I find it funny how every single time when axis unit is brought back to a normal level of power it becomes instantly extinct.
Ever considered the possibility that just because you can't a-move every other unit, it doesn't mean your unit is bad, bu tits balanced?
ISUs are present, because player allow them that by not building elephants to punish them.
If course a soviet unit will be more present if axis players go butthurt mode about loosing OP unit that is now balanced and still would hardcounter said soviet unit.
they are good for all units except volks, you know why? because even if they are in the sandbags, all models protected, if a rifleman squad comes and just runs up to the sandbags, the volks lose the engagement.
Pretty good ah?
The soviets are a pretty aggressive faction overall, the last thing we need is a suicide unit to become the long range one. If replaced by strelkovy, they could just be your standard front line infantry with SVTs.
Psst, they don't have autodestruction button, they are as suicidal squad as rifles or grenadiers or sturmpios.