OP= overpowered or overperforming
From there the discussion goes like:
HE thinks that the Croc might be OP but you jump saying that if he thinks so, then both KV8 and Croc should be OP as they have equal damage and are armored (wrong).
Just admit that you were wrong on thinking that equal damage means = DPS.
To make an example: Think about having CE mosins deal 8 dmg, Conscripts 12dmg and Guards 16dmg. Then Relic comes and makes all mosins deal 16dmg but they just nerf cooldowns, reload and accuracy on CE and Conscripts to keep the same damage output. Something simil happened with flame weapons.
Anyways, back into OP:
Just refer to what @Smith posted. If you want an opinion, the Hetzer is crap and the rest of the vehicles are fine.
Ever heard of sarcasm? And again, where am I accusing him of saying that the KV8 is OP? Not me saying it's OP, accusing HIM of saying it?
There's a difference, and if you think I'm nitpicking well then you're free to surrender and stop arguing with me then

On topic: Both are armored and both are very dangerous to infantry, I've noticed BOTH fry infantry and weapon crews alike in seconds, the Churchill IS the better Flamethrower tank unit of the 2 but the KV8 is the second best, all others pale in comparison to those 2.
And until someone shows some actual proof that the Churchill Croc is OP compared to the KV8 (a video showing the exact same scenario played by both tanks) I think this topic is done. Have a nice day.