Minimum 1 extra hit to kill from basicly everything is still a huge buff. A p4 under the aura now requires 5 hits instead of 4 from standard AT effectively making it a 25% bonus to EHP against most sources.
Panther too would require an entire extra hit making it as much HP as a Tiger.
But yea, it would be worthless....
COMPLETELY unrelated, remember when rangers had the *ahem* worthless 10 damage reduction and could tank entire grenades?
Absolutely worthless.
Oh or the snipers with 82hp (vs the 88 of infantry under aura) can survive direct hits from rocket arty and mortars? Yea that was also a worthless change. I much prefer my units dying in a blink than getting out with a sliver of health and their vet.
Also those panzerwerfer that die in 1 hit, could you imagine how absolutely useless it would be if you needed twice as many shots to kill it? Would you just think to yourself "uuugh I know that should be dead right now and would be if it wasn't for that command panzer but geeze I wish I never got that hunk of junk that literally just saved my rocket Truck" I know I would because we all know that 10% damage reduction is worthless!
I don't think you'd use your Command Panzer to babysit snipers or Panzerwerfers. If you, I have some serious questions.
I'm also not sure what your point is regarding Rangers taking grenades. Apples and oranges much?