As a note ahead I think the point did not get fully across that my ideas are not supposed to create a fully balanced game or create better balancing while all other factors stay the same. I'll just pick out a couple of points for clarification, but thank you very much for the feedback!
Vehicle sight reduction (in certain quarters) sounds good... to an extent. The thing is that I would prefer having tanks be somewhat able to operate independently if it means you could break a stalemate. I think a decent compromise would be to make it so that tanks have almost no vision behind them but to only have side vision somewhat worse than frontal.
That's one issue I have with this idea: I think it could lead to spamming artillery, since mediums are the only vehicles mobile enough to punish backline units. My suggestion would heavily nerf that, that's why I am also aiming to make the mortar more expensive as described below.
Unfortunately, there is no side vision in this game. There is a minimum and maximum vision and the angle in which the max vision will be applied.
Not a fan of making damage random. Accuracy and deflection is already enough of a factor, IMO, and damage ranges adds another layer of unneeded complexity to what is already a somewhat arcane aspect of gameplay.
I think the problem is that everything reverses at full speed, which was definitely not the case in real life. If reverse speeds were to be nerfed for most vehicles, you'd have savvy players playing their vehicles more carefully without needing to turn them into sponges.
As I pointed out, this could be an issue. On the other hand, CoH2 has almost no deflection damage. In the end it does not really matter if you miss or bounce, the outcome is the same. In any engagement, one could argue that there is only one level of randomness, just the visial presentation is different.
Fully agree on the reverse speed. However, the ideas need to conform to the game's engine, so that was the best I could come up with.
Not sure what a change to pioneers is supposed to accomplish. As they are now, I think they're fine, but that's the SU player in me speaking.
I'd like to move them stronger to support units. Currently both pioneer units are mediocre to okay at combat in the beginning and shitty in the end. They are often used as meat shields to throw into a VP to block capture. I'd like to move them to pure supports unless they get a special combat upgrade.
As for team weapons, I'm not sure what could be done to make them less spammable without making them useless.[more detailed team weapon feedback]
My main point was to improve authenticity. It does not make sense that a mortar shell directly hitting a target does not kill it, nor that heavy MGs feel like worse versions of light MGs.
Regarding the mortars, I edited my OP after your response to avoid misunderstanding. I don't want a whole squad gone in one shot (unless they really clump up), but a well placed shot should kill the models around it. Visually, they currently lack a lot of punch.
Unless this completely breaks gameplay, I'd like to have team weapons more lethal, but also more expensive to counteract spamming.
I am not sure about switchable rounds for suppression on the MG. I don't know what the "logical explanation" should be.
A suppressive sniper shot I could imagine as a "wounding shot", only wounding a soldier which ties up the squad for saving him or something, but MGs? I don't know about many different ammo types, but in the end I don't think there was one that effectively suppresses better than the standard round.
After all, I hope that changes to the scatter will increase damage spread enough to do a lot of damage in total, but drop models late. Similar to how e.g. flamers work.
The problem is that I think Snipers can be kind of oppressive to those factions that don't have them and that you really do need to bake in some vulnerabilities which your proposal doesn't have...
As I wrote, I only care about OST and SOV.
I agree that some further changes can be made. I did state though that they do not have guaranteed hits anymore, which makes the use of cover much mor effective against them since it reduced bleed. Snipers move from pure combat to recon and combat support.