Fine Crells, make it so the SU-85 cannot provide it's own line of sight. Or at the very least make it a glass cannon with no armour but very high damage / penetration (Like it is now minus armour).
You do realize that the su-85 is the only russian tank that is effective against tanks right? The t-34 does nothing to a p4 (even though they are of the same tech class) and gets two or three shotted. Nerfing the su-85 would effectivly take away our only anti-tank tank. Not to mention a panther totally out classes an su-85 1v1, so what the hell are you even talking about? Your mad because it kills ur p4? Well it should because its a t4 unit! Our t3 unit is fucking useless against ur t3. We actually have to tech up just to fight ur t3, And your t4 is better then the su-85.
You fucking german fags are just going to keep bitching OP until the soviets are nerfed so bad into the ground they are barly a faction.
To put this into persepctive for you, your argument would be like me saying "nerf the panther because it is too good verse my t34!" In fact that is exactly what you are saying in regards to the su-85, which is a whole tech above the p4. I know you are not complainging about the su-85's effectivness verse your t4 panther, because the panther laughs at the su85 all day.