General Information
Register Time: 27 Dec 2013, 16:54 PM
Last Visit Time: 28 Mar 2024, 23:06 PM
Residence: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Nationality: Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Timezone: Asia/Tehran
Game Name: <HOJAT>RMMLz
Just ask Sib why 1600 HP is dumb on the AVRE and Crocodile.
I agree 1600 hp is fine on the base churchill since it isn't exactly a tank that has a devastating gun, its a meat shield. The AVRE and Crocodile retain the survivability yet are extremely deadly combat units.
War speed AVRE pushing and retreating into an elefant, KT, and pak is the most skilless and most blatantly broken thing in this build. Trying to argue otherwise when people have given you hard statistics is asinine. There is no situation that an extremely hard counter, a hard counter, and a heavy tank should not be able to deal with a single tank pushing up, and hardly bringing it down to 30% HP by the time it has fired and retreated with War Speed.
Lets see we got the stug e, the tiger, the ostwind for okw, the jagdtiger, elefant, pz4 command tank. Plus tiger ace which is legitimately overpowered. And perhaps a few more tanks I am missing. All overpowered. Thanks queen. I will forward this to relic so they can batch nerf all these germa- err... "nazi" tanks. Yeah thats better.
I thought it is rendered as either front or rear armor values. Side armor indeed doesn't exist, but is rendered as rear armor (so I do believe). Still bullshit that at guns bounce from that, but hey rngesus aint that forgiving!