Just have to wait. It should be ok by now, but if it's not and you wanna play the original game, Uncheck the DLC in your steam library. |
They can fix it with target tables. They haven't in the Trial because according to Cruzz, target tables haven't been implemented yet. Assuming they're for the actual game.
And about T2, no. You want it to come out exactly when there are plenty hard counters available? It sure is OP versus brits but the fix is not moving him to T2. |
Besides different faction and being T3, I was comparing with the 251.
What's the difference? Being T3 and in a different faction does not change the argument here, M5 can transport, infantry can fire outside, can reinforce and in the current state it has a no brainer upgrade. Aside from Quad, its utility is not OP. The same can be said about 250, which also does not have a machine gun. IMO, being able to reinforce will not make it OP at all. 30 fuel for a fragile transport which also takes decent damage from small arms is wayyy too much. |
The only "assault group" call-in that's worth it IMO is the Assault Guards one, largely because it has a call-in medium and HMG and also because Assault Guards are a unique unit.
Make M3 mech call-in come with elite Cavalry Riflemen from AA, and 250 HT come with some kind of unique troop-Assault Panzer Grenadier or something like that.
Cav rifles and Urban Pzgrens. I like that.
250 halftrack is a carrier whose units can fight inside, the design is clearly this over being able to reinforce.
Being to transport, fight, AND reinforce units all by itself is more on the clearly overpowered side of things.
Like M5? |
Thumbs up to those playing Axis and forgoing playing Brits in the free trial. Over all the Bofors wasn't bad, the 7 pounder is eh and the Churchill AVRE is insane.
Double Ost sniper is fun. |

Came here to say this. Can't play cuz 100% allies. |
Disabling ingame movies help with the main menu sluggishness.
My guess would be that it is poorly coded flash (scaleform) or just flash in general since there is so much going on in the UI.
Scaleform is not that bad if coded right and it's very common in video games, but well, RELIK. But yea disabling movies through steam launch options helps too. |
But what if I played a good game I want to rewatch ..
That's a downside really, but it works with my settings and on my mediocre specs. |
Here you go...
Just did this myself. Did not play yet, will test tonight if gun runs smoother for me.
I've disabled replays like a year ago and it truly makes game a lot smoother, at least for me (10-15 more frames depending on the map). The major problem now is poor UI. UI is very very slow in this game for some reason.
I do get freezes every now and then but I think that's because of my connection. I don't know if disabling replays will stop game from freezing like this. |
I understand, so matchmaking has much to blame for this. But that is assuming ranks are even accurate. I've been jumping around the Allied ranks so much because I get paired with new players. I went from like #3 to #700 to #5000 back to #128 then to where I am now.
There aren't even that many top 500 players searching because they all realized the likelihood of getting paired with noobs.
Not the match making per se, but the abundance of Axis players I think. Axis are more "appealing" in team games since Axis factions need less micro, thus creating this ELO gap (at least that's my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong). So if people are encouraged to play Allied more (which might happen with UKF), I think it will even things out. |