General Information
Register Time: 27 Dec 2013, 16:54 PM
Last Visit Time: Yesterday, 10:23 AM
Residence: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Nationality: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Timezone: Asia/Tehran
Game Name: <HOJAT>RMMLz
It's kind of like Luftwaffe Ground Forces and their Fallschirmjaegers- they're not great except for a pop from behind. Versatile but comes at a cost. Certainly not a unit that will replace Grenadiers or Panzergrenadiers, but they make great supplements if you ever need them.
They would both be a lot more useful if there was less chance of getting Insta-wiped. But right now they are only good to take out a maxim or an ATG early game like you said.
I like it when every thread is turned into Fanboyism accusations a "Y U HAVE IS2 Y I HAVE PAK" BS. If you are truly anti-troll and impartial, ignore the posts you think are biased. Simple as that.
First of all, Demos, along with all Insta-Wipe™ should be addressed and they have been discussed enough.
As for Goliath, here are my thoughts:
-It does huge amount of damage plus engine damage when exploded, but the radius is very small, its main purpose should be a very expensive "teller on wheels" which costs fuel, and to destroy bridges and buildings.
-Deployed by Halftrack preferably through a commander with Opel blitz but without Heavy Tanks to encourage more Medium armor.
-Goliath itself costs both muni and small amount of fuel so they are not spammable (something like 100 muni and 10 fuel).
-Goliath is always invisible when stationary anywhere except on red cover, and only visible while moving.
-It has small armor and small HP pool but can resist small arms fire to some extent. AT nades and AT rifle nades should not be able to target it.
-It is detectable by minesweepers, can be shot by infantry but has a very tiny target size.
See, what I suggest is not the "SOVIET HAZ DEMO WE NEEDZ GOLIAT BLAH BLAH" argument. I have something different in mind (which might be boring or ridiculous for some). Along with a commander which gives additional fuel without having Heavy Tanks, it should encourage PzIV rush and with the help of the Goliath you'll have no problem countering heavies like IS2.
I still argue core infantry shouldn't be getting heavy AT but what do I know, right?
This is the whole goddamn problem. Changing the role of your core infantry (Which should be AI and very soft AT) into a tank killing trolololo horde is the major issue with the OKW. Add 5 vet system to that and you have an Anti-Everything cheap core infantry which also has tiny popcap. That's why they don't buff Bazooka IMO, because then this would happen to USF and will worsen the problem.
I know it's not gonna happen, but give AI upgrades to Volks or give the PzB AT rifle, buff rakketen a bit more (mostly HP and green cover) and force them to utilize units like JgPzIV (which is a great unit).
I honestly dont understand why people are so fond of making mass balance complaints, yet provide zero replays on how to actually improve..
I mean in the end bitching about balance is going to make you simply frustrated. Relic pretty much completely ignores these forums when it comes to balance. They mainly rely on their own data pulling machine thingy, and also the alpha testers.
Instead of bitching about something that perhaps wont get fixed for months, perhaps it is better to actually try and figure out a strat how to counter it? Provide replays?
As for the "lull time" in USF teching , it does exist. A very short one, but it does exist. It happens once the ostheer player gets 60 munitions and gets a flamethrower. When that happens, it usually ends up being like this RE, 3 rifles, LT in production, 3 grens + mg + flamer pio.
This theoretically gives the ostheer player a short time frame in where he can push, or atleast gain some map control. I actually dont retreat my flamer pios, unless they get low health, i build a second pio once i research T2.
You have no reason to not buy flamers in the early game againts USF, you can easily get a second pio sweeper later on if you suspect m20 mines or democharges.
Look at this game. Although map plays an important role, Barton gets REKT at 5 minute mark, and you can't point out a big mistake on Barton macro and micro management. When M20 come in and Giap mans it with REs and uses Bazookas to counter the 222 the game is pretty much over. Compare teching lulls in this game. Another thing is you need muni for 1)222 2)Medics 3)Flamer early game, and each one delays the other considering that more field presence on the USF side means less map control for Ostheer thus lower income.
That being said, I totally agree with your #Adapt argument. We are stuck with this situation for god knows how long (forever maybe) so we have to watch replays and ask for help from good players.
The real issue with USF and OST is how early the M20 can arrive in relation to its natural ostheer predator,the 222. Make the M20 25-35 fuel.
Lower BP1 tech cost to 35 fuel,make 222 upgrade automatic.
Matchup fix'd. USF nerfed.
But damnit if you nerf USF you better fucking nerf the STUG E and mech assault/tiger callin meta into the ground.
I totally agree with a huge 222 buff. One might say it might overperform versus soviets but it wouldn't. 222 also needs armor buff, but HP nerf IMO. One Oorah is enough even for a well microd 222. Guards and PTRS Cons is GG. I want 222 SC to deflect small arms, right now even a BAR squad can wreck it. Increase it's fuel cost if needed.
Over a rear ech rifle nade for 15 munitions or a lolotov. I'd take the molotov. Being able to crit and deny cover is much more useful than some garbage that gets dodged anyway by people who micro their squads. But woe is the super gimped allies. If you're going to make the rifle nade trash give grenadiers an actual grenade. Hurrr
This. Every nade can be dodged if you know hot to use your mouse, but molotov denies cover and forces you to get out of the building.
I'm afraid the same thing happens with this one. Let's wait and see.
On topic:
It's not such a big deal really, as we know that relic mostly cares about their data analysis, and even with that they take their time to implement changes. So even if the alpha pass was given only to the top 200 players, the result might have been more or less the same. Although most top-ranked players have great knowledge of the game mechanics and might be helpful, I think the results would be the same.