I think it should be noted that even if we could buff the maxim, how would you intend to do it without forcing worse deathloop or making 6 men mainline with suppression. It's why I voted MG34 over maxim.
Also I don't like how people can vote and then not explain why. .org polls
MG34 is shitty. Its damage is crap and surpression is crap too. Surpresssion is shit due to the cooldown or long breaks it takes. It is just an inconsistent machine gun.
Buggy also, sometimes takes longer than necessary to shoot, as well as some support weapons has that issue.
I just dont see it as reliable at all.
If I talk about Maxim, sure its surpression is bad but look at the other things it has. Fast, maneuverable, deploy time, good damage, 6 man. It literally has one major downside which is its supression. The rest is mostly compensated.
For MG34, I do not see what compensates for the way it under-performs. All there is shit damage, many things. There is really nothing that compensates but just the bloody arc (cone area).