This really great and really reassuring for me. This is exactly the kind of business model I have been waiting for in an RTS and is exactly the reason why I will continue to support this game and buy the great commanders you are realeasing. It's not 'pay to win' its 'pay to increase strategic possibilities and enjoyment of the game'.
If you make a great game, don't ruin it by changing it completely and releasing an expansion. Work to improve upon it and provide small DLC updates where players can decided exactly what they value and exactly what they are willing to pay for. Which will help you guys understand what the player values and continue to work towards releasing the stuff we want and enjoy.
You will get resistance. New and innovative ideas often do. But once people get used to it, and those shills who will hate it no matter what leave, what we will have is a strong community of players and developers working together to continually make a great game better. It is good to hear this way of game development is here to stay 
As far as the model works for the consumer: it's a good business model for single-player content, and for
cosmetic multiplayer content. It is an appalling business for a multiplayer RTS because what anyone I face in Automatch has in this game dictates my experience of the multiplayer.
The expansion model allows people to play the base game against other people with the same in a balanced state in terms of options available if they prefer to, while this one does not. Also, compare the value for money you get with The Conquerors or The Titans to what you get for these commanders... it's not even close.
The part of your post I have bolded (Relic's official line) is currently not true of the paid commanders in the state they've been released in. The bugged FHQ bug, Assault grens, Ostruppen and Soviet industry were all so radically overpowered at release that it's basically professionally embarrassing.
Assault Grens and Ostruppen are still not uncontroversial in the community in terms of balance. If Relic want to work with this controversial business model, they have to do a much much better job of playtesting and balancing their content, as well as employing a responsible release and patching schedule driven by integrating it into the rest of the game. I have yet to see them do this.
If some people value commanders that are
blatantly above the power curve, should Relic make more overpowered commanders because they probably sell better? I suppose you might also add that what a player values may actually not be what a player wants to be in the game, if you consider people buying one commander to counter another.
Tl/dr: I have already paid for a game. Allowing other people to pay to make my game less fun makes me unable to recommend it to friends, uninterested in playing the game I've paid for and unwilling to purchase any future offerings from Relic. The business model is bad. I would be willing to tolerate it if the developers were implementing it competently. I am waiting to see if something changes in this regard.
If Relic sees the game as a 'service', why didn't they advertise it as a service, or implement the payment model of a service rather than a conventional upfront £30 purchase which is completely inappropriate for this DLC model and borderline misleading for people who pre-ordered it?