The Jaeger Light Infantry is a victim of power creep, it was originally a counterpart to the Conscript Assault Package only it was better due to inferior DPS at close range but superior DPS at mid and long range. CAP was changed over time granting weaker but more numerous PPSh's while Conscripts eventually gained the 7th man, over time USF and UKF were released with their powerful mainline units which the G43 is less advantaged against; and severely disadvantaged when these units get their weapon upgrades.
I considered looking back to the past for inspiration, before the G43 was reigned in; perhaps some of this lost power could be used to fight the power creep. Long ago the Jaeger Light Infantry G43 gave bonuses against units in cover and could be paired with the MG 42 and Panzerschreck upgrades. While I know the Panzergrenadier version is currently okay, I was thinking allowing the G43 + MG 42 combination once more could prove useful these days. I would advocate for the accuracy bonus against cover, but it would have to be applied to all G43's which is likely not a good idea, especially for Panzergrenadiers, so it's best to leave that one go.
TL;DR G43 was nerfed years ago for being too powerful, but is now too weak due to power creep, so partially revert part of the nerf and allow the use of the G43 and MG 42 at the same time again.