You know what i'll do some more test and get back to you.
I'm gonna do this,
Wanna give me any particular test you wanna suggest to me.
for starters, record it.
I'm not sure what you mean
Well, you pointed out that Ostruppen are not stock units. Receiving Ostruppen is therefor 'special' in your stock army. There is no commander with a conscripts LMG upgrade in the game, therefor Conscripts with DP28's are just as 'special'. However; later jibberjabber proposed a different approach which is easier to achieve and likely easier to balance.
some effort
Agree on this, yesterday evening I noted that losing 6 models is actually quite easy to achieve without the intend to do so (just 1 push that I won, lost 8 models across 5 squads). |
EDIT: Typos.
Ah, yea less OP but still new vetted units.
Many solutions
This could work, but should the received squad be bound to lost units? I mean; the game works around units preservation but this ability now suggest the complete opposite (other than accidental wipes/losses).
Proposal; what if you get that squad at the start and the rest of the passive's during 1 minute in exchange for a little price increase?
Brings a little more certainty to "what do you get by activating the ability" and "what has this commander to offer". |
OST reserves on the other hand, while it absolutely does run into a very similar issue, at the very least ostroppen offer something the stock roster doesnt have - ostroppen.
Like ostruppen are something you don't get stock, so are conscripts with DP28's?
However, as Vetaran Riflemen ability and original Elite Troops Doctrine shows, giving out vetted squads is also something that should be done very lightly. In this case, the squads would arrive much later, so the careful balance of early game wouldn't be affected.
New units shouldn't enter vetted. The whole game revolves around wiping enemy units gaining the vetted advantage, but not if the enemy gets new-vetted units. It will just create a stalemate or a titalwave on your opponent. Think of the possibility; you lose 18 models from across 4 squads, but no entire squads, then you get 3 new vetted squads from the ability. |
I did not understand your point. My point was that not only are Section stronger in terms of combat they also have weaker stuff to fight against. That's why the 5th man upgrade makes them act like terminators.
VSL should not be forcing elite Allied infantry to high tail it outta their. But they should be smashing all the single upgraded mainlines, single bar rifle, single bren sections/ 5 man sections as they cost more or same and are doctrinal.
But yeah i didn't really get your point.
VSL-grenadiers deserve to be stronger than vanilla mainline or single upgrade mainlines, true, but they don't have to beat Commando's. Which i thought was what your previous post meant. |
i just hope it does not follow the same pattern of all the nerfed commander: commander is the most played one that make the faction have bearable win rates--> nerf to oblivion---> never see play again
Mobile defense says hello
I think the balance team shouldn't buff/nerf units so hard (in general). Sometimes bonusses go from 0 -> 40% and sometimes from 40 -> 0%. imo a buff or nerf should only be around 10%.
Smaller adjustments do require more patches (like every month or so), which is unthinkable at this stage. Really wish they'd anounce CoH3 somewhere this year. |
Doesn't have to deal with Much stronger Shocks, Guards, Ranges, Paras, Cavs and Commandos
Probs not, but this comperison doesn't go for the VSL either since Pgrens are the elite whermacht units and you just summed all elite allied units. |
+1 for the lay-out of your idea and the modded preview!
I think this is a great way of making the ability more attractive, and frnakly useable. At the moment each Soviet commander with the ability is treated as a commander with just 4 abilities.
As others suggested, I think the same could be applied to the 'relief infantry' ability. |
Not under the impression that this is necessary.
Personally I'd remove the bolster upgrade and balance tommies around their 5-man setup, but it's not broken as it is so better leave it be. |
You might also compare it to the OKW Flak emplacements from Luftwaffe and Fortifications doctrines. (Though their power level is obviously not as high)
That is the 20mm flak, the OKW truck has a 37mm iirc (same as the ostwind).
Removing the vet on the bofor in trade for lower pop cap and maybe a smaller object/target? |