Especially the audio design is so bland and takes so much away from the game. In CoH2 players can easily identify if a KT for example is fielded since you can hear it in the fog of war a mile away. Tank engines basically have a permanent mute button in CoH3 so you can’t utilize engine sounds to predict enemy movements. Everything just lacks “umph” – everything. Every battle truly tells a story while providing players with total immersion when the screen shows a massive explosion, but audio department disagreed and had active noise cancellation on. Except for the planes, big plane big engine big vroom.
It also heavily taxes the goodwill score of Relic when they are so truly dedicated to repeating the same mindboggling balance decisions that took years to fix in CoH2:
Call-in units without tech requirements: check
Call-ins without fuel requirements so map control does not matter: Gotta have those
Units with omnipotent maphacks: Game sense ™
Skillplanes that arrive instantly and delete full health tanks and inf squads: Skill issue surely
The commitment to stand behind such decisions is only enhanced by the fact that people who had to fix that garbage in CoH2 are now the people responsible for CoH3 balance at Relic.
Tl;dr it is not a Wish edition CoH but it definitely is an Amazon Basics one. At least it makes Dawn of War 3 release look polished.
10/10 on the ingame chat filter that censors words such as blob, con and second thou