Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: Nerf the Sturmovik12 Feb 2014, 14:12 PM
That was brilliant Cookie. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Who uses ostheer t3 11 Feb 2014, 19:15 PM
That is correct. Soviets rely on combined arms and unit abilities to defeat Ost, whereas Ost relies on excellent individual unit micro because of their fewer units. Ost abilities generally revolve around preserving units for longer periods. I really enjoy playing as Soviet right now I can easily take down almost any tank with 2 guards squads and a shot or two from an AT gun. Button is expensive, but you should be getting a kill on a tank for using it so definitely worth it. I never have more fun then when I am Soviet and am laying down a mine field and luring my opponent into it before I spring the trap and destroy 3 or 4 squads at once. Quite fun, often gets the rage quit. TLDR: Munitions = MP, spend yours take theirs! In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Who uses ostheer t3 11 Feb 2014, 17:56 PM
In which case a munitions light faction has traded 40 munitions for 80 in a munitions heavy faction. That seems like a fair trade. I find that the complaints of smoke + blitz are from the psychological effect of losing a potential kill, less so because of the damage it does. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Strategy in Company of Heroes 25 Feb 2014, 21:07 PM
Being rude won't make your point heard better, probably the opposite. Noun it would be helpful to us if on larger threads you could leave a message occasionally saying something like: "Thanks for the feedback, the balance team is considering it." Thanks for your other responses. Other than that the early point in the OP about strategic depth is well made and I agree. Global upgrades allowed very interesting game play that simple unit build orders struggles to capture. In: Lobby |
Thread: Shocktroops at 1CP5 Feb 2014, 18:32 PM
Agreed, you don't need to worry about the FHT when you have scripts. Also I think the scout car for Soviets can defeat the FHT 1v1. In any case it does quite a bit of damage to the HT. Also keep in mind shocks and guards are synergistic in team games, so in 2v2+ it is very, very difficult for ost to stay on the field vs. competent soviet players. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: B4 artillery?5 Feb 2014, 18:29 PM
Is it really pin-point for 80 munis? I thought it will hit the point were you shoot pin-point for 80 munis, but if the tank moves it will miss, and tanks often move... The time from were you order it to shoot and until it shoots is so long that pin-point shot seldom is pin-point. It is in fact very accurate for 80 munitions. It also has the ability to target vehicles which guarantees a hit and penetration I think as long as LOS is maintained. For the Perc strike just use an at nade to cripple a tank then fire the B4 at the tank. If the B4 is rotated on target, which it should be since there is no penalty for rotating it between shots, it will immediately fire after elevating the gun. You really won't have to worry about the tank moving. If you want an ally can button a vehicle and then you can also drop sweet death on it. Very, very powerful support commander in a team game. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: B4 artillery?5 Feb 2014, 13:45 PM
Pro hint: Katitof, I won't be baited into an ad hominem flame war here, but you are trying. Every single indirect fire unit has the potential to one shot wipe squads, which is normal. But there are many more than there used to be and it is generally not great for game play. I never said that units should never die, but players who are good at keeping units alive to vet 3 should be rewarded. In contrast, a player who loses many vet units who wipes them with a call is being rewarded for the wrong thing. Basically we are saying don't worry about your micro rely on RNG. Please don't "Pro-tip" me, I have plenty of experience against the B4 and with it. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Favourite Theater of War Mission5 Feb 2014, 13:41 PM
I found early ToW maps to be extremely boring. They generally gave you a twist on a mutliplayer map (i.e., try to beat this strat). The ones that were truly unique were more interesting. I found missions to be tedious, move sniper here, kill one man, pull back, move up, kill one man, etc. However, Brody tank war was very good (I have played it multiple times now with and without friends). It allows a battle I cannot have in any other mode, and with a friend. The defense maps are ok, but boring without an additional player. If the defense maps could be 2vX or 3vX they would be more interesting. I also think the early ToW suffered from very poor balance. It is really not very fun to go against 3 KV-1's with no anti armor unit (except for a pak). Even the most recent ToW still has serious balance issues that detract from the game (still can't use PG's). I understand trying to make the flavor of the time, but you have already violated that with numerous commanders who deploy units before they were built (Pak 43) and of course the Mg42! It's right there in the name. One of the most annoying things for me is the huge differences in unit stats from other modes, which makes it very hard to predict encounters in ToW. Take the elite challenge in the newest ToW for Ost. In that map if you play on easy difficulty T70's take 4 penetrating shots from the Stug H to die. Why? vCOH campaign missions that stood out to me were ones were I felt like I was attempting to take a real objective, and that things were uncertain. Even if I did take the objective later almost anything could happen. I was required to build defense, clutter roads, and make the terrain support my much weaker forces. For ToW I would try to do things that cannot be replicated in multiplayer. The newest ToW with unusual starts (e.g., all points capped for one side or the other) was interesting and entertained me, but did not convince anyone I knew on my friends list to buy them. You might also consider giving unique abilities or units in ToW to make the missions feel more unique. The Tiger challenge was ok, but was not very replayable once you beat it. What is the point in grinding back through to blow up some heavies? You could also try to help people unlike bulletins by providing situations where bulletins that are hard or impossible to complete elsewhere are finished here. This is where I got "With extreme difficult". ToW is VP focused (obvious but I need to say it). Many campaign players and comp stompers prefer annihilation because it takes longer. VP's are a complete turn off to them since they want to build a lot of big tanks and duke it out toe to toe. I find these games boring, but would say annihilation is still missing from ToW and would be an interesting addition if intelligent players could make interesting strikes on the base to win (i.e., no more Pripyat marsh maps where one choke point is present). Winter is also not interesting to many of the more single player focused individuals I have talked to since they feel that it is very, very tedious. They tend to not be as interested in micromanaging every little group. They want to use large attack groups. It also completely stops the comp because it won't attack in a blizzard. So frequently you are left sitting around at campfires doing nothing for 3 minutes until the blizzard passes. Not really that much fun. I also find winter very annoying, and the site reduction as the only real portion I like. None of the ToW missions are connected, a win in one does nothing to the overall story. Therefore, they all feel very disconnected and unimportant. It would be best if they could be weaved together to develop a more important element. Maybe give you command of a division as it is destroyed on the Eastern front for Ost, and potentially a command of a group of Soviets as they move from small skirmishes to heavy front line battles. Small tedious detail, please don't lecture me about WWII if you are going to make me watch my tanks blow up because they won't move since I no longer have control. Either end the game and lecture me, or let me control my tanks until the game actually ends. Overall maps of the front actually changing with different battles would help to weave the history lesson in. I have a fair bit of historical knowledge about many of these battles and I find it very hard to place everything without maps. That is all for now Noun, thanks for asking. I would be happy to weigh in on similar topics in the future if you feel it is worthwhile. This should count towards my dissertation. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: B4 artillery?5 Feb 2014, 13:15 PM
I dislike the B4 because it relies on RNG before gaining vet. After it does gain vet its cool down is pretty short and unlike other artillery that continues to fire at a certain location, giving the other player a chance to avoid it, it fires only once and then cools down quickly. I don't think the B4 should have been added to the game simply because of how RNG dependent it is. It also wipes squads and destroys the idea of unit preservation again. To address the above comments, with the precision strike it is very accurate. At vet 3 it gains damage, so I think it can one shot a panther then (or it only takes a small amount of damage if it can't). It will definitely two shot tigers and elephants. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Meet the Company of Heroes community team4 Feb 2014, 21:33 PM
Capacity the larger complaint here is how you voiced your disapproval. You are welcome to disagree with how Relic choices to run its business, many of us have, but your op carried a number of very negative connotations with it. Whether you meant to or not, your post appeared to attack Relic, especially individuals at Relic. It is telling that you got a terse response to your thread so quickly from Noun, who is often very polite even to very, very rude individuals. If you disagree with the choice I would recommend changing your original post with the removal of much of the vitriolic portions, and better develop your argument in a pleasant manner. You don't have to agree with everything Relic does, I certainly don't and I think there is a lot of room for improvement. But you do have to show respect to people, even when you completely disagree with their choices. In: Lobby |
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