
russian armor

Command Panzer 4

19 Dec 2020, 14:00 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

Command P4 is fine no need for buffs. The old 20% aura was changed for a reason it was OP.

The only thing that might make sense is a slight cost reduction.

The timing make this unit useless.

The only reason to build the unit is if you skip T3 go T4 and use the unit hoping that you will survive waiting for Elephant.
19 Dec 2020, 14:46 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Imo the tank itself needs a buff. The unit shouldn't rely solely on its Aura to generate value. Make the gun a stub dick stug clone so it can actually kill some infantry
19 Dec 2020, 22:30 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

I mean, you could just make it a less effective a Panzer IV H at this point without reducing it's veterancy requirements.

It can just be like the OKW Command Tiger's ability where it shoots slower and less accurately with the excuse that it's because of the additional radio equipment or whatever.
22 Dec 2020, 04:30 AM
avatar of KiwiBirb

Posts: 789

The command panzer is rather.. underwhelming right now

These are all the potential ways it could be buffed as far as I can tell:
- Buff the aura
- Buff its AI performance
- Buff its AT performance

I do not think it’s aura should be buffed, as that was what was nerfed in the previous patch, and buffing it again would cause the same problem. The second option is also unappealing, as if you want a unit that can kill infantry there is the Ostwind, Brummbar or StuG E, and another anti-infantry vehicle wouldn’t add anything new. This leaves us with buffing it’s AT performance, which I think is the best way to give the unit a boost in performance.

This would be similar to A.Soldiers suggestion. Call it a Panzer 4 F2, which has less armour than the H variant that Ost currently has, and switch the model to the long barreled Panzer 4. It’s gun would be a slower firing, less accurate version of the P4 H’s gun.

It would be a shame to loose a vehicle though. Maybe in the upcoming commander patch the short barreled P4 could be added as a non command unit to a doctrine
22 Dec 2020, 11:36 AM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Making it a long dick p4 is stupid. Like... Why? Why remove a unique unit and make it a slightly different version of a stock unit? Why then re-add it as a non command version in another doctrine? Couldn't you also just get an ostwind, Brummbär or stug E then?

Buff it's AI. It's can then come earlyish as it's not going to slug it out with allied mediums and needs supported as it should given it provides a damage reduction.
25 Dec 2020, 09:36 AM
avatar of Darkpiatre

Posts: 282

Turning the aura into the same active as the soviet forward HQ for every unit or put back the aura at 20% vet 3 for the owner only.

Increase effectiveness against infantry with either a slight Aoe increase or a scatter decrease.

This should do the trick.
25 Dec 2020, 17:30 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

I think that giving "Command" vehicles a multitude of utility abilities would be rather better than auras. Auras encourage blobbing, and are difficult to balance, whereas giving the Command P4 unit-target abilities of various types would likely be a lot better.

This is, after all, why the Sturm Offizier was changed. (Admittedly infantry auras are potentially more abusable)
25 Dec 2020, 18:21 PM
avatar of Darkpiatre

Posts: 282

jump backJump back to quoted post25 Dec 2020, 17:30 PMPip
I think that giving "Command" vehicles a multitude of utility abilities would be rather better than auras. Auras encourage blobbing, and are difficult to balance, whereas giving the Command P4 unit-target abilities of various types would likely be a lot better.

This is, after all, why the Sturm Offizier was changed. (Admittedly infantry auras are potentially more abusable)

I think an aura should only be applied to Command TANK, such as the command P4 or the english command ability.
25 Dec 2020, 19:25 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

I think an aura should only be applied to Command TANK, such as the command P4 or the english command ability.

Eh. I dunno, I think utility abilities are more interesting than any sort of aura.
25 Dec 2020, 23:26 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

I agree about auras. Much more interesting and better skill ceiling with active abilities. A key imo too is that the unit itself must be relevant regardless of the abilities.
25 Dec 2020, 23:55 PM
avatar of DerKuhlmann

Posts: 469

Make the aura 10% dmg reduction and 10% aura reload.
26 Dec 2020, 14:27 PM
avatar of Letzte Bataillon

Posts: 195

To me it always looked like a hastily made unit that was quickly ported over from the campaign. It devalues many doctrines.

Some thoughts:

  • Veterancy 1 Blitz replaced by Smoke Shell

Blitz is an offensive ability mostly meant for flanking and chasing, or a quick getaway. The Command Pz4 has no use for it. It has some mobility bonuses with veterancy, which are more than enough for its role.

  • The aura is again exclusive and is affected by veterancy. Alternatively, turned into an active ability similar to the Artillery Field Officer's.

The aura right now is too blob friendly. It also lacks a tooltip on the grid like other passive abilities.

  • Review the main gun's performance. The short barrel gun is interesting and the tank doesn't have to be a clone of the regular Pz4. Alternatively, consider shared veterancy.

26 Dec 2020, 14:42 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

To me it always looked like a hastily made unit that was quickly ported over from the campaign. It devalues many doctrines.

Some thoughts:

  • Veterancy 1 Blitz replaced by Smoke Shell

Blitz is an offensive ability mostly meant for flanking and chasing, or a quick getaway. The Command Pz4 has no use for it. It has some mobility bonuses with veterancy, which are more than enough for its role.

  • The aura is again exclusive and is affected by veterancy. Alternatively, turned into an active ability similar to the Artillery Field Officer's.

The aura right now is too blob friendly. It also lacks a tooltip on the grid like other passive abilities.

  • Review the main gun's performance. The short barrel gun is interesting and the tank doesn't have to be a clone of the regular Pz4. Alternatively, consider shared veterancy.

Further options include, instead of retaining an aura, one or more of these shell types:

Kt. Kw. K Canister shot, an anti-infantry AOE target ability.

K.Gr.rot.Pz An APC shell, could be a stun shot, or merely something like the Puma's "Aimed Shot".

To add onto this: Give the Command P4 a smoke and regular barrage ability, in a similar vein to the Scott. (Not exactly historical, but an idea)

Other suggestons; Mark Target abilities, calldown artillery abilities, the ability to call down a Suppressing strafe.

Combined, these abilities would give the Command P4 an interesting presence as an unit that can help to deal with most types of enemy unit, but at a heavy cost regarding Munitions. It would also obviate the need for any auras, which I really would prefer to be generally gone from the game. It's much more interesting to have interesting abilities to have you control units properly, rather than just parking them near "real" units.

The tank's regular gun could then be left anemic, without meaning that it's a pretty shit unit by itself.
26 Dec 2020, 16:17 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Making it a long dick p4 is stupid. Like... Why? Why remove a unique unit and make it a slightly different version of a stock unit? Why then re-add it as a non command version in another doctrine? Couldn't you also just get an ostwind, Brummbär or stug E then?

Buff it's AI. It's can then come earlyish as it's not going to slug it out with allied mediums and needs supported as it should given it provides a damage reduction.

A unique unit?

It's literally a Panzer IV with a shittier gun lol.

At least the StuG III E has a howitzer like shot trajectory like the Brummbär so it's different than the regular StuG III.

This just has a smaller pp than the regular Panzer IV and that's about it.
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