I don't really understand why the Sturmtiger doesn't get an automatic reload as well now since there's no longer an abandon critical while reloading.
I mean, what's just the point in more senseless button mashing?
Could have used a long range shelling ability as well but whatever at this point I guess.
Anyway, like I suggested in the General Feedback topic, perhaps Hull Down can be introduced for the OKW as well for the Fortifications doctrine now too after it's buffs, seems to fit the theme.
Also the Command Tiger could maybe get an S-mine launcher similar to the Sturmtiger or a smoke ability to make it more unique and practical possibly if you ask me.
The Sturmtiger is still immobilised/heavily slowed while reloading, isnt it? If this is the case, that's really the only excuse for making the player manually reload the thing. If that /had/ been changed, then there's absolutely no reason for the damn thing to not automatically reload. |
Would have been cool to put this in Festung Armor or something. But alas, Relic doesn't want any more unit swaps between factions because of missing skins and voice lines etc. The Tiger swap was only possible because OKW happened to have some unused voice lines for it.
The OKW tiger is still missing skins though, isnt it? I feel as though i remember mine all being Erdgelb rather than having my Valkyria Chronicle skins.
Also: Is the lack of skins/Voice Lines the "real" reason they're insisting on no more model/unit swaps? I sort of get it, but I feel as though the potential for improved gameplay/balance sort of trumps the minor drop in "Aesthetic" quality. In terms of voice lines, there are already plenty of "Generic" lines for vehicle types to ensure that it really wouldn't be /that/ jarring. (Also: the fact we don't have appropriate skins for units is an entirely, and easily, fixable problem if Relic simply allow modders to reskin units again. Hell, even VA work could be done if Relic allowed, I doubt there'd be an issue finding skilled actors, some of whom might even work for free)
I do hope they reconsider, I thought there was an actual "gameplay" reason they didn't want unit swaps, not just an aesthetic concern.
EDIT: Hey, wait... As someone already pointed out, this beta patch ALREADY has an unit swap, with the USF 50. cal being given to Soviet. What gives? |
Pls gib one of the commanders the ability to give sturmpios rifles, it would make the faction playable.
Edit: Hell i'll even settle for mosins, it'd make perfect sense to give scavenge such as an ability merged with that useless shitty muni buff to salvaging.
Honestly I wouldn't mind an OKW commander (Be it an existing one, or a newly minted one) revolving around Beutewaffen and even Beutepanzer.
Would giving Sturms rifles actually be useful, or is this just an April Fools post? I assume the latter, given that you mention giving them Mosins.
Why were Pfussies touched at all? You traded early game for a great late game when choosing not to go volks. Why are we just straight buffing a doctrinal replacement unit, so volks are even worse? I really, really don't understand the logic behind the pfussie changes at all.
It appears to be a buff in the early game, but I think it's arguably a (Minor?) nerf in the lategame (Except for AT Fusies, who have simply had their performance improved).
I say it's a minor nerf as less of the Fusies' DPS is localised in their G43 now, which makes model drops a little more impactful. I'm not sure how much it actually changes their performance though, I haven't done the maths here. |
Im not a fan of the 6th man too, but as far as i know there was no lack of soldiers even 1945. Experienced and trained Soldiers for sure, but they had enough young people to throw at the front. And in coh2 Volks are a mix of inexperienced new soldiers and older ones. Anyway i think we should go away from this stigma (allies mass low qualitiy units, axis high quality low number units). We get nothing of value from this game design imo.
About volks: The mp40 upgrade is way more interesting than the stg one. Its not as brainless and gives the unit a clear design (mid-near range squad compared to ok on every range). And with it Volks are actually able to to beat upgraded Sections/Cons/Rifle if you use them perfectly. With Stg Volks there is no range to even contest them.
In gameplay terms: "Meatshield" is the most fitting role for Volks, I think. They already sort of act this way in the very early game (Relying on being able to trade relatively efficiently rather than outright outshooting their opposing numbers), and fit between Sturms in the early game, and Obers/JLI/Fallschirmjager in the lategame, who are there to act as the "Hammer" to their "Anvil".
Modifying them to more closely parallel the Conscript formula, rather than the rifleman-lite that they currently morph into would be the best way to rebalance Volks, in my opinion. Smoothing out their scaling in this way (Through the loss of STGs) also gives more room for their early-game and late-game performance to be tweaked, which would allow them to scale well while not being oppressive at any point in the game.
Increasing the number of men in the squad (while reducing reinforcement cost, and ideally lowering pop cost, as OKW are already heavily strapped for pop space) with an upgrade would be the ideal way to go about that. 6man squads aren't /just/ a SOV trait, anyway. Ostruppen exist, and USF inexplicably have 6man squads as well. |
I propose Falls have their bundle grenade replaced with a Panzerfaust. It would be very powerful and I suspect probably even overpowered, but I would like to experiment with the idea of giving certain elite infantry unit snares, especially Falls and Paratroopers since they made use of portable AT weapons during the way.
April Fools |
If heavies are so bad as I'm reading here then why people [still] use them? Old-time memories just don't die?
I think a lot of people use heavies (Particularly the Tiger) because they are "cool", not so much because they're the most effective option going. |
These threads are honestly not particularly funny. |
what other units? genuinely asking, cause i cant think of any other than maybe early loss and capture of a mg/vickers for OST/UKF.
Maybe make meds require one of the trucks deployed(either one) and be based on the Initial truck but i really don't know how that would work since battlegroup would have that big medic cross on top of it, but no med upgrade and would really hamper any foward HQ players(since no more heals just reinforce).
T-70, AEC, 222 to some degree. I think the AEC in particular fits the bill as it is literally the only light vehicle that UKF possess. (UC doesn't count)
5 man still
STG 44 upgrade remains
gets a third one(STG) with panzer authorization
Veterancy 4 bonus (sight range) no change
Veterancy 5 bonus (passive healing) no change
Sandbags kept as is
Now they can pick up dropped weapons [1 slot] even with 3 stgs (because you really can`t rely on picking up enemy weapons, but if you manage you have a killer volks now)and fits with faction resource starvation/salvage
which i think would be minimal changes but would give volks a edge
I really don't think balancing around weapons slots is a good move, weapon drops honestly aren't a good mechanic to begin with, and the sorts of weapons you might be able to "get" vary dramatically between the three allied factions.
It's also far too inconsistent.
Also: Unless there has been a very recent change I've missed, Volksgrenadiers only get two STGs. |
[This discussion spawned out of the OKW commander revamp thread page 5+]
So this is a topic I found quite interesting:
Previously, the game had a lot more infantry with spawn mechanics. There were either paradrops that were meant to be placed in or very close to combat, as well as a multitude of infiltration spawns from buildings to surprise the enemy and kill a damaged unit.
With the changes over the last years, parachuting and infiltration building spawns have now completely missed their original design. The initial strength of units has been nerfed to allow them to better fit into build orders or remove "cheesy" spawns. Examples here are the Fall nerf to 2 FG42s, infiltration commandos down to 3 men and Stormstroopers needing to upgrade MP40s. Others like JLI have completely lost the ability to spawn from buildings. Alternatively, map reworks have continuously removed buildings or moved them to less important areas (Whiteflash even said that he completely avoids placing functional buildings at all).
This makes these spawn mechanics nice to look at, but overall less meaningful. Infiltration spawns have become a rarity and the power spike from those units upon entering combat has been lowered a lot. The additional delays (for weapon upgrades) also do not allow to launch them into an ongoing attack anymore. I know all of this was intentional and in most cases also benefited overall unit balance, but it degrades the whole spawning mechanic to (slight hyperbole) nothing more than a neat animation.
Now the question: What do we do with this?
Do we just keep it this way? It's not really broken after all. But maybe we could also do much more with it and rework these spawning mechanics of these units (they are doctrinal, so covered by the upcoming patch) for a slightly more impactful or at least unique spawn role.
Personally I think all doctrinal infantry should be built at the HQ, rather than being "Called in", and should all be tied to tech instead of to "CP" (I'd say the same of /all/ doctrinal units, but this thread is about infantry specifically).
Infiltration units in particular should simply cease being infiltration units, and be constructed normally. In exchange, they would arrive pre-upgraded, and I might argue that their camouflage should be improved. The latter to allow these units to still fulfil their role of penetrating enemy lines and causing disruption, without the gimmicky (and more importantly: Inconsistently useful due to the number and position of ambient buildings) "infiltration" mechanic.
Paras and Fallschirmjaeger Should still be airdropped/called in, as I don't think there's a really viable way to make changes to the way these units are "made" and still keep their flavour/role. It also keeps them unique.
A side benefit of all doctrinal infantry/vehicles being buildable, rather than "called in" is that it can help to free space in the commander UI, which leaves room for abilities to be added/shuffled around in doctrines.
EDIT: Alternately, in the case of Infiltration squads, I think they ought to take a page from Paras' books. An engineer unit should need to construct a "beacon" (or field camp, whatever) that infiltration squads can be "infiltrated" to. This would at least make things more consistent, though it would be a nerf in many cases. |
Working exactly as intended then.
Are heavies actually strong enough at the moment for this to need to be how it works, though? It is/was understandable when Heavies were quite so dominant, but my understanding is that Heavy Tanks are currently fairly underwhelming as a whole. |