SU -----

T-34/76: Thin front and weak pen, you never see any t34 above vet 2.
DShK: Low DPS relative to it's Slow ROF and long reload time.
KV-1: Having weak penetration makes it impossible for this unit to gain enough XP.
KV-8: Short range and burst duration and high XP requirements.
IS-2: Inaccurate, long reload time. Its only problem is frontal deflection and high HP.
Maxim: Is dead already.

Sturmpioneers: Bad design. High DPS while having low survivability. High XP requirements.
Kübelwagen: Bad design, available too early while being too fragile. Moving it to T2 and increasing range and HP would make it actually useful.
ZuFuss: Not UP, but the XP requirements are unrealistically high.
Sturmtiger: lol

Pioneers: Too fragile to participate in anything other than sweeping and repairing.
StuG III G: Can't penetrate anything.
Flakpanzer IV: Inaccurate and high XP requirements.
Panzerwerfer : Inaccurate and high XP requirements.

Stuart: Not effective against anything.