As of right now I think most of the units in the game have a role in at least one game mode. (perhaps excluding partisans) They either complement a certain playstyle, make it unique entirely or the units are just strong on their own.
Even underutilized units have interesting concepts such as the artillery officer which basically provides endless panzerwerfer barrages or the B4 that either does absolutely nothing or wins the match in one shot.
However there is one unit that doesn't have a game mode or a situation it can shine in and calling it in is always an attempt to throw the match: the Soviet 120mm mortar. The damage and RoF of the unit leave much to be desired while the high price often makes them difficult to fit into a build order. In addition the price closely resembles the price of the superior non-doctrinal USF pack howizer.
I'm curious to know what would you like to see changed in the unit to make it a tempting option to use in a specific situation or game mode. I think the unit has an iconic sound and impact so it is unfortunate it sees so little use.
(Disclaimer: I remember the pre-nerf times when it had a better RoF and the instagib-a-support-weapon-for-free Precision Strike and I do not wish to see such frustrating game mechanics return)