Good Game  it's nice to see some competitive 4 v 4 play |
It is in my estimation that at this point in time many people who bought the Collectors Edition such as myself either,
A) Have good paying jobs and could care less about a few dollars and would buy everything because they can and it's not really an issue, in short "They Don't Care"
B) Regret buying it as everything "Useful" could have been bought a la carte
In either case, I don't think too many individuals who bought the collectors edition are entirely thrilled with their purchase. |
noobelite, we get it. youre not contributing anything to this thread at this point. youre not going to get him to leave, if anything youll just start an argument and derail the thread.
I'm just quoting him like I'm quoting you, and he said, not me. I didn't even ask him to say it, he did it on his own. |
Frankly the attitudes that "KV8 is fine, L2P" in this thread are just making me mad.
I'm discontinuing discussion in this thread with people who have no interest in objective balance discussion.
Maybe third time is a charm* |
Frankly the attitudes that "KV8 is fine, L2P" in this thread are just making me mad.
I'm discontinuing discussion in this thread with people who have no interest in objective balance discussion.
Bye. |
Frankly the attitudes that "KV8 is fine, L2P" in this thread are just making me mad.
I'm discontinuing discussion in this thread with people who have no interest in objective balance discussion.
Bye. |
Frankly the attitudes that "KV8 is fine, L2P" in this thread are just making me mad.
I'm discontinuing discussion in this thread with people who have no interest in objective balance discussion.
Maybe you should L2P, I said it before I'll say it again, spending all day in forums and watching live streams doesn't translate to actually playing the game. |
Well considering you play soviets only, I'd hardly talk about playing the game.
Actually I don't, I have over 100 games with Germans, which is more then (1) |
that was actually a typo, supposed to read Soviet fanboy
Fail? (Don't really need a Meme) |
i agree 70 games and 1000+ posts is kind of a bad ratio, but i spent hours making the dps spreadsheet, so i cant really talk haha.
so youre cobain? well your stats are good too. shouldve just posted them sooner and avoided this whole thing. about the whole fanboy thing, you have 6 games as german. since each faction has seperate elo, those 6 games were all against people way below your skill level, so thats not really enough to make a fair comparison.
Sorry I meant 4 v 4, my bad. |