A unit that consistently kills other units breaks the game.... the whole f**king definition of an effective unit is one which kills other units consistently.
i dont think thats the definition of an effective unit. flamer tracks consistently instantly killed lots of soviet infantry, so it got nerfed multiple times. now it kills much slower. kv8 never got touched.
KV-8s don't break unit preservation mechanics. For one, they don't insta-gib and really only deal huge amounts of damage vs blobs.
actually, instagibbing is exactly what they do. kv8s deal 18.2 dps compared to flame tracks only doing 4.3 dps with each gun. that means they do 200 damage in 6 seconds, more than enough to kill infantry without needing to reload. plus flamethrowers can crit, which instantly kills an entity regardless of its hp. both the dps and the crits have aoe, so its very possible to instagib. blobs will die quickly, but single squads die just as fast.
They're also countered by virtually everything on wheels (Barring light armour). Just because you need combined arms to take down a unit doesn't mean it's OP.
really the only effective counters are stugs (which are rarely built) elefants/tigers (which show up much later) and panthers.
the only really plausible counters early on are stug and p4. i believe were talking about team games, in which the soviet teammates will have su85s which will be sniping those while youre bouncing shots off the kv8. i think everyone agrees that an su85 sucks at penetrating an elefant. well a p4 has a 3% better chance of penetrating a kv8.
If anything, the elefant is far more of a balance issue in that it can snipe soviet tanks from an uncounterable distance. Being at the top of the food chain in terms of armour and damage, it doesn't really have anywhere near the large amount of counters the KV-8 has and can only be defeated by forcing a mistake whereas a KV-8 will be raped by armour.
except the elefant lacks the mobility to have the same impact as a kv8. sure it can destroy tanks, if you decide to charge in front of it. if the elefant moves forward to attack, it will get flanked and killed. its a defensive tank. kv8 is offensive. whens the last time you saw an elefant charge into someones base?