Demos are not blobbing deterrent. They are blobbing incentiviser. Why? You only have one sweeper, so move the entire blob around your sweeper. Problem solved.Well, that clarifies it. Since you do not consider demo charges as a viable blobbing deterrent, it explains the change direction. As I said, this change is certainly vastly preferable to status quo, so I am thankful for it. I am also interested in how it will play out with the new garrison timers. Just saying this will not eliminate losing cappers to demos.
The tricky part is I can't say at this moment how often will I be able to spot the timer and save a squad that would have been wiped in the previous patch. If I can save roughly a third of my squads, then the number of squad wipes per ammo invested remains identical (on victory points and cutoffs only, not for demo charges placed on crossroads etc which will become history and is certainly a welcome change).
If I can save roughly two thirds, as I suspect will be the case in high level play, then this change will succeed in making capping squadwipes too expensive to be useful.
I can still see Barton using them in a tournament for an unexpected victory though.