Well I think this is a first: Elementary school math derailing a thread to this extent.
At least in my country every single student is expected to finish fifth grade (11 y.o.) knowing that 0.5=0.500=0.50000.
2nd: Every single ordinary human being is born with he ability to learn and develop critical thinking to help pick the facts from an argument and see how possible bias might impact the way of presenting such facts in a statement.
If Alex Jones said that 5<8 and then starting a rant about chemicals in the water turning frogs gay, the first part is still an objective fact. Nothing will change the fact that 5<8 even if the person saying that is a raving conspiracy theorist.
I don't know the motivation why people want to talk about such things on a discussion about the Panther and without speculating the reasons I think the outcome is the same:
Whether by intention or by accident the effect on this thread, this site, this game and this community is mostly negative from such off topic conversations.
I hope something can be salvaged from this discussion which has been mostly of good quality but the last page has been mostly off topic thread derailing irrelevant garbage.
So mission accomplished?
(Feel free to PM me if anyone wants to discuss OP Finnish fifth graders but this is certainly not the place for an elementary school math lesson)
- You are the one here not understanding.
I finally got StuG life to understand what I was saying.
Apparently you are lagging behind
I perfectly understand that 0.5=0.500=0.50000.
I fully, completely, absolutely understand the two mean the same thing.
Katitof understands.
Stug life took a moment to understand my point. He thought I disagreed because of that.
I did not. It was a separate topic.
You, however, still somehow found it possible to still misunderstand.
Something I hoped was quite obvious.
Stug Life even offered an explanation : Copy pasting from the original data
was flawed in the original source. (Inconsistant formating of data).
It was just a question, which got bloated as people thought I misunderstood.
I did not misunderstand. I simply asked a question.
I prefer the Panther to be a sniper than for it to be a brawler.
It doesn't have good accuracy-on-the-move.
It had superior optics and an amazing hypervelocity gun.
- It's range should not be nerfed.
- It's armor and HP should not be buffed.
If anything, I advocate giving it better range (50?)(Same as STUG)
and buffing it's MGs (It has 3!! Not 1 like Firefly).
I want it's damage buffed to 200. Maybe even giving it stun shot to replace Blitzkrieg.
(Blitzkrieg was a vs France and vs Barbarossa (and Greece!) tactic. Panther not used
in that role).
The Panther was created as a response to T34/76 swarms. And to eat KV1s.
I propose it be used as such. As a turreted StuIIIG with 3x MGs (3!).
But 50 Range.
- And to comments about it's speed being nerfed :
Replace Blitzkrieg with the StuG's stun shot.
And nerf the backup speed of all tanks by -66% ?
Otherwise, you can use a Kaufman retrograde. Which is partly why accuracy is so bad on the move.
NAME the Newtonian Reverse Manoeuvre - Frontier Forums - Frontier ...
Jul 21, 2014 - 15 posts - 11 authors
The Kaufman Retrograde. In essence it worked best for Federation starships with a long range weapon of constant damage (the photon torpedo). Attacking ships would have to spend power on shields, weapons and engines to catch up and overpower the Feds while they flew in reverse. As with Elite it was ...
Ahhh thanks I was drink and smoking last night so I wasn’t sure even if I was correct. Thank you for the info my friend!
My pleasure!

The Panther's role was not as a 'tank' (something that moves with infantry to eat machine gun bunkers)
It's role was specifically to counter the hordes of T34/76s while still being an infantry eater.
In other words, a TD, but German style (too much armor in front, too little on sides and rear).
True, TDs shouldn't be able to do both. But it's like the STG44. It's something new and special.
Kind of like the Sherman E8. (Eats tanks and infantry).
I do not want the Panther to become a KV1 brawler.
I want it to be more of a sniper like it was in real life. Like a turreted StuG covered in MGs.
- I disagree with the Jackson becoming a brawler. It became so as a response to the German
super armored TDs (Elefant, JgTiger) The M10 also got extra health a few patches ago. But they
made it come later, as well, making it completely useless).