Thanks for making this, I have always wanted to know the exact "numbers" regarding the veterancy system but was too lazy to look it up. |
The MG42, Scout car and Pgrens imo aren't shit, situational perhaps, but not garbage. With just a bit more of a solid early game, i'd like to see the lay of the land before making more changes across the board.
Allow me to disagree. HMG42 is pure shit, along with other HMGs. Pzgrens come too late and can't do much good on their own, but they perform very well at AT role. Scout car is fine against Soviets but harder to use versus USF, but not that bad. People tend to forget its sight, specially when vetted. Kinda like a maphack with targeting scope (I don't know the stats but the sight range is HUGE).
As you said, more early game options for Ostheer is the main issue. That's why I think HMG42 needs buffs, specially when USF have Smoke grenades and Cons/shock spam is popular again. |
It applies AOE damage directly to infantry, no matter they are full health or not, the mine will kill, depends on how the squad member sticked together, in the current squad AI, it is usually a squad wipe (for axis). There is no suppression at all.
Cost: 30 muni
They used to do "Infantry Reaction" a few patches ago which was great. CoH1 mine suppression was very handy. Although Ostheer has S-minefield which is great to cover your flanks, I would like to see Soviet, OKW and those poor tiny useless American mines (can't remember the name) to suppress infantry a bit. At least for USF that would be great. |
The impact of Schwer on recon runs is something I hate in team games. It would be tolerable if the Schwer was some kind of optional thing that is one of many viable choices, but it's something taken by every OKW player in every game mode. Usually as their second truck. This along with base flaks has contributed enormously to the prevalence of planes falling out of the sky.
This. I somehow don't want it to shoot planes down, kinda back fires and kills my units. |
Not even defending Relic but it is pretty ridiculous the amount of shouting the majority of the vocal community is doing. Bitching about balance patches gets nothing done. Obviously relic isn't sitting around with their thumbs up their asses, though they're working on things at a slow pace that most don't appreciate. I'd love for them to patch smaller and more frequently because at the current rate its pretty atrocious, but I'm not going to scream about it.
Plus, twitch chat was pure cancer. Never seen so many inane comments in my life that were ALL CAPPPSSSEDDD and copy pasted ad nauseum (and this is coming from the resident copypasta/chat shitposter). Makes me not want to bother watching the streams in the future simply because of how aggravating chat becomes.
That's because most people don't know how gaming companies work. They think it's like 10 guys gathering around and sayin' "ok let's make dudez with stuffz". It does not work like that. Most game developers, even smallest ones, work on different projects at the same time. There are many reasons for that. Some people thing now that the game has been released, some of the game dev team have nothing to do. A company does not run like that guys, there is always something to do. There is always a time table for that.
That being said, I do not completely defend Relics actions. Yes they have been more open to our ideas in the last few months (which had to happen much earlier) but the "content" of the stream was far away from decent. Instead of playing a 4v4 game, just set up a Q&A session. At least PQ said that in the future they will consider doing so in the other thread. |
We will definitely consider going with a separate QA section next time.
That's what I wanted to hear, Thank you. |
It's not about OOOOOHHHHHHH POOR COMMUNITY and EVIL RELIC, it's about some bad apples in the community (Am I using it right?) and some harsh reactions from the relic. Moderation is one of the basic needs of the internet because of trolls, we all know that. But I think that was a bit too much.
It might be unrelated but we live in a world which people can do or say in the name of freedom of speech. Why can't we- A small gaming community- ask legit questions about a game we care about? |
The only thing is their attitude guys. The NDA has been their from the start, but they could be a bit more nice about it. Since her arrival, Cynthia has been doing her best to keep the community calm and took all of our shit, but as @Napalm said in the other thread it's the attitude that hurts us. Instead of banning people or being sarcastic they could just give frank answers or even blame it on NDA. He gave a good example of the correct attitude when your hands are tied.
I have said countless times that Relic is a damn good studio and they know hwo to make RTS games. But that doesn't mean they are perfect (and they don't claim to be perfect either). But with more transparency and more PR, they can raise the hype and sell more games. Most of us stood by them after the sad THQ bankruptcy and I know many people who pre-ordered the game just to support relic. And to be honest game was not 100% complete when released but I don't wanna go down that road and bring up memories from 3 years ago.
The thing is, if you want to plan a Stream or any other event you need to have content. If you do, stand by it and if you don't, it's ok you'll do it another time. Even PQ said that I can't both answer and play, so either just play the game or start a Q&A session. I think communities concern is not only about the information they give, it's about how they give it.
All and all, They have been more engaged with the community in the past few months, but they still have a long road ahead of them. Having a relatively small community has its own Pros and Cons you just have to make the best out of it. Let's hope the upper management change their policies a little bit, for the sake of Hype and more sales. |
@NorthWestFresh You do have a point, but that stream was an insult. The way they moderated the chat, stupid and sarcastic answers, dodging questions etc. You have NDAs? Fine, but you don't have to say PZgrens are over-performing and then spam them like hell and lose the game.
This was just a simple example. I personally am glad to see a patch focused on bug fixes. This is what most of the community wants right now and it makes sense, fix the game so it works as intended, and then balance it they way it should. But the thing is they act like there is no problem with balance. That's what pisses people off.
The quality of the stream was completely their fault (the whole company and their policy not the community manager). If you can't talk about stuff, just post a thread and say "Ok guys, we are gonna have a patch in February". But please don't waste 2 hours of my life for that. That's all I'm asking. |