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[Winter Balance Update] OKW Feedback

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8 Dec 2020, 03:00 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

An interesting change though OKW without volks StG44 will be rather rare I predict (due to being overpowered quite easily without them and thus heavily favour BGruup openers), unless they seek to bypass with the MP40s(?) Or some kind of Falls/Ober heavy build :o . This change might shift ppl even further away from Mech as a viable tech. Does Mech HQ gets the Infantry Weapon Upgrades upgrade by default?

It seems implied that Mechanized will still unlock them normally. Battlegroup is cheaper to build and the changes to Hetzer/Ostwind and Obers made Fast BG into Schwere for Hetzer/Ostwind and Obers strats a bit too lucrative.
8 Dec 2020, 03:09 AM
avatar of JibberJabberJobber

Posts: 1614 | Subs: 3

An interesting change though OKW without volks StG44 will be rather rare I predict (due to being overpowered quite easily without them and thus heavily favour BGruup openers), unless they seek to bypass with the MP40s(?) Or some kind of Falls/Ober heavy build :o . This change might shift ppl even further away from Mech as a viable tech. Does Mech HQ gets the Infantry Weapon Upgrades upgrade by default?

It's simpler than that.

Live to unlock weapon upgrades:
- Battlegroup deployed
- Mechanized deployed

Preview to unlock weapon upgrades:
- Battlegroup deloyed AND unlocked
- Mechanized deployed

Oh I meant that the BGruppe being cheaper and now put down earlier would make the first deployed HQ truck earlier now? Thus fausts would be available on volks earlier as a result unless I missed something? Is this intentional?

It's intentional, the Faust is only available once BG is fully unlocked.
8 Dec 2020, 03:18 AM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

Battlegroup HQ is kinda strange really.

As I was saying, Its better to just match its cost with USF ambulance and make it have medics upon complition, while lock MG34\Fausts\Upgrade behind Battlegroup upgrade and IGs behind 10 fuel upgrade in case you need inderect fire unit. Maybe even make it so HQ unlock requares IGs to be unlocked first.

In this case you can always pop-up BGHQ just for healing and wont be paying more then other factions for it.
8 Dec 2020, 03:26 AM
avatar of Mr. Someguy

Posts: 4928

My problem with Mechanized and Battlegroup is that Mechanized has all OKW's strongest field units, the Panzer II is better than the Flak HT and the Stuka is better than the LeIG, plus there's the Puma.

We'll see how these new changes work out.
8 Dec 2020, 03:52 AM
avatar of GachiGasm

Posts: 1116 | Subs: 1

My problem with Mechanized and Battlegroup is that Mechanized has all OKW's strongest field units, the Panzer II is better than the Flak HT and the Stuka is better than the LeIG, plus there's the Puma.

We'll see how these new changes work out.

BGHQ as a chose over Mech is something from the ancient times, when it had JP4 in it.
Right now, whole point of BGHQ should be a mere side tech, which grants you access to healing, and if you wish you can invest more in it, unlocking additional units from it.

Its the single way to make OKW tech have somewhat natural flow.

You wont be punished by going mech, while if you dont need\want to go for it, there are still be possability to skip it by fully unlocking BGHQ and going for scwehr.
8 Dec 2020, 03:58 AM
avatar of KT610

Posts: 69

I know one of the things the balance team wanted was to diversify okw builds by encouraging people a get a second squad of Sturmpioneers, and I think a good way of doing that would be to make their flamethrower nondoctrinal. This way OKW players are encouraged to buy a Second Spio squad one to clear building and the other one to sweep mines.

Volks Flame grenade could be replaced with a similar one to what the Pfus get, and Firestorm could get a 251 halftrack (or something else) to replace the now redundant flamer upgrade
8 Dec 2020, 06:16 AM
avatar of Olfin

Posts: 167

Changes for OKW in the most recent update of the mod:

I like this new Battlegroup changes , it makes OKW start and early mid game more diverse and solve the issue of medics and the lack of indirect fire if the OKW player go for the mechanized.
note: all other factions have more options in early-mid game than OKW.
8 Dec 2020, 06:58 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

OKW lot of good changes, (tech changes need allot of testing).

251 Walking Stuka

Can you clarify the damage reduction vs vehicles?
Is the new penetration values fixing the damage vs vehicles?
Is the damage reduction actually reducing the deflection damage?
Are the Other rocket artillery able to do equal or more damage with the multiple rocket hits?
8 Dec 2020, 08:50 AM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

I suppose KT still requires upgraded BHQ

PD: any chance to replace flak bunkers with normal MG bunkers from base sector?
8 Dec 2020, 13:38 PM
avatar of cheese tonkatsu

Posts: 105

1. strumpioneer
Don't change its pops.
Don't make it possible to take both schrek and wire. it is sames as making sapper, pio and engi can take both flammer and sweper, echelon can take both sweeper and riflenade.
2. walking stuka
Don't let vet 4 skills to vet1. It is so damn poweful.
Or increase aoe scatter and cooldown or munition cost.
you said made it less poweful but the scatter is too small so it doesn't matter at all. and small aoe doesn't matter thx to munition cost reduction.
8 Dec 2020, 14:09 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

1. strumpioneer
Don't change its pops.
Don't make it possible to take both schrek and wire. it is sames as making sapper, pio and engi can take both flammer and sweper, echelon can take both sweeper and riflenade.
2. walking stuka
Don't let vet 4 skills to vet1. It is so damn poweful.
Or increase aoe scatter and cooldown or munition cost.
you said made it less poweful but the scatter is too small so it doesn't matter at all. and small aoe doesn't matter thx to munition cost reduction.

Royal Engineers and Rear Echelons can both get sweepers and AT weaponry, and are both fiveman squads (RE through vet). The comparison to Flamethrowers doesn't make any sense at all. Sturms cost rather more than other Engineer squads, and take up more room population wise. Sturm Shrecks are also the only handheld AT that OKW can even get (non doctrinally). Before this change they simply were not bought.

EDIT: Also: Why do people keep calling them "Strum"pioneers?
8 Dec 2020, 14:29 PM
avatar of Lady Xenarra

Posts: 953

It's simpler than that.

Live to unlock weapon upgrades:
- Battlegroup deployed
- Mechanized deployed

Preview to unlock weapon upgrades:
- Battlegroup deloyed AND unlocked
- Mechanized deployed

8 Dec 2020, 15:35 PM
avatar of Smartie

Posts: 857 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post7 Dec 2020, 23:58 PMGiaA

Ok this is the best change in the entire patch so far. Gives OKW the option to go for an earlier MG, and more affordable backtech for LEIG and Medics. Fantastic job mirage et al.

Stuka change was necessary for sure. Will require further testing.

+1 I think so too! The BG changes are really good and give players a lot of flexibility. Thats exactly how well designed teching should work.

All in all the changes to OKW seem promising but Im still not sure that the faction can compete with Brits.

I would like put an idea to discussion to make OKW teching even more interesting:
Make "Thorough Salvage" a side tech option, buildable in the Hq

This could be a nice and faction fitting idea to compensate for OKW's inability to build caches. Instead of getting constant resources via cashes OKW players could double down on salvaging.
This would give the OKW tech an interesting economic dimension and would free a slot in the Scavange commander.
8 Dec 2020, 15:39 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

+1 I think so too! The BG changes are really good and give players a lot of flexibility. Thats exactly how well designed teching should work.

All in all the changes to OKW seem promising but Im still not sure that the faction can compete with Brits.

I would like put an idea to discussion to make OKW teching even more interesting:
Make "Thorough Salvage" a side tech option, buildable in the Hq

This could be a nice and faction fitting idea to compensate for OKW's inability to build caches. Instead of getting constant resources via cashes OKW players could double down on salvaging.
This would give the OKW tech an interesting economic dimension and would free a slot in the Scavange commander.

Scavenge, though a really nice tool, I don't think can quite replace Caches for OKW. Either it's way too strong (Particularly if there are a LOT of wrecks and abandoned team weapons hanging around) or it is far too weak (Particularly in cases where there are no team weapons to scavenge, and your opponent just goes and kills wrecks immediately)

It's too situational, and I think this causes a balance concern. Scavenge is a nice little bonus on occasion, but it's mostly good for being able to kill abandoned team weapons, as far as I can ascertain.
8 Dec 2020, 16:45 PM
avatar of Spoof

Posts: 449

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Dec 2020, 15:39 PMPip

Scavenge, though a really nice tool, I don't think can quite replace Caches for OKW. Either it's way too strong (Particularly if there are a LOT of wrecks and abandoned team weapons hanging around) or it is far too weak (Particularly in cases where there are no team weapons to scavenge, and your opponent just goes and kills wrecks immediately)

It's too situational, and I think this causes a balance concern. Scavenge is a nice little bonus on occasion, but it's mostly good for being able to kill abandoned team weapons, as far as I can ascertain.

Yeah, I have to agree with the last part. The ability to destroy abandoned team weapons and gather resources from it is very strong.
8 Dec 2020, 17:16 PM
avatar of Pip

Posts: 1594

jump backJump back to quoted post8 Dec 2020, 16:45 PMSpoof

Yeah, I have to agree with the last part. The ability to destroy abandoned team weapons and gather resources from it is very strong.

The strength is mostly in the destruction of the weapon more than the resources gained from them, honestly. At least in my mind.
8 Dec 2020, 17:22 PM
avatar of JacK_Qc

Posts: 33

What isnt strong vs brit emplacements really? Double spread LIEG will eat emplacements, you wont be able to counter it with mp, double mortar will counter them, single mortar HT will counter them.

That's kinda my points exactly. German don't need an extra tool to fight the emplacement, and this is all this ability is good for.

''I couldn't agree totally because the ability alone won't be enough to destroy emplacments if the good British players used Brace ability.
make it at vet3 is too late because OKW need something against blobs and clustred team weapons as fastest as it can, maybe a little nerf for it against emplacments will be ok.''

NO! Dont talk over your hat like this without knowing/understanding/testing the freaking subject.

This hability LAST LONGER THAN BRACE meaning it will still damage it with a perfect brace activation.

By how mutch? I tested it in cheat command with winter patch mode and it still damage it by 40% with a perfect brace. Now in the midst of a battle the perfect brace is not always possible.

Somehow VET 3 increase defense buff of mortar pit emplacement doesnt works/ reduce de damage received by flame. ( tested in cheat mod also )

''The only problem with sutka is that because of weird penetration values it was given extra damage vs emplacements. Think thing will allot better once these modifier are removed.''

No, pen have nothing to do with it. This ability works the same way as LIEG flame ability or werh mortar half track. They dont require pen, they are the best counter to emplacement, AKA hardcounter : once they are fielded, it's useless to even build and emplacement and try to keep it alive.
8 Dec 2020, 17:27 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1


''The only problem with sutka is that because of weird penetration values it was given extra damage vs emplacements. Think thing will allot better once these modifier are removed.''

No, pen have nothing to do with it. This ability works the same way as LIEG flame ability or werh mortar half track. They dont require pen, they are the best counter to emplacement.

Since emplacements have a armor value the weapon needs to penetrate to inflict damage.

In addition check thesse changes:
251 Walking Stuka

With the addition of proper penetration values, the Stuka rockets became far too potent against emplacement and light vehicles, nearly able to destroy them in one barrage. We are reducing the damage it does against vehicles and emplacements.

+50% bonus damage versus emplacements removed; damage from 300 to 200 against these targets
Now has -25% damage againse vehicles; damage from 200 to 160 against these targets
Napalm Rocket Suppression from 0.2 to 0.1
8 Dec 2020, 18:21 PM
avatar of SgtJonson

Posts: 143

I am super unsure about the Battlegroup change. I am used to not using FRP because i dont see much use in it in an unstable teamgame.
Putting it into context with other factions i think having an earlier MG34 might help alot.
Delaying folks faust and Stg further is the problem here (did not do the calc though). There will still be more time necessary to counter clown cars i i am not mistaken. Might be cancerous.

I did not agree with GiaA's post about a limited player choice but with battlegroup upgrade mandatory to strengthen mainline infantry this indeed is the case now. I dont want to be forced to use FRP if i only want medics

Gonna test that tomorrow. I really wonder how it turns out

wait does this change mean i can get obers/hetzer/ostwind evem faster now if i do a good army composition and hold my ground?
9 Dec 2020, 02:22 AM
avatar of WAAAGH2000

Posts: 730

Maybe more change for Tect tree like USF,
BFHQ,10 Fuel for build,unlock ISG.20 for upgrade,unlock IRHT and Panzer.II
Mechanized HQ,20fuel for build,unlock AAHT,25 for upgrade,unlock stuka and Puma
SWHQ need one HQ upgrade or build 2 HQ without upgrade,same for unlock infantry weapon upgrade too
All HQ upgrade not remove if it been destory
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