To answer OPs question: Never pick the luftwaffe doctrinebefore you have 3CP and plan on getting a fallschirmJäeger unit. Get the unit if you need to replace a wiped volks unit and use them somewhat like a sniper fighting from far away or behind cover, or cloak them and sneak around for some cheeky wipes of team weapons or retreating squads.
Just dont use them... u must use 150% of ur micro to not getting them wiped. cloaked or not theyre just not worth it, because in the lategame nearly every allied player have so much explosive Stuff that theyre die anyway.
And Luftwaffels is by far the worst OKW doctrine. Especially after the rework.
Back than in the beiningens (a few years ago) u pick the doctrine cause if the mg34 and nothing else.
But why is this so ?
1. Youre fighting healthblobbs most of the Time. Most allied use the 6 Men squats because its easier to play with in terms of wipes and not getting fuks. So your Fallis make ok dmg but not enough to realy fight vet double BAR rifles or other zergling units.
2. Theyre gardening expensive
3. Too micro intensive to get them at vet. 4 Men -> instant nade wipe. 90% of all explosives wipe u under combat circumstances. There is no Lategame for them.
4. Fighting against weapon crews? So u spawn them behind enemy Lines and u mange to wipe an mg or at gun... and than? take it ? no because u can not retreat throu the lines... so the enemy will just take ist back

5. Bundle Nade sucks! in cqc theyre wipe the weapon crew in anyway... so u dont nead it... same for buildings. In Inf fights the bundle nade take to long to explode and can be dodged easy.
6. the Luftwaffles doctrine is the worst OKW doctrine.
-recon + smoke thing is ok
-heavy scrub forty is ... not usefull
- Fallis ...
-Valiant Assault too expensive for the muni tea bagged OKW
- Stuka attack is ... not usefull
So here's my Luftwaffles rework
2CP recon + somke u can buy the first one for the normal muni price. but u can safe it. u can buy 3 charges. the second cost more and so on. If u buyed all three u can lay 3 smoke screens.
2CP heavy forti but kick the useless AA gun and add a Forward Headquarters.
Your Fallis can build a Strong point behind the Lines.
3CP 440 MP. Fallis spawn with 4 K 98
-and can get 2 FG42's for 60 Mun. One have the
same dmg Profile as the MG34.
-camo in cover
-infiltrations nade's
-smoke nade
- Booby trap
- 4 Weapons slots
-can scavenge Team weapons
- Vet1 better accuarcy in cover and while standing
- vet 2 healing
- vet 3 better recived acc
- vet 4 better protecion against explosives
- vet 5 can reinforce in cover out of combat
A real Mid too Lategame unit with a better dmg output and a unit the didint force u too buy Obers..
6CP "Naplam flight" from the OH
12CP The normal 50kg Stuka flight