whats the difference between scatter angle and scatter distance?
Distance has to do with how far away your firing.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
whats the difference between scatter angle and scatter distance?
Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1
yup. don't depend on it to save a tank at the last moment, use it long before you think you'll need it. plus sometimes the first shot scatters to the side and doesn't block LoS completely.
now stuka smoke on the other hand... awesome global.
whats the difference between scatter angle and scatter distance?
Posts: 1072
I would absolutely love using mortar smoke if it could just reliably fire in a line that you decide. That would make it excellent for screening and allow you to have troops follow just behind the shells landing.
Scatter distance is how far (in range) the projectile can go from the desired target when it rolls a miss, in front and back.
Scatter angle determines how far the projectile can go from left to right, in a cone measured in degrees from the shooter.
So you put those two together, and then you can figure out the entire area a missed shot can go into.
Posts: 1637
If we are talking about kill power the Soviet mortar is more likely to kill more squads because it's shooting at 4 men squads more accurately so it doesn't need to fire as fast. Wether I play 1's or not it's relevant to the discussion at all.
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
Oh it is relevant. Because in team games when your talking Balance you can have a Jackson AND a Soviet Player with Mark Vehicle. In ones you dont. In team games having dead weight squads is perfectly ok because the other team member can make it up for you.
Things like FHQ will not be seen in 1s. Also the Soviet 82MM in 99% of the games will not be seen. Because its a waste of MP in most cases. Its good enough if you can spam them maybe but for just one 240MP squad....not so much. Where Osts will be seen quite often in fact....because...it just does more in the way of killing things.
And the current cover mechanics dont make for a good excuse for it to be so terrible. Because its been this slow to fire since release. Its just the SU76 of Mortars. The only thing worse is the PackHowi or ISG.
Posts: 1637
Whether it's better or worse than the Ostheer 81 is debatable, you say it's worse, I say it's about the same. But by absolutely no means is it terrible, the ISG and Pack Howi are finally useful with suppression.
The Soviet mortar is cheap, accurate, and is shooting at smaller squads than it. These things don't translate into "useless".
Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
Cool. Maybe you can show me a replay of you using it well in 1v1. Getting say 20+ Kills which is pretty common for Osts.
Its bad. If the accuracy was 300% Better then your point would be fair. But its not. Even having less accuracy the ability to fire 3 more shells means it will get more kills and thus be more useful. I dont even know why your debating this lol. Its a pretty well known fact that Osts mortar is fantastic and the Soviets isnt.
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Posts: 4951 | Subs: 1
if theres 2 decrewed Gw8cm or Soviet 82mm. Gw8cm is always gets stolen, just because of that rate of fire. Accuracy isnt an issue as both are nearly identical.
urban maps like stalingrad, Trois Pont, Ettlebruck Station where spamming some soviet 82mm is legit meta, but just due to lack of 120mm because shockriflefrontline
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Posts: 521
Posts: 1802 | Subs: 1
I think that the Soviet mortar is too weak outside barrage, and that barrage is a scam on the Ostheer mortar. Of course, outside-barrage performance is more important than in-barrage performance, so the Ostheer mortar is better by default.
Would be nice if the Ostheer barrage actually improved accuracy instead of fire rate. The Soviet one lacks RoF so it gets RoF while the Ostheer barrage is horribly inaccurate.
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