Pgrens aren't a hard counter to t70's, which would be a problem if there weren't reasonable hard counters that come within 1 to 2 minutes, or if pgrens with shreks served no good role, but they do. Pgrens backing up a pack will make a t70 back off, and the pgrens will effectively protect the pak from being circle straffed by 1 or 2 of them. If you are going heavy t2, ostheer has potentially 4 soft-counters to t70's. Fausts, shreks, paks and Scout cars(Ive seen two employed quite effectively-though that's a hell of an investment). Even one can do the job if it catches a slightly injured t70 from the back, when it is distracted by anything, or if you did get in with a faust.
I do know that you believe that if you're a good player you don't get fausted, but i've seen plenty of games where the good players do get fausted. You have to neglect a lot of the shit going on if you're going to baby-sit every single half-second of your t70.
That all said, I don't love the idea of the suggested change at all, but I don't know how disastrous it would be. We'd have to see. I think that if you want to nerf t70's shock-value though, maybe you should bump back the p4 another 10 fuel to help suggest strongly to the ostheer player that he should build the stug as a counter, not just chill and wait for a p4 or oswind a minute down the line
Forcing ostheer to build stugs to counter t70s means ostheer is set back on fuel when su 85s come rolling. Why not make the p4 cost 200 fuel to encourage ostheer to build more tigers to counter su 85s?
This is the problem I have with the disparity between the Soviets and ostheer. 700+mp and 120 muntions and a hope is needed to just scare away a t70. Why doesn't ostheer also have light armor, instead of having to overmatch a cheap and early to field wtf kill machine. With expensive mines, forced purchase of 2 shreks, expensive pak (compared to vcoh, low effectiveness and long build time, low survivability) taking on one t70 is a challenge, but 2 or 3 takes the bulk of your army to deal with, barring you having tanks.