Note that Landmattress Vet2 actually does nothing (i.e., it applies the damage modifier to an inexistent weapon). This was a bug that was intentionally left unfixed.
HP is down to 300 since GCS, so that it can get two-shot properly, like the other howitzers.
Yeah, hu is probably not updated but it's the easiest to access.
From what i can read from there, it's applying to the "auto attack" weapon itself, which obviously doesn't exist (hardpoint_01). Thx god.
I wish that would be true but that damn 0.5 modifier behind green cover really makes nades useless against cover play (except uberflame nade or molo )
Against trenches it's like hitting a house. You'll get wipes cause it provides garrison cover, rather than heavy cover (one difference with Axis trenches) while all the models are close together.
Subjective and non accurate description?
Opinion will be based mostly on 2v2 onwards cause in 1v1, artillery is way more situational.
Stats taken from stats.coh2 or org. when relevant.
These are the non doctrinal options which are a plus.
The disagreement in this thread speaks to the relative balance of all the artys. It is important also as someone pointed out that axis is the faction that camps more, therefore allied arty should be stronger on the whole.
This is a factor which is almost overlooked, same way with map consideration.
I wouldn't say Axis, more so OH/UK, cause OKW is not necessarily a "defensive" faction besides playing ISG + HQ.
About maps, any linear map makes Stuka extremely more potent as it makes retreat paths easily predictable.
-Remove/fix stupid gimmicky of double scoped rifles at vet3 (which only makes the squad drop weapons).
If i have to guess, there was some intention of making upgrades weapons less powerful with vet, by reducing vet bonuses and just giving a "stock weapon upgrade".
-Improve the grenade upgrade appealing.
-Improve flare-arty appealing without going anvil.
I am not a hundred percent sure, so take it with a grain of salt, but on checking, according to this:
There seems to be a considerable ( 0.5) negative damage multiplier. Not accuracy, mind you, but damage. Then again, upon selecting a specific target, in this case the sniper team, here:
It seems that the sniper team individual models receive a slight (0.15)target size increase. This is however only addressing the main gun, not the coax.
So make of that what you will. In any case, from practical experience, of having my snipers chased by 222s and chasing them, between your unspectacular dps output and terrain obstructing autocannon shots etc you simply rarely if ever will generate enough damage to kill a retreating full health team on a 1v1 sized map. Outliers of course notwithstanding.
You shouldn't look at the main gun for raw AI dps, but the coax.
From the changelog:
MG42 now properly tracks infantry
* MG42 accuracy reduced from 0.6/0.425/0.25 to 0.44/0.385/0.275
* MG42 accuracy increases with veterancy: +10%/+15%/+15%
* MG42 range distance near from 10 to 0
* MG42 0.75 accuracy modifier versus Snipers (down from 1.5).
Snipers in general had been nerfed with the stealth exploit removed. With the exception of the M3A1 (only the frontal MG has bonus), the rest of the hardcounters are there more for the revealing than the chasing of snipers.
222 should be set to 1.0 (i don't think snipers are overperforming atm).
that would explain it, but still doenst make sense why it is different for both events..
Not really. It's easier to land a snare through a mobile unit rather than planning ahead and putting a mine. Also, what ferwiner says.
Think about hitting an SU mine with a KT at full health. 1080/1280 around 85%. You would just need to "tap" the vehicle in order to repair it. It would be the same for Tigers and vet2 PV.
Dont have replays but witnessed alot of wierd things with gun crits occuring at the 30-40% Mark( no not 25% or below because you kinda see when the bar is 1/4 empty)
A bit offtopic: I remember reading something about repairing crits, that they should be repaired at 75% now instead of 100% ? Because sometimes crts gets repaired at 75% and sometimes it needs to be fully repaired
I think it takes 100% for mines but only 75% for snares.
Regarding crits: they apply after the damage is done, not before. If your health drops belows 25% it might proc. Not sure how the system takes into account health increase through vet.
I'd like to point out that they did take out blizzards.
They also removed maps from the rotation, which is basically the same. Blizzard affects every faction equally with the exception of OKW (SP and old Volks upgrade) so it's easier to remove in comparison. TBH if someone wants to mention things which had been removed we could mention the doctrinal ones:
-Veterancy givers such as Elite Rifles or Elite Doctrine
-Direct resource convertion (Soviet Industry or Close air support)
There has also been the removal/tweak of vet abilities which were obnoxious (precision strike).
Anyway, i'm not saying it's impossible but that it's not likely.
USF gets a strong/balanced early-mid game which starts to drop off hard into the late game. This strong early presence is in some way or another achieved through the extra squad gained upon teching (lt or cpt) and preserving vet with Rifles.
1v1 you'll see Armor/Pershing commander with some slight variations depending on map (Rifle company/Dodge) and opening. For teamgames, the only worthy thing that USF brings is basically CalliOP, specially on maps which you can't use Jacksons or Shermans due to mobility.
Power level of lights is fine. Transition to late-end game, indirect fire (besides CalliOP) and AT are the main problems (on non open maps).
IMO, things to fix/tweak:
Popcap: reduce popcap on major/ambulance but normalise it with giving crews an increased pop. Crews can be dismissed in case they are not needed, instead of having to suicide them.
LT: bar behind upgrade but give the LT some proper abilities instead of been a Rifleman squad with sprint on vet.
Pack Howie: MOAR. Shells. On. Barrage. This in combination with Major arty, should be the main stock late game indirect options.
AT gun: i think the weapon is mostly fine, specially against mediums. But once heavier armor appears, even using AP rounds will only bring it on the same level as other AT guns penetration which can feel frustrating at times.
Would it make it OP giving the AP rounds a 50% deflection damage (80dmg)? It could be tweaked to reduce RoF (0.5s) to be equal to pak40 to balance it out.
Jackson: +20 HP or even +2HP.
CalliOP: make it work similar to Katyusha. Power comes from the "undodgeable" first barrage.
Opening and viable commanders: lower CP on certain units and buff/change those forgotten abilities.
Fun late game stock artillery option: delayed fuse HE barrage on Scott would be OP ?
One thing to mention: why on earth is this thread not on the ballance forums?
Unless OP can correct me, it's not equal to discuss that something is "unfun" than something is imba. USF can be UP or OP, but enjoyment is completely different. Think about been a single trick pony which is OP but all other options been lackluster.
Lady Xenarra: Ah, the gren faust-replacing-rifles bug/exploit. Last Saturday, 18:24 PM
aerafield: CoH3 high elo is truly the dumbest CoH experience that ever existed Last Saturday, 17:25 PM
aerafield: @OKSpitfire tbh I find it quite challenging to get the Pershing in time, having to suffer through the CoH3 tickrate and this endless bullshit meta of massive blobs going back and forth to the forward heal truck Last Saturday, 17:24 PM
OKSpitfire: Well... going to be seeing the Pershing a lot for a little while, that thing is a monster. Last Saturday, 11:44 AM
NigelBallsworth: axis stuff is getting more meme by the second Last Friday, 23:32 PM
aerafield: Cloaked instapin MGs at 0cp. I wanna see no more crying about the Dingo while that shit is in the game Last Friday, 20:38 PM
Willy Pete: And only on annihilation, and I have to let the AI live long enough... Last Friday, 02:04 AM
Willy Pete: Pershing is absurd, but ive still only gotten to use it against AI Last Friday, 02:03 AM
Lady Xenarra: WTB Pershing for Axis, that is all Last Thursday, 13:32 PM
donofsandiego: Return of the chatGPT writing prompt. Lets see how shinasukac responds to these questions utilizing the Socratic Method. Maybe he will give us an interesting look into his opinions Last Thursday, 02:34 AM
Willy Pete: I havent even seen a pershing yet. Coh3 games still move too fast for it lol Last Thursday, 00:30 AM
shinasukac: kingtiger=kingjoker Last Wednesday, 16:27 PM
Lady Xenarra: Has anyone actually used the KT much? My experience is that the match is usually over long before I get the CPs for it Last Wednesday, 14:35 PM
Rosbone: Can someone message me the day you can look at Coh3 and not face palm yourself in disbelief that actual humans worked on it? Much appreciated. Last Wednesday, 06:40 AM
Rosbone: The only way to feel good about Coh3 is to never look at Coh3. Once you see it, you cant unsee it. Last Wednesday, 06:37 AM
Rosbone: Observer mode sucks, player stats pages are scatter brained mess, etc etc etc Last Wednesday, 06:35 AM