It'a all true.
My feeling is still that ost should get satchels with the advent of really heavy allied tanks so the game is even more balanced.
Allies can get snare with hand held at. Wich is overall less effective but more flexibel as a counter messure.
Ost has far more effective hand held at. But only available on 1 unit. And their dedicated at units the pak and stug have a snare. They have the strongest at mine.
Okw is the only faction with t0 at gun. And have non doc cloaking on their at units. And can move at better speeds while cloaked with vet.
Further more, ost had the ostwind buffed the pgrenz where buffed. Booating their ai and light at.

Pgrens dont need and do not deserve another buff.
With al due respect. To me this seems like the gras is greener on the other side of the fence situation.