any less viable and the only people useing it would be to smash noobs. 1 panzer faust to the rear is all you need, and considering you dont even need to tech the faust i consider clown cars in a really good position atm
the t70 is just to weak for what it should be doing, by the time you get t3 out it is simply better to wait a little while and get a t34.
what do people think about shifting it to t2 and making it slightly weaker?? its a hard counter to the flaming half track but i fear it would simply be to strong for the germans to handle and the fact that i doubt anyone would go special rifle command when you could go t2 and rush an early t70.
Any other suggestions as to how to make the t70 worthwhile?
i like the death from the cold, but maybe there is some middle ground, I.E. it takes much much longer to die, 300% longer or something, but at certain intervals your troops become weaker, so prolonged exposure will kill you off slowly, and untill then your troops are less and less effective?
oh and sidenot, get rid of the death on retreat it is just nonsensical if i am running for my life i am building up heat in my body, adrenaline pumping at thought of safety you are unlikely to die whilst on the home run.
it feels really good, conscripts got a new ability with vet 1, not tried it yet though. and panzerfausts dont totally wreck m3 s!!! still does good damage and can drive it off, but it isnt an insta kill like it was in closed (80% damage and small arms to kill it)
how i Love this site and the devs! be back after finished installing! im off to watch Enemy at the gates, what could be better to get me in the mood for some Soviet action
Fiction is fiction people, even if based on reality. stop getting your panties in a twist over this, there were far worse things than pointing guns at prisoner's heads.
on a side note i would like to point out the current medial conditioning, when an American points a gun at someone he is being righteous and saving his country(automatic response) but when you see a soviet or nazi suddenly they are savages and such things are horrific
for me the main reason i only took the soviet HMG was to cover chokes, its narrow fire makes it just to easy to flank, but it does a good job in choke points.
If you want anything else from a HMG i suggest thievery