Since bolster has been a problem early game, I think we should delay bolster and give 4-men tommies enough tools to help them fight to mid game.
These are my suggestions:
Base side techs: nade, hammer and anvil (available when you reach commpany cp, cost unchanged)
Grenade cost to 80mp 5fu (-5 fu)
Upgrade cost to company cp: 180mp 35fu (+5 fu), auto unlock nade when finished.
So UKF player can choose to buy early nade, or get free nade when teched up.
Platoon cp side techs: weapon rack, AEC and bofors
Weapon rack cost to 150mp 10fu (-5 fu)
AEC and bofors upgrade unchanged, still locks out each other at this moment.
Upgrade cost to Commany cp: 180mp 75fu, auto unlock weapon rack when finished, and unlocks base hammer and anvil upgrade.
The same as before, UKF player can choose to buy early weapon rack or get it for free later. Hammer and anvil available earlier to make more tech choices.
Since the Commpany cp upgrade cost is reduced, we need a "tank authorization" like OKW.
Commany cp grants acess to only 17 pounder, 2nd base howitzer and side techs without "tank authorization".
Commany cp side techs: "tank authorization" "bolster infantry squad" "escalate battle phase"
Tank authorization: 100mp 50fu, allows you to buy m10, centuar, cromwell, firefly, churchill and comet(churchill of all variants and comet still requires side teching).
Bolster: 150mp 30fu (-5 fu), infantry section and sappers can get an addtional squad member for 50mu, cost 1 weapon slot.
Escalate battle phase: 100mp 15fu, requires aec or bofors, unlocks another unit. So you can now get both aec and bofors.
If we make a tech tree like this, it will cost UKF players 35 + 75 + 30 = 140 fuel to reach bolster. By this time, OKW has already got a luch, WER has got vetted pgs on field or upgraded his grens with lmgs. Then we can revert some of the tommie changes (like restore 0.8RA) to make UKF early game balanced.
And what if we want to rush for a tank? UKF will need 35 + 75 + 50 = 160 fuel to tech for tanks, it is 20 fuel more but you get nade and weapon rack bundled, I would say it is not a bad deal.
So how do you guys think? I don't think bolster should be a mandatory upgrade, so I guess with a tech tree like this 4-men tommies with 0.8 starting RA can still be playable. |
Give it 60s timed HE rounds, so it can work like isu for limited time.
Actually it's just ele being better so we don't see JT, so give JT another ablilty to make it attractive I guess. |
Go for more practice instead of spamming posts of asking for buffs.
You can try playing usf or ukf and counter ACE with pershing or comet  then you will get another answer. |
Give USF at an upgrade which costs 60mu, grants +50 pen and +50% reload time, lock ap ablily(vet 1 take aim still usable), upgrade unlock when reaching major tech.
Then m36 can get a price reduction along with reload and/or health nerfs. |
IS balance is rather irrelevant to emplacements.
Grens are weak, need improvements!
But ostheer has the best teamweapons! Use them to support!
Why irrelevant? Balance should be of faction perspective. If you tone down emplacements, which is british style team weapons, you need to tweak their mainline. |
You need to reduce IS popcap and their reinforce time as well, so brits can field more mobile infantry to be enplacement operators. 7 sec for 1 model reinforcement and 8 popcap for a bostered IS squad, it is a bit too much.
Reinforcement 7sec -> 6sec & pop to 7 with boster should be fine imo. For comparison, USF rifles are 5.6sec / 7 popcap. It is certain that sections are not better than rifles as mainlines. |
Isn't the m20 still dominant in meta play?
Well it completely disappears in larger game modes. M20 loses its timing so now it is a situational unit in 1v1, going straight for stuart seems to be more meta. |
Current m20 is easily countered due to timing nerf and crew zook removal, especially by wermacht 222s.
So I think we could bring the crew zook back at a price of 50 mu? Skirts cost 70 mu so the power of m20 is still limited by muni income, and to get the upgrade you need to decrew m20 first and waiting for crew upgrade to complete...then it won't have timing issues.
Miss this unique feature of m20, hope we can restore it in some other form  |
Its barrage is still too inaccurate, I would rather trade barrage RoF for smaller scatter, so when you use barrage, it actually hits something. |
I dont want Stug at T2, i just want Stug to do better against Allies armor.
TWP sucks
Pen sucks with no vet.
The outdated idea that Stug is to deal with medium allies is flawed. Allies are faster/more accuracy on move. There is no room for Stug at 50 range non-turret, even worse once 60TD hits field.
Stug is only useful for back tech to supplement against IS/KV and Churchill. Supplement because Panther are overworked against heavy Allies armor. Supplement because you expect 50/50 chance you will throw the stug to get enough hit for Panther to hopefully move in, stop-stop to kill.
As such i think Stug is too expensive and/or cost inefficient
What about revert the rof nerf? Decrease the reload by 0.5s will be good since pre-nerf they reload 1 sec faster and are really op at trading shots. |