start with.
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