If an OKW player can spam more tellers than a Wehrmacht player it's safe to say you performed so poorly the match has already been lost. |
A 6 second build time reduction and adjusted vet bonuses are not going to change much.
Moving them to the HQ building but locking them behind T1 is the perfect solution.
I agreed with strofio's point. They'll be no different to Penals, especially given their still lofty price.
The only change that should possibly considered is perhaps a very minor manpower cost reduction (from 340 to 330 or 320). Beyond that I think they'll be in a really good spot post patch. |
No, it shouldn't be 'nerfed', it just shouldn't be buffed or made easier to spam in the larger game modes because it's frustrating to deal with, but more important, it is not fun.
Since many people seem to be running off the incorrect assumption that I said that this is OP, that is not the case. My point was that this is commmon in 4v4, where another 3 players (who aren't spamming that) have plenty of infantry and units to fill the gaps.
I'm saying that if you _change_ pgrens, keep in mind what repercussions the changes can have in all game modes.
You either are failing to understand my words, or intentionally choosing to misinterpret them.
No, you missed my point which was that spamming PzGrens is not not going to work outside of 4v4 (where anything works really, largely due to the absurd low skill ceiling in 4v4).
I think that would probably be the best option. If it can't be turned into a fancy radio 250, just call it command 250 HT and give it the ability the bunker currently has (forget the name, not the flare one though).
That way we have something thematically fits and it maintains the intelligence aspect of the the original proposal that's currently stuffed into the bunker. |
One word.
Good thing there's no Axis faction that only has 4 man squads that could suffer from an early sniper, and has to suffer with it for the rest of the game.
And it's a good thing Brits don't have a super useful early vehicle that can drive off snipers. |
Imagine thinking the build in that screenshot works against anyone even remotely competent.
In terms of PzGrens, I think they're mostly fine now, with perhaps a slight MP cost reduction the only thing missing. |
Agreed the bunker, doesn't fit at all. Smoke drop, Sector Arty or a build-able 250 HT would all fit the theme of a fire brigade. |
Imo this thread shows why the Wehrmacht is in such dire straits. Instead of fixing the issues with OKW, the other factions are getting buffed to match OKW, with Wehrmacht being left in a ditch.
I agree the current skin is quite awful but the black one is just as unrealistic afaik. If anything it should get a nice looking unique ambush camouflage skin, maybe with some iconic unit number like Wittmann's Tiger 007.
So changing the camo is something the team is considering? It really doesn't have to be anything special; Anything is better than the current abomination. |
A tank ace wouldn't risk his life by painting his tank in such an ugly, visible color, he would become the prime target for the enemy. It's not realism, man. 
The solution is easy: make the current skin default, but make TA affected by skins in loadout. You can keep your distinct Tiger Ace, while I can make mine presentable. 
This is probably the best solution. But I'll take anything to get rid of this hideous banana skin. |