Target tables are already an existing system even in COH2:
AT satchel
Land mattress
all use target table just to name few.
Most of the current target tables are either regarding snipers or emplacements. Or, in the case of handheld AT, infantry because the span of target sizes has not been used properly. As you mention, they are mostly there to solve specific issues, but often do not make sense.
The problem with current implementation of HVAP M93 Shells or HEAT shell is that they are better shell regardless of target and not against specific targets.
One can combine the target tables with abilities explaining that the specific round is specifically design vs super heavy tank.
I am not talking about any specific ability in CoH2. It was a very general point it is possible to give both shells a proper role.
Target tables got a bad name due to COH1 where units of the same type like infatry used different types of "armor" and thus where extremely durable vs certain weapons and very weak vs others. The system was confusing and made little sense and one had to know what work against what.
We are talking about something completely different. Grouping weapon and targets in a way that makes sense will help player and developers. In the end of the day it does not matter how many units have modifiers as long as the system has clear rules that are easy to understand and make sense.
Again: grouping units and using target tables can work for gameplay. It will not explain why the same shell performs differently against two targets when it should logically do the same.
Because it designed as a hard counter to Super heavies. The system of lower ROF was tested in COH2 and was partially removed for units like the M36.
Imo it is pretty easy to explain to player that a certain unit is designed specifically to counter super heavies and it much more disable than a unit that counter everything from kubel to KT with the same ease.
And why should this be impossible with properly designing unit stats?
We get a new game with CoH3, it is not like we would need to build on some of the rubble that CoH2 is at times. CoH3 can get fresh start.
Only it's performance should not be consistent against all target because that make other units obsolete.
Why would one bother to build a SU-76 that can not fight heavily armored target when a SU-85 can fight both medium and heavily armored units better?
Imo target tables is not the cause of a problem but the solution in better designing rock/paper/scissor units and it is being implemented in number of other games.
Problem starts when one uses target tables but creates that is inconstant and "illogical" and creates unique solution for similar issues. Actually this happens also to be the case in CoH2 but thankfully in small degree (and same uses of target tables do not make sense).
Again, I am not talking about 'same performance against all units'. I am talking about getting a consistent outcome for the same actions. It is not consistent at all if both my medium/light TD and heavy TD need 3 shots to kill a LV, but the medium/light TD needs 6 for a heavy while the heavy TD also only needs 3 for a heavy (numbers made up obviously). It is much more logical to give the light TD a lower pen chance.
I won't go into details regarding the SUs since I made general points. But you mention another important topic: LVs in CoH2 don't scale. At all. This is something that Relic will hopefully solve as they promised, as this created the need to make the last tier units jack of all trades.
Overall I am slightly concerned about Relics new unit diversity in general. They introduce so many more different units, yet the scope of the game does not become larger. This forces units into becoming good against everything, because otherwise it is too easy to 'mis-tech' or counter certain builds if the units are too specialized.