Can we remove engine criticals from front hits by a tank on a tank other than when they are at 5%?
Not sure how 2 posts from different relic staff is "flocking" but the issues with molotov's is a fair point. He is complaining that they are automatic upgrades and hard to balance. He said nothing about micro issues.
Profile of Imagelessbean
Post History of Imagelessbean
Thread: How to further improve coh210 Mar 2014, 13:56 PM
In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: T4 and the Panther9 Mar 2014, 00:07 AM
2-3 upgraded gaurds alternating button? Who the hell has munitions for that? That's 180 for upgrades and another 120 for them all to use button. You might have been able to pull that off once with a huge lead, but that's just not sustainable for a close match. Actually its not as hard as you might think. Yes you pay a lot of munitions for the ability but you spread it out over time and they upgrade the Guards in general so you get more bang for your buck. Also you only need 2 squads when they have vet. Vet gives guards a longer duration on button. In addition, 120 munitions is not different than ost using two teller mines, or a couple of blitz's or a single stuka attack, or an arty strike. To trade 120 munitions for a tank, I would do that any day for any tank (except maybe, maybe the T70). Two guards alternating button is scary if you don't have smoke. You are basically going to lose your armor if you get caught once. A single tank, field gun, or SU85 will quickly speed things up and save you some munitions. This is soviets we are talking about afterall, they've got munitions. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: How to further improve coh28 Mar 2014, 23:50 PM
CoH2 community at its finest, we run around in circles over 5 posts over something we understand what is being implied yet have to correct each other over the correct buzz word. #justneckbeardthings Agreed. Seriously you know exactly what was being addressed. RANDOM kills, incorrectly called "crits", but the outcome is the same to the player. The same thing happens with the second member of the Soviet sniper squad who can occasionally randomly get a kill making it possible for a Soviet sniper team to wipe a squad with 2 remaining men. *Other requests* Please, please, please fix vehicle pathing. I am so tired of HT spinning in circles in combat. Change mine crit system to be more fair and to be like COH1. One mine, moderate engine damage, more than two possible for heavy engine damage or immobilize. Counter barrage to do something, anything. AC to be useful. In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Ram 7 Mar 2014, 14:45 PM
There's nothing more that needs to be said here. Ram is a stupid but presently necessary gimmick. Remove ram and give soviets more AT in other areas, either in the form of infantry AT or upgunning the T34. End of story. +1 Already said, but /thread. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Bulletin is not getting unlocked!6 Mar 2014, 13:40 PM
You need to fully describe how you are trying to do this. Are you in campaign, are you connected online...? I have not tried to unlock bulletins since the last update, is it broken now? In: COH2 Gameplay |
Thread: Sniper Balance4 Mar 2014, 22:24 PM
I would not be against a slight price increase if AC was moved to T1, that would help prevent spamming and always forcing Soviets to go guards. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Sniper Balance4 Mar 2014, 19:45 PM
Would it be possible to exchange the AC for Ost with a unit in T1 to give them a way to stop multiple sniper spam (maybe move mortar to T2 or sniper)? The cost on the AC could remain unchanged forcing the Ost player to slow tech to T2 and therefore lmg's as a tradeoff. In addition, it would still allow snipers but punish multiple snipers since without conscripts in support it would be easy pickings. It would also give the AC more use since its window of usefulness would be wider without being OP. Another option new commander with Schwimwagen at 0cp, only $10. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: IS2 are you kidding me?3 Mar 2014, 03:33 AM
Actually with a Panther you can micro in such a way that the IS2 is constantly stuck with Turret traverse as your drive around it getting hit after hit in as it helplessly lumbers backwards to try and get away from the Panther thats on it like a bee hive. But if forces the Panther into an offensive role where it is at risk and the IS-2 is not. A single AT nade will end the circle strafe and give the IS-2 the upper hand again. And if you have an IS-2 I don't know why its not supported. The IS-2 is an excellent, excellent tank. I don't think it needs to be nerfed or buffed per se, but you are way under selling such a well rounded unit. Stop bringing up the Tiger please, its goal is to kill tanks, and its not like when it arrives the IS-2 automatically dies. It just means the IS-2 has to be careful not to over extend. Again a single AT nade can cripple the tank, and then the IS-2 can dodge in and out of the max range firing a shot off and weakening it or killing Pio's trying to repair. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Ram 3 Mar 2014, 03:26 AM
It only works against overextended German players period. Here's the thing though, sometimes just because of RNG, it punishes a player who did not overextend their tank, and that is wrong. Ram is too random. It is a poorly designed ability flawed at its core and should be removed. Of course I understand that Soviets would need something to help T3 take on Ost tanks, and it should get it. I don't know if an upgrade to the 85 would be answer, it would need to be checked by the balance team. However, I fully agree that any change to ram should result in a buff to Soviet AT. Forcing Soviet players to rely on 76 and AT guns is not a good idea. In: COH2 Balance |
Thread: Relic missed a huge opportunity with "mud tech"3 Mar 2014, 03:20 AM
Mud and deep snow just favor campy styles of play, which is bad. Blizzards suck because I feel like I have to babysit my units (its a chore), they slow down many computers, and they put the basically put the game on hold until they end. Ultimately they are very boring strategically. Mud, was a bad idea, but was called for by many players on the forums. Hill 331 is good example of making a classic map zero fun with it. By funneling all vehicle movement away from the mud, and making the map so large that it takes ages to go anywhere, it is a boring map that I always veto now. In: COH2 Gameplay |
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