New Commander Submission - WEHRMACHT
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Posts: 1484

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1
Theme: Inspired by The Battle of the Bulge. Command has released it's best troops for one last desperate counterattack against the Allies. Sow confusion in enemy lines with Stormtroopers and Assault Artillery before unleashing a fierce combined arms counterattack utilizing the Panzer 4 Model F.
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: Stormtroopers
Slot 2: Assault and Hold
- Same as Infantry Doctrine
Slot 3: Blitzkreig
- Similar to Encirclement Breakthrough
- Global Combat Blitz for all vehicles (OKW Vet 1 Ability stats)
Slot 4: Assault Artillery
- Same as OKW Breakthrough
- Balance change - No longer requires to target strategic point.
Slot 5: Panzer 4 Aus. F
- Same stats as stock OKW PZ4
- Either Tier 3 or BP4 as balance needs. Other option to slightly increase fuel cost to match timings.
Strategy and Rationale - This is a commander focused on confusion and opportunistic aggression. This will set it aside from many of the other Ostheer commanders that are more defensive and reactionary. Infiltration by Stormtroopers and shells/smoke from Assault Artillery create opportunities to use Assault and Hold and Blitzkreig to strike decisive blows. The OKW PZ4 allows for more mobile and fast strikes using Blitzkreig than a call-in heavy otherwise would.
Other Options
I would consider replacing Assault and Hold with Counterattack Tactics from Mobile Defense - it serves the same purpose/theme but comes earlier to reward early lock-in, makes the commander less munitions use heavy, sets it apart from Infantry Doctrine, and makes the commander a little less powerful if the proposed one is deemed OP for some reason.

Posts: 789
Mechanized Support doctrine
This doctrine focuses on mechanized troops and AT
0cp - PanzerPioneers
- 4 man squad
- armed with mp40s
- Can throw satchel charges
- can be upgraded with 2 stg44s for 60 munitions
- can be upgraded with a flamethrower
- can be upgraded with a panzerschreck
0cp - SdKfz 250 half track
SdKfz 250 half tracks can be produced from the Kampfgruppe HQ (requires BP1)
Cost changed to 260mp, zero fuel
Stats changed to that of the Universal Carrier
2cp - panzer tactician
8cp - Light artillery barrage
12cp - Jagdpanther or Elite Jagdpanzer IV/70s
330/100 armour, 800hp
Same movement stats as the Panzer 4
Gun: 300 penetration, 180 damage, 0.5 AOE
- the elite jagdpanzer has a mg42 firing through its right hand side firing port (the dome thing)
[h2]Sorry for changing, but it was pretty garbled so I figured I’d clarifi [/h2]
Toggle between HE and HEAT rounds added to the StuG E - HEAT has the valentine’s gun stats with the OKW HEAT round animation added (edited)
HE rounds have current stats
Stug E requires BP 2
Panzerwerfer: smoke barrage on an independent cooldown added (it is a Nebelwerfer [smoke launcher] after all)

Posts: 7
Faction + Commander Name: WEHRMACHT; Urban Front Doctrine
Dominate the urban field with the power of MP40s and Incendiary bombing runs while your pioneers prepare Tanktraps and concrete bunkers to close off areas upon your flank while all being directed and used effectively by a Command Panzer
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: Assault Grenadiers
- Identical to Mechanized Assault Doctrine
- Updated to comply with Defensive Foctrifactions
Slot 2: Defensive Fortifactions
- Identical to Defensive Doctrine
- Available at 0cp
Slot 3: Hull Down
- Identical to the Hull Down we know
Slot 4: Incendiary Bombing Run
- Identical to Luftwaffe Supply Doctrine
Slot 5: Command PanzerIV
- Identical to the Command Tank we know
Strategy and Rationale: This commander will be more focused on Urban maps, Assault Grenadiers will be able to push aggressive taking advantage of tight corners and limited movement to punish ranged infantry. Pioneers can seal off areas of entry with fortified bunkers and tank traps aswell as hulldown tanks for maximum effeciency and range. The command tank will not only buff but defend your army and help prevent loss and the Incediary JU-87 strike will scatter enemy fortifactions of their own.

Posts: 712
This commander focuses on destroying enemy defenses
1st slot
Demolition package (0 cp, passive): allows pioneers to place demolition charges, gives them demolition charges to clear terrain like brit sappers and gives grenadiers the ability to throw bundle grenades like panzergrenadiers
2nd slot
Recon planes (4 cp, off map ability)
3rd slot
leFH 18 field howitzer (8 cp, buildable unit)
4th slot
Sturmtiger (11 cp, call in unit)
5th slot
Stuka bombing strike (12 cp, off map ability)

Posts: 61
Focused on agression and deadly strikes against the enemy.
0 CP. Assault Grenadiers.
3 CP. STG Package.
- Assault Grenadiers can be equipped with 2 STG 44 (munition upgrade).
- Panzer Grenadiers can be equipped with 2 infrared STG 44.
- Infrared STG 44 have only slightly better accuracy (compared to normal STG 44), but their accuracy against enemy infantry in cover or buildings is greatly improved (0.8-0.9 modifier).
- Infrared STG 44 mutually exclusive with panzerschrecks.
6 CP. Stuka Anti-infantry Strafe.
- Same as in CAS.
7 CP. Forced Engine.
- Muni upgrade. Similar to Jagdtiger engine upgrade.
- Increases acceleration/deceleration and vehicle rotation speed of upgraded vehicles (can provide different values for Pz. 4 and Pz. 5).
- Avaliable on all player's vehicles.
14 CP. Tiger Command Tank.
- Cost more than normal Tiger and requires more experience to vet.
- Can be upgraded with pintle MG or tank commander (+10% to main gun's accuracy, +5 to sight).
- Provides aura, which increases penetration of player's vehicles. Only main gun is affected (doesn't affect 251 for example due to obvious reason).
- Additionally, decreases reload time for tanks, if tanks within aura range use Blitzkrieg ability (vet 1 ability). Again, only main gun is affected.
- Aura affects only player own units (possibly at vet 2 provides decreased pen bonus to allied vehicles, but not a reload bonus. For example - player own tanks gain 20% pen bonus, allied tanks gain 10%).
- Aura doesn't affect command tank itself (possibly, pen bonus applies at vet 3 to command tank itself, but reload bonus doesn't apply).
- Early- and late-games call-ins.
- Improves scaling of infantry and allows more agressive play with infantry.
- Improves tanks late-game.
- Air support synergy with close and medium range infantry.
- Doesn't affect mainline infantry (grenadiers).
- Supplement Assault Grenadiers spam.
- No late-game artillery or air strikes abilities.
- Tiger costs more and avaliable later.

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1
OST – Grossdeutschland / Kampfgruppe doctrine
Theme: Mechanize and armor focus commander. Base concept is inspire by German “Grossdeutschland” division (and other armor division) that were send on breach part of the frontline. Equipt with newest weapons in German arsenal.
Unit and Ability Roster:
SLOT 1 – Assault grenadiers
Revamp and refresh existing unit to perform and scale better in late game. Things that should be changed and looked into:
• 0 CP
• Upgrades: “Offensive package” – reduces receiving accuracy and gives 2x stg44 weapon. Available after BF3 is teched up. Increase the late game performance – cost 60 ammo.
• vet bonuses revamp
• aditionally: Vet1 ability – “Hit the dirt” – allow to lay assault grens on ground which gives green cover. Similar to ppsh “hit the dirt” ability for conscripts.
SLOT 2 – Mechanize infantry training
Upgrade for base Ostheer infantry: pioneer squad and panzer grenadiers.
• require 4 CPs
• Pioneer team – “Heavy repair package” - gives heavy pioneer team upgrade similar to British Heavy Royal Engineer package. Increase the repair speed and effectiveness on battlefield (reciving accuracy). Sweepers can be pocketed – cost 50 ammo.
• Panzer grenadier – “mechanize support package” – ability gives: 3 g43 rifles and 1 mg42 lmg [changes Pgrens into long range elite infantry similar to Obers], allow to slowly repair tanks – cost 90 ammo.
SLOT 3 – Stuka zu fuss
Calls 251 HT equipped with heavy artillery rockets ready to fire on pointed area.
• 7 CPs
• Cost and effectiveness same as OKW version.
• Vetterancy bonuses equal to first 3 in OKW version.
SLOT 4 – Mark Target
Marks pointed enemy vehicle, tank or infantry unit.
• 8 CPs
• Same ability as the one available in Guard Motor soviet commander.
• Can also mark infantry squad for the same price
SLOT 5 – Panzer tank P4 “H”
Allow to build heavier version of Panzerkampfwagen IV - OKW version.
• 0 CP
• Buildable in HQ after upgrading BF3 (decision left to balance team)
• Cost: 400MP and 150 fuel
• upgrades: tank commander [increase accuracy and sight]
• Vet1 ability: panzer tactician or HEAT round
Strategies and Rational:
This commander focus on fixing already existing unit and allow Ostheer faction to start a totally diffrent form of early starting strategy.
Assualt grens are currently heavily underperform in mid and late game. They do their job effectively in early fights vs unvetted infantry sections and riflemen but when games go on and enemy reaches vet2 or is equipt with lmgs assault grenadiers becoming useless. Therefore to make this unit more interesting their vet system should be reworked and unit gains extra upgrade after BF3 is teched. Main reason is to avoild getting into the circle of overbuffing the unit in early game when it could outmatch any other mainline infantry. Stg44 package with extra reciving accuracy sound resonable and worth testing.
Slot 2 „Mechanize special infantry training” tries to give additional options to already existing base german infantry. What i notice is that ostheer lack of long range elite infantry options similar to obers and guards. Players who pick a commander with assualt grens is stuck in late game with no elite or vetted long range mainline infantry who could stand hords of ally squads. Therefore i came up with the idea of reworking panzergrenadiers and give them long range package (3 rifles and 1 lmgs42). At first it can sound overpower but that mostly the matter of balancing the statistics and performance in battlefield.
Stuka zu fuzz is additional antisupport tool which could help players heavily Focus on T3 build.
Panzer 4H is base on OKW variant with heavier armor that can use extra abilities like panzer tactician or HEAT round to better perform vs heavy tanks. Could be replace by a TigerCommand Tank that can buff nearby troops and be a replacement for TigerAce (but in my concept that unit gonna be revamp by a Tiger Tank „E” located in OKW new commander).
Additional Context:
Units that also could be used in this commander as replacement for meansioned above: “assault and hold”, “combine arms”, Command Tiger Tank (replacement for TigerAce), Hull Down or panzerfuzziliers.
Thanks to Smartie that gave me the main shape.

Posts: 45
Disclaimer: I can't remember off the top of my head the exact CPs for some of these abilities but they should be congruent with other commanders.
0 Cps - Panzer 2 Luchs (Note: Buildable from T2 but requires battlephase 2 ie like the puma)
0 Cps - Radio Silence
2 Cps - Recon Overflight.
4 Cps - Emergency Repairs
9 Cps - 105 Howitzer Barrage
This doctrine is basically designed with aggressive vehicle play in mind. It also tries to be a bit different, none of the usual suspects like Tigers etc.
First off, the elephant in the room, the Luchs. Having this in a Wehr Doctrine would be incredibly popular, I'm surprised no one has suggested it already. It would give a compelling light vehicle alternative to Wehr and when combined with Emergency repairs, this would be a powerful combination for the midgame.
The next great combo would be Radio silence and recon overflight. Having recon of your opponent while denying information to them about your own forces would be pivotal in dives, which is this commander's preferred play style.
What I envisage is a strong luchs mid game followed up by multiple P4s playing fairly aggressively, either making dives using radio silence and recon or making risky plays, not worrying about the damage suffered too much as this can be repaired quickly using emergency repairs. The coup de grace would be the all in with multiple vehicles, recon, radio silence and an arty barrage on the AT guns. You could replace emergency repairs with HEAT shells if you really wanted to, but I prefer the former.
I feel like the above abilities complement each other nicely, are not over suggested or over used and offer a distinct play style.

Posts: 1
Faction + Commander Name: Wehrmacht Blaue Division Doctrine
Theme: This commander can call in highly motivated and highly effective Spanish infantry of the Blue Division to fight alongside their German allies. Air support of the Blue Squadron is also made available, providing valuable intelligence with which to direct your forces. Together, they can muster an effective, flexible defense. However, care must be taken to mitigate damage from anti-infantry attacks, as the doctrine is reliant on infantry to maximize its effectiveness, and management of munitions will be critical.
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: Spanish Volunteers
Unit Details:
Similar to Wehrmacht Osttruppen
Call in unit, available from 0CP.
Similar to Wehrmacht Osttruppen
Costs 220MP, 20MP reinforce cost
6 man squad
Panzerfaust; Infanterie Kompanie (Tier 1) (Active, Existing)
Field First Aid; Veterancy 1 (Active, Existing)
Does not suffer damage penalty when not in cover
Is able to fire on the move
Captures territory at normal speed
Slot 2: Smoke Reconnaissance (Active, Existing)
Active Ability
Available at 0CP
Identical to Oberkommando West Stuka Smoke Reconnaissance
Slot 3: Spanish Field Officer
Unit Details:
Similar to Wehrmacht Artillery Field Officer
Call in unit, available from 2CP
Costs 240MP, 30MP reinforce cost
5 man squad
Only one active unit at a time.
If Officer model is killed, unit must be reinforced to use abilities.
Double Time (Active, Original)
Similar to Wehrmacht Tactical Movement
Costs 20 Munitions to activate
Activation: Direct
Duration: 20 Seconds
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
This experienced front-line Officer rallies surrounding troops to move faster. For 20 seconds infantry within a 20 meter radius will move faster.
Valourous Struggle (Active, Original)
Similar to Wehrmacht Concentrated Fire
Costs 30 Munitions to activate
Activation: Direct
Duration: 20 Seconds
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
This experienced front-line Officer can direct and motivate nearby soldier and vehicle crews to fight harder, with the effect being more pronounced on his fellow Spaniards. For 20 seconds infantry will fire with greater accuracy and vehicles will fire faster. German infantry have +15% accuracy and German vehicles have -13% reload time. Spanish infantry have +18% accuracy and Spanish vehicles have -15% reload time. Radius 20 meter.
Stalwart Commander; Veterancy 3 (Passive, Original)
Similar to aura of Wehrmacht Command Tank
Units benefitting from aura have a 0.8 received damage multiplier
Affects Spanish Units only
Radius 20 meter
Field First Aid; Veterancy 1 (Active, Existing)
Slot 4: Reconnaissance Overflight (Active, Existing)
Active Ability
Available at 4 CP
Identical to Wehrmacht Reconnaissance Overflight
Slot 5: Fighter Strafing Run (Active, Original)
Active Ability
Available at 8CP
Similar to Oberkommando West Airborne Assault
Costs 150 Munitions to activate
Two Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters are called in to strafe the area with their 20mm cannons, suppressing infantry.
Strategies and Rationale
Though at face value similar to the existing Osttruppen Doctrine, the Blaue Division Doctrine is distinct in that it focuses on an infantry heavy, yet mobile defense that is capable of adapting to the constantly changing tides of battle.
More expensive than an Osttruppen unit, the Spanish Volunteer unit in exchange does not suffer penalties to combat modifiers, and when used alongside the Spanish Field Officer, can provide a highly effective fighting force in order to repel attackers, or deliver a crushing counterattack. Individually, the Spanish Volunteer Unit can put up a good fight against most other infantry units, and is equipped with a Panzerfaust for dealing with vehicles. However, as with most other infantry units, they should be supported by dedicated anti-armor weapons or vehicles.
The Spanish Field Officer is more expensive than the Wehrmacht Artillery Field Officer, and for good reason. It is a highly valuable unit that functions to increase the combat effectiveness of nearby infantry, with his abilities being especially effective on Spanish Volunteer units. As with the Artillery Field Officer, the Spanish Field Officer has decent survivability, but can be quickly overwhelmed if he is not properly supported.
The reconnaissance air support available, which consists of the Smoke Reconnaissance, and the Reconnaissance Overflight, should be used to detect enemy troop movement and react accordingly, shifting your own units where necessary and coordinating effective retreats or defenses. The Fighter Strafing Run is most effective when utilized to defend against a wave of attackers or in preparation for a counterattack and subsequent push. It should not be relied upon, however, as the fighters can be shot down and the infantry will only be suppressed. Other units should be ready to move in and mop up the pinned troops.
Due to its units and doctrinal abilities, this commander will lean towards the use of munitions rather than fuel. Management of munitions will be critical, as well as effective use of the various abilities at the commander’s disposal. The few vehicles that would be constructed must be supported well, and be taken care of to prevent a crippling loss of resources.
Additional Context
In repayment for German assistance during the Spanish Civil War, Francisco Franco ordered that a volunteer army be raised in order to be sent to fight alongside Germany. The Blue Division was only used in combat against the Russians on the Eastern Front, so as to avoid conflict with the Western Allies. Even then, pressure convinced Franco to withdraw his troops in 1943, though many Spaniards remained behind of their own volition.
The Blue Division largely consisted of those who viewed the Second World War to be an extension of the anti-Communist struggle that Spain experienced during the Spanish Civil War. Many volunteers were soldiers, and veterans of the Spanish Civil War. Though noted to be undisciplined, and notoriously underequipped, the Blue Division were nonetheless vital to the German war effort. They were especially renowned for their efforts in defensive battles, such as the Battle of Krasny Bor, in which the Blue Division repelled a Soviet force that was seven times larger and was supported by tanks.
The Blue Squadron was the name of the group of Spanish pilots who flew German planes during the war, and they were credited with over 160 kills of Soviet aircraft, with 20 casualties sustained. Though the Blue Squadron never served with the Blue Division, this proposed doctrine includes them out of acknowledgement and respect.
Additional Notes
I am by no means a programmer or anything associated with game design, and I don’t want to presume anything, but the main issue one might find with this proposed commander is that its units are Spanish.
Even knowing what little I know, I’d like to think that I’m aware of how much effort recording voice lines takes. If maximum immersion is the aim, then it might be jarring to hear German accents come from Spanish characters, though you could just as easily explain it as the Spanish soldiers having learned English from the Germans, thus their German accents.
In regards to the fine tuning of the specific units, I’m again by no means a master of game design and balance, so the numbers I’ve provided are merely general assumptions and estimations based on my intended idea.

Posts: 45
Disclaimer: I can't remember off the top of my head the exact CPs for some of these abilities but they should be congruent with other commanders.
0 Cps - OKW AA Halftrack (note: available from T2 structure)
1 Cps - For the Fatherland.
2 Cps - Field defences
4 Cps - Sector Smoke
9 Cps - Rocket Barrage
First off, let me explain what some of these abilities are.
Field defences is basically a soviet style forward head quarters that you can upgrade ambient buildings with. Ideally this would have a resource cost akin to coh1 forward hqs and provide healing and reinforcement. Additionally this ability would grant access to the same bunkers that come with the Defensive Doctrine.
Sector smoke would basically be the smoke barrage that comes at the end of the breakthrough arty strike. Can be planted on either friendly, neutral or enemy territory, 50 munitions.
Now that that's out of the way, the aim of this doctrine is to somewhat mirror the Defensive Doctrine in Coh1 in a way that the Defensive Doctrine in Coh2 does not. FHQs and FTFL would be a classic combination, just like med bunkers and grens were in the first game. The AA HT would be a complement to this more passive playstyle. Sector smoke can stunt an enemy's assault temporarily and finally the rocket barrage can be used to ward off your opponent.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Thematically this a doctrine gives access to unit represent the German army in it last day with a number of low cost unit that perform average.
Cp 0 Panzer IV Ausf. F1
The sort barrel version of PzIV can be from HQ require BP3 (alternatively built in T4 or maybe T3).
Chances to the units Gun.
The gun now has 2 firing modes direct and indirect.
Indirect fire mode work similar to Stug-E with sorter range (since they use the same gun).
Direct fire mode uses Gr.38 Hl/C HE AT around that have little AOE and low penetration but do deflection damage (80-40)
Vet Ability:
The unit can go on lock down similar to KV-2 gaining increased range to 50(?)
Cp 0 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18
The Okw LeIG unit can be built from HQ.
Changes to the gun
The gun now has 2 firing modes direct and indirect.
Indirect fire mode work similar to OKW version.
Direct fire mode uses Hollow charged arounds that have little AOE and low penetration but do deflection damage (80-40) with a range down to 40-50.
Cp 0 Volksstrum
A 5-6 entities unit built from HQ modeled after conscripts.
cost 250 manpower
Hit the ground
Panzer faust (requires unlock BP1)
Molotov, with faster animation/range since no access to ourah(requires unlock BP1)
Cp 2 Panzerabwehrkanone 36
The german version of M-42 gun.
Cost 200 manpower.
Same characteristics as the Soviet gun.
Cp 6 Panzerjäger training
Researched at HQ for 100/50-80.
Volksstrum can now upgrade to Panzerjäger being able to equip 2 Panzer fausts that are modeled after bazookas but can be unequipped. Also have a Panzerwurfmine AT grenade as snare.
Pak 36 gets the ability to fire a single Stielgranate 41 with increased penetration.
CP 0-7 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 II - Rocket launcher Stuka zu Fuß
A weaker vesion of the OKW unit ether built able from HQ requiring BP 2 or a call-in.
Changes to the unit:
The unit now fires 2 incendiary rockets with each barrage suite to soft up enemy defenses or it can deliver smoke.
Counter fire. The ability is designed to counter enemy self propelled guns so it fires all 6 rockets of HE munition with increased range and flight speed.
The commander greatly increases the versatility of rigid Ostheer tree. V.St. allows to to avoid T1, Pak 36 allows avoiding T2 PzIV F allows T4 strategies.
Stuka zu Fuß on the other hand allows T3 only strategies.
Historically the Commander represents the German army during the last stages of the war where everything available is thrown to battle.

Posts: 23
Volksstrum Doctrine or Reserves Doctrine or Valkyrie doctrine Total War Doctrine
Thematically this a doctrine gives access to unit represent the German army in it last day with a number of low cost unit that perform average.
Cp 0 Panzer IV Ausf. F1
The sort barrel version of PzIV can not be built in T4 (maybe T3).
Chances to the units Gun.
The gun now has 2 firing modes direct and indirect.
Indirect fire mode work similar to Stug-E with sorter range (since they use the same gun).
Direct fire mode uses Gr.38 Hl/C HE AT around that have little AOE and low penetration but do deflection damage (80-40)
Vet Ability:
The unit can go on lock down similar to KV-2 gaining increased range to 50(?)
Cp 0 7.5 cm leichtes Infanteriegeschütz 18
The Okw LeIG unit can be built from HQ.
Changes to the gun
The gun now has 2 firing modes direct and indirect.
Indirect fire mode work similar to OKW version.
Direct fire mode uses Hollow chanrge around that have little AOE and low penetration but do deflection damage (80-40) with a range down to 40-50.
Cp 0 Volksstrum
A 5-6 entities unit built from HQ modeled after conscripts.
cost 250 manpower
Hit the ground
Panzer faust (requires unlock BP1)
Molotov, with faster animation/range since no access to ourah(requires unlock BP1)
Cp 2 Panzerabwehrkanone 36
The german version of M-42 gun.
Cost 200 manpower.
Same characteristics as the Soviet gun.
Cp 6 Panzerjäger training
Researched at HQ for 100/50-80.
Volksstrum can now upgrade to Panzerjäger being able to equip 2 Panzer fausts that are modeled after bazookas but can be unequipped. Also have a Panzerwurfmine AT grenade as snare.
Pak 36 the ability to fire a single Stielgranate 41 with increased penetration.
CP 0-7 Sd.Kfz. 251/1 II - Rocket launcher Stuka zu Fuß
A weaker vesion of the OKW unit ether built able from T3 or a call-in.
Changes to the unit:
The unit now fires 2 incendiary rockets with each barrage suite to soft up enemy defenses or it can deliver smoke.
Counter fire. The ability is designed to counter enemy self propelled guns so it fires all 6 rockets of HE munition with increased range and flight speed.
The commander greatly increases the versatility of rigid Ostheer tree. V.St. allows to to avoid T1, Pak 36 allows avoiding T2 PzIV F allows T4 strategies.
Stuka zu Fuß on the other hand allows T3 only strategies.
Historically the Commander represents the German army during the last stages of the war where everything available is thrown to battle.
Wow I love this idea.
I suggested something similar to okw.

Posts: 186
This doctrine should allow the Ostheer to operate more offensive in urban areas.
0 CP (locked behind t3 or t4 building) Shortbarrel P4 F1
cost 320 MP 100 Fuel
2 CP Urban Panzergrenadiers
cost 340 MP
2/4 CP Smoke Bombs (same as storm doctrine, german mechanized or fallschirmjaeger)
cost 40 Munitions
6 CP Armored Assault (time limited vehicle buff)
cost 70 Munitions or 30-40 Fuel
12 CP Strategic Bombing (Plane based offmap strike single pass no loiter)
cost 240 Munitions
Regarding Abilities
The Shortbarrel P4 should be reworked to function as a pure antiinfantry vehicle that is accessable in t3 and t4 building and should be a middleground between the Ostwind and the Brummbar while not being able to take on all targets like the Longbarrel P4. I think it could work to modificate it to perform similar to the HE rounds of the m4a3 sherman.
The Urban Panzergrenadiers should be a 5 man squad with m40s which can be upgraded with a flamethrower similar to Assault Engineers. I think double flamethrowers or midrange STG44s would make the Unit overperform easily. The Unit shouldn't get grenades of any kind to force the use of combined arms and to stop a unit like this from steamrolling enemy defenses which either Smoke or He grenades could allow, however a satchelcharge to dismantle british emplacements or to wear down Soviet forward headquarters would fit the theme.
The Smoke Bomb Drop could be useful to block the vision of single passways through urban areas and allow infantry to close in on entrenched positions. The ability is currently at 2 different CP levels for Ostheer and OKW (4 and 2) i think the later should be the right CP level for all other doctrines aswell.
The "armored assault" should allow Vehicles to close in on enemy positions and offering them either 0.75 moving accuracy to hunt down fleeing units or improved reload or aim times for standing targets. I think it could be interesting to have abilities to improve the usefullness of the featured tank in this doctrine. The price and exact values might be unfitting if it is possible i would recommed this ability to use fuel like the ability from the encirclement doctrine which allows vehicles to cap territory points. The usage of fuel would slow down teching if it gets used often and early in the game but would allow on the other hand the usage of the other abilities which work quite well together.
The "Strategic Bombing" should be somewhere between the soviet IL2 precision bombs and the british air supremacy operation. It should be less accurate as the Stuka Dive bomb which is a precision strike but also shouldn't feature many planes like the air supremacy operation so the best way would be to have a rather broad area of effect to level single buildings with some delay as this ability should be used in a strategic manner and only punish defensive not slow players.
The historical context of this doctrine would be the early war offensive actions (operation barbarossa) carried out by the Wehrmacht 1941 and 1942, in which the Panzer 4 F1 where deployed and used for the first time.

Posts: 712
German combined arms defensive doctrine
Theme: combines useful abilities from various commanders, focusing on defensive ones, givin an advantage to weapon support placement and defensive play. Also has a hull down tiger, who doesnt want to see a hulled down tiger?
1st slot
Panzer Tactician (2cp)
2nd slot
Recon planes (4cp)
3rd slot
hull down (5 cp)
4th slot
lefh 18 howitzer (8 cp)
5th slot
tiger call in (13 cp)

Posts: 89
0 cp Assault Grenadier
Call-in 280 mp
Global change: Assault grenadiers gain a new ability: anti-tank bundle grenade.
Essentially an anti-tank satchel charge similar to cavalry riflemen's ability and penal battalion, cost 45 munition
2 cp Assault Package
Grants grenadiers 3 stg-44s with the cost of 60~80 munition
or grants the squad an additional man and 2 stg-44s
The goal is to make grenadiers deal more damage in cost to medium range with this upgrade, but deal less damage in long range.
2 cp panzer tactician
Smoke launcher for armor
6~7 cp Puma
Global change: Puma is buildable from t2(same tier as 222 and 251), but only able to be unlocked when reaching the required cp
Has its price increased to 85 fuel
10~11cp Elite Panzer Crew
Call-in a vet3 Wehrmacht panzer IV equipped with HEAT shell.
Cost: 460 mp and 150 fuel
Can only be summoned once
Make puma useable... and give WM some options to counter mass valentine

Posts: 4

Eastern Front Infantry Doctrine
Utilize early-game tactics to gain the advantage and ramp up into heavy armour quickly.
The idea here is that the Player uses infantry-based tactics to allow them to more quickly ramp up to either medium tanks or the heavy tanks. Ostheer has a harder time versus light vehicles and the PaK 40 is the only effective anti-tank solution, which is built at a tech structure. The Panzerbuchse should allow infantry units to fend off light armour, such as T70 light tanks or AECs. If squads equipped with PzB-39s are not enough, a Raketenwerfer can be called in to aid in anti-tank ambush attacks, while Sturmschutzen and Infiltration Grenades are effective versus infantry. After gaining the advantage, limitless Tiger I heavy tanks can be called in to finish the enemy. Having access to anti-tank weapons and elite infantry from commander abilities creates an opportunity to skip Light Mechanized Command, allowing for a faster Tiger tank or other vehicles.
(0)Schwerer Panzer Abteilung
Allows unlimited construction of the Tiger I heavy tank at the Heavy Panzer Korps.
The Tiger costs 210 fuel and 620 manpower.
Pioneers, Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and Sturmschutzen can be upgraded with two Panzerbuchse-39s, effective versus light armour. Cannot be combined with other weapon upgrades.
Costs 50 munitions per squad.
Call in heavy infantry. This unit is effective at frontal assaults. Based on Grenadiers. Uses Obersoldaten visual.
300 manpower
4-man squad
Has 1.5 armour (gives a 33% chance to negate damage dealt by most small arms)
Armed with Kar98 (grenadier).
Can use Stun Grenade (requires phase 1).
Can use Panzerfaust (requires tier 1 or tier 2).
Can use Sprint.
Can use Med Kits (requires vet 1).
Can use Sneak (requires vet 2).
Can build bunkers.
Can be upgraded with 3x G43 for 60 munitions.
Should also be able to receive 4x StG-44, see below
I don't know why exactly, but the StG-44 can't become visible for the model (possible conflict with infrared StG-44?) so I couldn't get a 4x StG-44 upgrade to work properly. This weapon would work well with Sneak, Stun Grenades, their increased durability (1.5 armour) and the possibility to skip light mechanized command with this commander rules out Panzergrenadiers, which means that the Player will not have access to close range effectiveness. There really are no alternate models for this unit that work as well as honour_guard.
(3)Raketenwerfer 43
Call in a Raketenwerfer 43.
300 manpower
Same as Oberkommando unit.
(3)Infiltration Tactics
Allows Grenadiers, Panzergrenadiers and Sturmschutzen to use Grenade Infiltration, a low-cost grenade assault on a long cooldown.
Same as Oberkommando Scavenge/Special Operations.

Posts: 1
A commander that utilizes infantry, heavy artillery and bombing strikes to wipe out stationary, defensive positions.
Unit and Ability Roster
Slot 1: Breaktrough Tactics
0 CP same as OKW breaktrough tactics
Slot 2: Jaeger Command Squad
3 CP same unit as in the Jaegerinfantrie doctrine
Slot 3: Incendiary bombing run
6 CP same as from the Luftwaffe supply doctrine
Slot 4: SFH18 Atillery
8 CP 15 cm Heavy Field Howitzer is the standard heavy atillerie of every german atillerie battery. Just reuse the assets from the russian howitzer. It has the same caliber and bring german heavy atillerie to live.
Slot 5: Heinkel HE 111 Bombing Run
12 CP Use the assets from the Stratigic Bombing Run. The He 111 is already in the game so it should be no problem. Cost 200 ammunition. One run like sector assult.
This Doctrine is meant to help against heavy fortified enemy frontlines to siege cities like the Wehrmacht did with Sewastopol and Leningrad. The first two abilities are to disrupt enemy supply lines in the early game and bomb them to death in the lategame with falmes, bombes and heavy atillerie. Encircle, disrupt, build up resources, and finaly destroy the enemys with all the might the Wehrmacht has to offer. Backroundwise every infantrie division had 3 batteries of light and one of heavy atillery. Normaly sieges were done with two attacks: the main one and a distraction one. Jaegers were used as scouts to disrupt supply lines and to find targets for atillery and bombers.

Posts: 69 | Subs: 1
Slot 1 - 0cp - Assault grenadiers
Slot 2 - 2cp - riegel 43 halftrack mine
Slot 3 - 4cp - relief infantry
Slot 4 - 9cp - command panzer
Slot 5 - 13cp - Tiger
I am on my phone and found out about this post recently but wanted to submit a post still. All unlocks are currently available in the game and would remain unchanged (although it would be nice to have riegel mines take longer to defuse since they were so sensitive in real life.). Germany heavy tank battalions were active beginning in 1943 so makes sense to have riegel mines. Additionally mp40s were active throughout the whole campaign and tigers were active during 1943. The panzer IV with the smaller gun wasn’t produced during 43 anymore but it could make sense for an a “ace” crew to give advice/tactics to other tank crews on how to survive. Additionally the command panzer might help assault greens acale better into late game.

Posts: 1467 | Subs: 4
Here is a quick idea for OST:
- 0CP - Air Dropped Medical Supplies (identical to other ability)
- 3CP - Fallschirmjager Command Squad
- 440MP Cost - 44MP to reinforce
- Only 1 available at a time
- Abilities
- Build Flak Emplacement - 220MP 20Fuel
- Trench
- Tactical Advance (same cost/cd as the other ability)
- Schu Mine [Same as sturmpioneer one for OKW]
- Passive Camo (when out of combat)
- Recon Overflight [unlocked at vet one and costs the same as USF Major Recon)
- Build Flak Emplacement - 220MP 20Fuel
- 440MP Cost - 44MP to reinforce
- 4CP - Supply Drop (same as other ability for cost and effect)
- 8CP - Incendiary Bombing Loiter
- 150 Munitions, CD 2 1/2 minutes, Duration 30 Seconds
- Use on target territory point, planes loiter and cover the sector in fire, denying resource generation for the duration
- 150 Munitions, CD 2 1/2 minutes, Duration 30 Seconds
- 10CP- Anti-Tank Strafe (same as previously named ability)
The current air commanders and just air representation in OST is very redundant and doesn't give any Luftwaffe based units for the player to use, we tried to make this a niche commander that wasn't limited in use to team games or 1v1, but could potentially be used because of its variety.
We also figured since the Jaeger Command Squad exists, it would be interesting to limit a Fallschirmjager to limited use while retaining the style of the Jaeger Command Squad.
The reasoning for the Fallschirmjager squad to have abilites more geared towards defense play was to tie in the fact that a lot of them were trained for (or included in companies) that were focuses around Reconnaissance and Engineering.
To go over the "Incendiary Bombing Loiter" would include a bit more of a widely forgotten ability, but giving it more utility that other factions currently enjoy the benefit of, but allowing it still to fit in with the overall aerial design of the commander.
As an aside, the name is entirely working title.

Posts: 1220
After some talks with Talisman up late one night, we came up with a few commanders.
Here is a quick idea for OST:
Air Support
- 0CP - Air Dropped Medical Supplies (identical to other ability)
- 3CP - Fallschirmjager Command Squad
- 440MP Cost - 44MP to reinforce
- Only 1 available at a time
- Abilities
- Build Flak Emplacement - 220MP 20Fuel
- Trench
- Tactical Advance (same cost/cd as the other ability)
- Schu Mine [Same as sturmpioneer one for OKW]
- Passive Camo (when out of combat)
- Recon Overflight [unlocked at vet one and costs the same as USF Major Recon)
- 4CP - Supply Drop (same as other ability for cost and effect)
- 8CP - Incendiary Bombing Loiter
- 150 Munitions, CD 2 1/2 minutes, Duration 30 Seconds
- Use on target territory point, planes loiter and cover the sector in fire, denying resource generation for the duration
- 10CP- Anti-Tank Strafe (same as previously named ability)
The current air commanders and just air representation in OST is very redundant and doesn't give any Luftwaffe based units for the player to use, we tried to make this a niche commander that wasn't limited in use to team games or 1v1, but could potentially be used because of its variety.
We also figured since the Jaeger Command Squad exists, it would be interesting to limit a Fallschirmjager to limited use while retaining the style of the Jaeger Command Squad.
The reasoning for the Fallschirmjager squad to have abilites more geared towards defense play was to tie in the fact that a lot of them were trained for (or included in companies) that were focuses around Reconnaissance and Engineering.
To go over the "Incendiary Bombing Loiter" would include a bit more of a widely forgotten ability, but giving it more utility that other factions currently enjoy the benefit of, but allowing it still to fit in with the overall aerial design of the commander.
As an aside, the name is entirely working title.
sorry mate but no no no supply drop this ability is broken especially on maps like liene forest
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