I think Tiger was permitted to be slightly better (though not allways) for a reason. Bringing arguments like "I can't use my IS2 like german nasty player here uses his Tiger, I wanna use my IS2 in the same way ...now!" are not valid. Ever considered that Tiger is maybe the only chance for german players to win the late/end game? If IS2 will be a Tiger in mirror, the balance would be even worst. In middle and end-game the soviets have anyway enough advantages and ride the germans hard untill Tiger. Tiger can be countered nevertheless but not by bringing an IS2 and expecting to beat it. Combined arms. Don't you like the concept?
If you are still not convinced, then you can get any of these: ISU 152, B4.
ISU isn't a great idea in 1v1, and even if you do, just a lame unit. B4 is just one doctrine. I agree that IS2 shouldn't mirror the Tiger, but right now it doesn't really have any use. T34-85s do everything that an IS2 can, but better. Also, the Wehr has the strongest AT atm, AND the strongest armor. Given Wehr AT, and that an IS2 isn't as mobile as the T34, it's incredibly vulnerable, even though it's a heavy tank.
Tbh fixing the IS-2 isn't top priority, but it's worth getting looked at imo, cause there's just no reason to get one right now (similar to the uselessness of Wehr T4 really).
What the... is this? You wasted my time. That guy was sent by his mother to throw the garbage perhaps, that is why he made you an M3 gift then he quit. I met M3 combos in 2v2 against which not one pzfaust could be shot, carrying flaming engeneers that disembarked from time to time to plant mines, german SCs that followed them were blown to sky. Abuse tactics used by good players.
You shot one forgoten M3 and expect me to tell you "wow, you're right?" Get real.
Dude, relax. This wasn't meant to be a serious addition to the discussion. I just thought it was kinda funny because the original poster wrote that he lost several games in a row against Cpt.Molo's Scout Car spam, and right after posting in this thread I happened to end a game vs him in 3 minutes. I'm not claiming I'm better than him or did an awesome job, it was just a funny coincidence. Chill out already.
Lol, just happened to have a game versus Cpt.Molo with his SC spam. If this is how he normally plays then I don't understand how he got such a high rank in the first place
Went from rank 500+ to 180 in just a couple of minutes, apparently he doesn't like losing Scout Cars. Not a serious replay, just for some Scout Car topic.
not really, if you put a guards squad in the m3 it will destroy 222 with ease, and if you upgrade guards with ptrs it becomes a killing machine.
You're doing it wrong if you let an M3 with guards stand next to your own scout car Still though, you're right, the German scout car isn't always a reliable counter vs the Soviet scout. I much rather use a pak for that reason, or faust + MG in the early early game.
Well I'm trying to keep this discution at a level with grounded opinions. On the other hand I can tell you to go f...k off to, being sick of diferent forms of soviet fanboyism. But I chosed not to. So I expect some based opinions from your side, otherwise please don't bother me with stupid posts.
I play both factions, I don't see how I'm the fanboy here.
How is it bullshit? he is correct you know. the soviets can get their counter out before the sc arrive. germans have to wait 5 min before they finally get a sc out to counter the m3. it gives the soviets a rather huge and unnecessary advantage.
I'm not saying it's bullshit that M3s are OP atm. They probably are, although still not game breaking hard. I'm just getting sick of him whining how OP and easy to play Soviets are, while he hardly ever played them.
I agree to Jaigen. No one research at grenade first? Well, in such case they should do it! Adapt?! ..to enemy play style?! "Handicap their AI capacity"? Handicap their cons AI capacity it's to much said, and even if it was true, that would not be a bad thing because they will be obliged to use combined arms not just spamming cons! Why in the world everything MUST be so easy for soviets?!
Current german SC arrival is to late, letting time for M3s to ride your army hard and HANDICAP (because you like this word ) your capping ability because you need to keep your units together unlike soviets who can spread more easily. Their capping capacity in early game is not altered, even if they use M3s. That is a wrong concept. Squads in M3s can still cap even if they are embarked, and due to M3 speed they can reach faster capping points. By the time SC arrives, the perfect counter is there: Guards. I mean, in every stage of early game germans are overpassed from the start. If they build something, soviets already have a hard counter and are one step ahead no matter what germans do. Long live the balance.
You should really start playing both factions before posting all this bullshit you're continuously posting on the forums. It's getting annoying.
I can understand the ISU nerf ( just make it have more scatter at long range). The soviet mine can't say much since mines are meant to kill people anyway but rifle grenades? It's not as powerful as last patch and costs 30 ammo. It's quite expensive for something that does not guarantee the death of enemy squads. Care to state your reason?
They seem to do about as much damage as a Guards/PG nade, but with more range, and being much harder to dodge. May be just me though, I've never heard others complain about it (except for one Soviet guy I used a lot of nades against a couple of games ago )
The only real problem with S-Mines are when they're on a retreat path imo. It's just ridicilous that retreating squads would run through a field with huge signs next to them. All in all I feel like S-Mines could use a nerf though, just like pretty much every explosive (ISU-152 shot, soviet mines, German rifle grenade, etc).