Well you want something to be changed but only looking at one coin's side. USF mortar HT counter a certain Ostheer strat the same way spamming Ostheer mortat HT was countering an UKF particular strat when UKF structures were super strong. Few were complaining about the Ostheer MHT at that time and it hasn't been nerfed for reason, right the opposite in fact since UKF structures were nerfed and then Ostheer stopped naturally using MHT in every single game vs UKF.
Modders created a gap in USF design by removing smoke from RMs in the last patch, even if they had good arguments to take that decision. As a result, to fight multiple HMGs and Mortar combo, the USF MHT is the best tool as per today but I'm pretty sure that if
1- Give back smoke to USF RMs
2- Nerf overall mortar to Soviet's one level
People would stop to feel the need to call more than one of them if using one of the 2 commanders having it.
Nice to see we're back on track with the more objective arguments

. I can work with that.
Tbh I don't think the Ostheer HT was able to counter simcity that well at all in the last patch because of the repairs of Royal Engineers and Rep Stations from simcity doc. Never saw a game where that was able to counter it. And Ostheer mortar HTs were definitely in non-meta doctrines that were't often in loadouts (Elephant, Lightning War and Elite Troops was pretty much the meta combo, Spearhead didn't really contribute much compared to those except a theoretical way to deal with simcity) Usually the OKW leig spam was the way to go to slowly pick the emplacements apart.
I tried to get some more replay samples this morning but I have yet to get a good showcase match. Also I find it at least initially difficult to get used to the mortar HTs when I like the mobility of the normal USF mortar more and my standard build isn't too compatible with the Mortar HT strat. (lots of bugsplats and skill differences making games 2v3s etc, only good game I had would be better suited to a Jackson in a good spot right now discussion)
One of the reasons I'm not discussing the Ostheer support weapon meta is because its always been there and is not a new phenomenon. USF mortar HTs then again seem to be used much more nowadays even though USF has always struggled with weapon teams. So this is part of the reason I want to discuss this more recent meta. But as a side note I think that especially the brit mortar pits kept the Ostheer support teams on their toes and people didn't want to commit too much into them because of the fear of instagib counterbarrages and random hits wiping them. Now that wehr mortars are back on the top of the food chain they are used more liberally again. I find it equally frustrating when a 6 model con squad gets oneshotted, equally frustrating when a wehr support weapon gets instantly decrewed by a 120mm, equally annoying when your riflemen die to a single leig shell.
Now for the second reason I mentioned briefly earlier. I know this thread might seem biased and one sided. I would have no issue with someone making a quality thread about the entire concept of indirect fire, its questionable RNG elements and skill involved with using it with ideas for possible reworks etc. I would very much like to read and contribute to such a topic. But the issue is that it would require a lot of time and effort to make it a quality thread without it degrading into a whinepost with zero substance and being a competition about who can spam the most and yell the loudest. I think it might be harmful to discuss such a topic unless there are enough facts, replay evidence, viewpoints, consideration of snowball effects etc. If its done lazily there is a risk wrong conclusions might be made and balance changed in a negative way. (example: Katysha is underperforming --> better make it oneshot an OKW HQ to make it more useful) Personally I just don't have the time and motivation to start such a wide topic and provide all the necessary facts, evidence and deductions to make the thread a meaningful one.
As a final thing I find it a bit discouraging there has been total radio silence from Relic and the balance team. No confirmation of new patches, no feedback surveys about current gameplay, nothing. This is nothing new, just business as usual for Relic but still I never liked the lack of transparency on things where there was no need for it at all. For example let's say that someone wrote a brilliant novel length thread about how to make the soviet pea shooter AT gun viable in the meta. A lot of time and effort would have been invested into it. I think it would be pretty frustrating to hear that The Scope (tm) decided that the peashooter was forever to be fine as is and there would be no chance of it ever getting a rework. This is part of the reason I don't want to over-invest into a huge thread without knowing if it is going to be of any use. If the community would get hints into what things to focus their attention and what units performance should be discussed in the wake of coming changes I think the balance discussions might be a lot more fruitful.
If I had to make a personal partial rework of the light artillery pieces I might want to see autofire scatter increased a lot so that actual micro was needed in directing barrages. That way most mobile infantry would stay relatively safe by shifting cover and not getting bombarded to bits if they wouldn't be on the move at all times. Then again the barrages would get more accurate every shot so players who wouldn't react would get punished the most while the players who relocated weren't punished as severely (lower change of instagibs in general would be the result I would like to have)
Individual differences to factions could be done with different starting accuracy on the barrages, faster RoF on consecutive shells etc. The concept probably wouldn't work on large artillery pieces since counterbattery would always get to pinpoint accuracy at some point and kill the howi of the opposing side. That would start an endless cycle of one howi instagibbing another and having a new one build to instagib the previous one etc.
This direction would be my initial suggestion if I personally could dictate the direction artillery rework should take but CoH or any other game should never be changed on the basis of an opinion/ viewpoint of a single person and without it having the support of the majority of the playerbase.