So you want to change a unit because is anoying?
Not that I was expecting any reasoning from you.
I think annoying units are usually annoying because they over/underperform. Think of any unit that has ever annoyed you. Did it annoy you because it overperformed or for another reason?
A unit that annoys a large number of players is very likely in need of fixing.
One the other hand it's a fact lower-skilled players are easily annoyed by the more complex units in CoH. But with the Maxim I don't think it's the case. I find it annoying too (I'm not a high-level player). It could be annoying because I'm not good enough or it could be because:
They're aren't very vulnerable to snipers (6-man teams)
Faster set-up time, faster rotate rate, higher damage than MG42
Narrow arc is unexploitable on narrow choke-point maps (this is more a map issue than a maxim issue)