Are you serious? The fact that you apparently missed it doesn't mean that it wasn't. I explained in one of the feedback threads at the time that Relic looked at the mod together with its creator Sneakeye and that they both agreed it was not feasible to implement it into the live game. You can go look it up.
You got to discuss 99% of changes before implementation. You're just blowing this way out of proportion. And please read, this was definitely not decided based on one single 1v1 replay? Where did you even get that from? I said that many (high level) 1v1 players expressed their concerns about Jaeger Infantry, and that the power level of this commander was definitely being questioned by the broader 1v1 scene, just via several different channels other than this public forum. In response to someone here saying this change "came out of nowhere".
Because I think it should be dead obvious that there's always been a long period between the final public iteration of a balance mod and building the actual patch, and that in the meantime inevitably some additional changes get thought of and added or scrapped? Drop the tin foil hat, there is no conspiracy of willingly keeping out the public or whatever. The fact that there have been extensive public tests for every single patch over the past like 3-4 years prove that. It's purely practical. Most if not all games' dev teams that work with public tests do this, and it has simply been amplified a bit here because patching used to take a lot longer than it does for most regular games for several (hopefully obvious) reasons. Otherwise patches would end up in an endless preview loops.
Ah yes, go find the explanation in a buried topic some years ago, very nice answer indeed.
And yeah let's just exclude most of the community on something a few people brought up and then be shocked when people say that it came out of the blue, which it did.
The truth is that you're again making up some excuse as to not keep the community updated and in the loop, "because the others do it too".
Bullshit, it could have been said that there are some experimental things being tested internally or something as to bring in some discussion from the larger community's side as well, instead it was just said that there were some technical issues preventing the patch from releasing and nothing else.
That was YOUR choice that you did it so, not some out of this world force making you do it. You guys chose not to keep the community updated, and don't tell me Relic didn't allow you to or whatever because you've been using them enough as a scapegoat as it is. They can't be blamed for absolutely everything that you guys do or whatever is wrong.