Now that you have peaked my interest good sir, I have a few questions.
1. Would increasing scatter help lets say the vickers suppress better?
2. Would decreasing scatter cause SMG units to drop single models faster?
3. Why is the BAR so high? I would expect it to be lower to drop models faster while the LMG to be higher so that it would do consistent damage to whole squad.
1. It could at least alleviate the issue of the Vickers killing a model and then not firing because it needs to aim at another target. The actual suppression of the Vickers is okay if no model dies. Additionally, ROF could be doubled and accuracy or damage halved to allow for more damage checks. In this case suppression must also be halved to cancel put the double ROF.
2. I can't remember the SMG scatter values. But unless they are exorbitantly high, I assume that they will almost always hit a single target due to the short ranges.
3. I have no idea. Maybe Relic wanted to simulate that the bar was originally designed as a portable LMG? This weapon was supposed to cover advancing troops while advancing yourself. Or maybe it had accuracy issues? Maybe someone here on the forum knows.
I don't think these values have ever been up for balsnce consideration. I can't really remember any change to them in the patch notes.
Edit: due to MMX's post it just came to my mind that there is the possibility of damage not being transferred, but the mechanic just acting as an additional roll for damage. In this case increasing the scatter must come with less accuracy or damage per bullet, otherwise the targeted model will just die the same.