
russian armor

IL-2 Bombing replaced by ADVANCED WARFARE STRAFE?

27 Feb 2021, 15:00 PM
avatar of Harry

Posts: 159

Ahhhh..... I thought for a long time that Advanced Warfare's IL-2 Sturmovik Attack Strafe is just a meme.
But seriously, though, the likelihood for me to use this ability is close to zero. I'd rather spend the 90 munitions on 3 mines or 2 Katy's Creeping Barrage.
How do you guys think about this change? I know a nerf is needed but wasting a slot on a meme ability is a bit too much imo.
27 Feb 2021, 22:51 PM
avatar of frostbite

Posts: 593

jump backJump back to quoted post27 Feb 2021, 15:00 PMHarry
Ahhhh..... I thought for a long time that Advanced Warfare's IL-2 Sturmovik Attack Strafe is just a meme.
But seriously, though, the likelihood for me to use this ability is close to zero. I'd rather spend the 90 munitions on 3 mines or 2 Katy's Creeping Barrage.
How do you guys think about this change? I know a nerf is needed but wasting a slot on a meme ability is a bit too much imo.

that strafe is super garbage ill never use that. maybe if it was 45
27 Feb 2021, 23:09 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

For a while it did surprisingly well against armour, but I think those days are gone, perhaps making it a meh hybrid of all strafe? Kinda multipurpose and flexible but not fantastic at anything. Say, okish AI damage, suppression (but not enough to pin) and some deflection damage (super low pen) so the AT portion can be controlled tightly. Then it's always useful but not always great.
28 Feb 2021, 04:11 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

aight so i decided to do some testing and heres what i found:
the il-2 strafe is indeed alright at all targets, it usually about half healthed infantry when strafed and DOES deal suppression without a pin
against hard targets, its pen is rather low so you need to hit the rear armour

the JU87 AT strafe, is believe it or not MUCH better at AT, but can still also be used against soft targets, but poorly. though it does deal supression as well.

one thing that is devastating for the il-2 strafe, is that the gunner seems to have a mind of its own. i could not get reliable hits on about anything, because it seems the cannons have a scatter of sorts. they KINDA go in a pair of lines, but not always and CERTAINLY not in a way that you can predict. this i believe is what leads to its poor performance as when it hits it does well for a 90mu strafe (JU87 is 110mu)
in contrast the JU87 has a VERY reliable shooting pattern that covers the entirety of the target area, it zig-zags but reliably.

another thing of note, the il-2 does piss all against vehicles and decrewed weapons, this means while the ju87 can still be used in conjunction with another off map to destroy arty the il-2 cannot,

GRANTED as i stated earlier, i had a hard time getting consistent results with the il-2 simply due to the scatter
28 Feb 2021, 04:57 AM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

I did some testing as well. It looks like they did fix the UI so that the shots actually line up right. About half health if you hit a full health squad with it and some suppression. It also seems to be slower to come in than other similar strafe like CAS Strafe or USF Tac Support Strafe. Both of which do better jobs at suppressing and damage respectively. It's too slow to hit anything reliably as well unless your opponent isn't paying attention... IMO definitely needs a buff despite the fix.
28 Feb 2021, 05:26 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I did some testing as well. It looks like they did fix the UI so that the shots actually line up right. About half health if you hit a full health squad with it and some suppression. It also seems to be slower to come in than other similar strafe like CAS Strafe or USF Tac Support Strafe. Both of which do better jobs at suppressing and damage respectively. It's too slow to hit anything reliably as well unless your opponent isn't paying attention... IMO definitely needs a buff despite the fix.

the shots hit within the target area, but where seems randomish. i didnt look at stats but the best way i can describe it is that it seems like each shot has scatter. speed wise it seemed about the same speed as the JU87 AT strafe.

advanced warfare used to be my favorite commander for 1s waaaaaaaaaaaay back before the soviet tech rework, i recall the ability needing work even back then. would be nice to see it getting a tweak somehow.
28 Feb 2021, 07:35 AM
avatar of Hater

Posts: 493

IMHO, it have to be replaced by a new ability - copy of wehr's light artillery barrage. The case was to remove the bombing run. The result should look like the "baby bombing run" ability, not complete waste of muni (light arty is nearly waste though).
28 Feb 2021, 19:23 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

Replace it with the incendiary arty strike from Shock Rifle.

I tried the strafe about 20 times on cheat mod. About half of the time it did almost nothing. One time it wiped a squad. Several times it did about half health damage to a squad. Most of the time, it won't do enough to even force a retreat. It's also really slow.

The incendiary isn't awesome, but at least it works consistently.
28 Feb 2021, 21:16 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post28 Feb 2021, 19:23 PMGrumpy
Replace it with the incendiary arty strike from Shock Rifle.

I tried the strafe about 20 times on cheat mod. About half of the time it did almost nothing. One time it wiped a squad. Several times it did about half health damage to a squad. Most of the time, it won't do enough to even force a retreat. It's also really slow.

The incendiary isn't awesome, but at least it works consistently.

this is an opportunity to fix something thats broken, id much sooner that and retain diversity than simply tack another meh ability in its place.
it has to potential to be decent, it just need to be consistent and sped up a tad
28 Feb 2021, 22:00 PM
avatar of RifleMan

Posts: 52

Advanced Meme Strafe
1 Mar 2021, 02:24 AM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

this is an opportunity to fix something thats broken, id much sooner that and retain diversity than simply tack another meh ability in its place.
it has to potential to be decent, it just need to be consistent and sped up a tad

But it isn't a little inconsistent, it's terribly inconsistent. I don't know why. I tried it at all kinds of angles, centered the targeting, offset the targeting both side to side and front to back and never got any sort of consistency. I didn't put a stop watch on it, but think it is at least 1 second slower than frag bombing from Ost.
1 Mar 2021, 05:14 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Mar 2021, 02:24 AMGrumpy

But it isn't a little inconsistent, it's terribly inconsistent. I don't know why. I tried it at all kinds of angles, centered the targeting, offset the targeting both side to side and front to back and never got any sort of consistency. I didn't put a stop watch on it, but think it is at least 1 second slower than frag bombing from Ost.

As I said, it SEEMS like it has scatter instead of a pattern. If this is the case then it's an easy fix. Regardless of HOW inconsistent it is, it needs to be fixed not swept under the rug

For speed I only tested it against the ju87 AT strafe, which was the same speed. However since it's an AI strafe I suppose it should come in quicker in hindsight
1 Mar 2021, 15:41 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

As I said, it SEEMS like it has scatter instead of a pattern. If this is the case then it's an easy fix. Regardless of HOW inconsistent it is, it needs to be fixed not swept under the rug

For speed I only tested it against the ju87 AT strafe, which was the same speed. However since it's an AI strafe I suppose it should come in quicker in hindsight

It might be primarily scatter but I think it also collides with terrain and has a tiny AOE. When I tested, one of the squads moved next to the train in the middle of City 17. It was really hard to damage it at all. In terms of speed, it should be the same as the Ost frag bombing.
1 Mar 2021, 16:14 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

jump backJump back to quoted post1 Mar 2021, 15:41 PMGrumpy

It might be primarily scatter but I think it also collides with terrain and has a tiny AOE. When I tested, one of the squads moved next to the train in the middle of City 17. It was really hard to damage it at all. In terms of speed, it should be the same as the Ost frag bombing.

Frag bombing is not close to this ability and there is little reason to be used a benchmark, if there is a need for consistency that is with other AI strafe like the one USF and Ostheer have.
2 Mar 2021, 03:17 AM
avatar of wandererraven

Posts: 353

Only suppress Chance kill by RNG 23 mm shot
need CP 10 use 90 mun need to Fix Abillty potent AI power plz
2 Mar 2021, 03:21 AM
avatar of NorthWeapon
Donator 11

Posts: 615

That strafe should cost 45 MU indeed
2 Mar 2021, 03:36 AM
avatar of Spoof

Posts: 449

I thought the Advanced Warfare strafe only sucked because it was bugged and always came in off target?
2 Mar 2021, 05:46 AM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Mar 2021, 03:36 AMSpoof
I thought the Advanced Warfare strafe only sucked because it was bugged and always came in off target?

That may have been the case at one time, but isn't now. It's still wildly inconsistent.
2 Mar 2021, 14:49 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

The actual strafe seemed fine, but I think when they retired Yuri from being an IS-2 gunner they reassigned him to the red airforce
2 Mar 2021, 15:08 PM
avatar of Stug life

Posts: 4474

i know why the strafe is so trash compared to the other, basically it has not targeting, other strafes targets models even killing them before they actually fire and deal some aoe damage in the area the SU strafe run is basically only aoe and it deals very negligible damage to tank rear armor but it's all luck based for inf, add in the targeting like the other strafe please
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