My point of putting royal engineer in T1 is to support, as said, they provide early capping power, close dps protection for sections/vicker mgs, to avoid easy rush, and flanking if opportunities appear, but they are still not dedicated cqb unit. Royal engineer as now already have decent dps (comparable with pioneer) and 0.9 target size, i think this is enough to be very effective if combined with sections in early game. Dont get me wrong, i definitely like Thompson smg but latest tech is too late, i suggest a side tech in T2, as Thompson and satchel will be more useful in early mid to mid game.
About your concern about counter sniper if UC is moved to T2, i think it will not a serious problem. As now, using UC for sinper hunting is not very effective, since UC is not fast, fragile and snare is everywhere. Meanwhile, UKF's sniper just got buff so counter snipe with him is easier and sure is a better choice, and you have more field present with RE in T1.
I believe RE in T1 will improve UKF early game, while Turning UC into a truly fighting LV in T2 will bring more diversity to UKF mid game/lv play.
All are fair points.
Any new special upgrade for Sappers would only make sense as part of Hammer since Anvil gets one currently. You’re right that it would come very late, but that doesn’t mean it would be useless, just situational. Doing it as side tech earlier just wouldn’t fit the progression model for UKF.
RE are decent already and I like them as a supporting unit for Tommies in tier 1. Adding additional incentive to get them by guaranteeing a future upgrade with both final tier tech choices would encourage players to build them early and keep them unupgraded in order to get the better upgrade later instead of only getting them as PIAT holders and repair guys.
Wait to hammer for 2 Thompsons is too late and 2 Thompsons at that time doesn't have much effect. Ukf need an improved early game, their late game is OK.
I suggest swapping royal engineer and Universal carrier. Royal engineer available in T0 will give UKF early caping power, provide close range defense for Tommy against OKW rush and taking flanking opportunities.
Meantime, by moving Universal carrier to T1, we can slap fuel cost on it and buff it up to become a truly AILV, increase armor/HP and allow troops to shoot from inside like in coh1, a smoke discharger upgrade for mobile smoke outside of pits.
Assault engineer can be a call in for some new doc.
Why not both?
Putting the Royal Engineers in tier 1 makes a lot of sense for early game CQB but are still fairly weak compared to dedicated CQB units like Sturm Pioneers and Assault Engineers.
But if you put them in Tier 1, AND give them a Hammer Tech upgrade then UKF build orders might include Royal Engineers more often in the early game but also promote keeping them around late game regardless of whether you go Anvil or Hammer.
I don’t know about the UC though. I like the proposed unit design but without it in tier 1 UKF lacks a sniper counter until they tech up.
If you also reworked the Infantry Section’s recon upgrade to include a pay per shot snipe ability, passive cloak and a single scoped Lee-Enfield, a No.4 Mk1(T), then Infantry Sections could be used to counter snipe a sniper, but not be economical to be using the ability too often. It would also have to take up at least one, maybe both, weapon slots so you wouldn’t want to spam them and be able to “double tap” or “triple tap” a Grenadier Squad for cheesy wipes.
I think it would work, and was already done in CoH 1, so the idea is sound, it would just require adjusting the costs around a bit to make it balanced.
Tommies must be good, maybe nerf them early game but boost them late game, why? bcs that's the only legit infantry unit that they have, not counting sappers as they're like a utility unit, look at other factions:
Ostheer: non-doctrinal: Grens, PG's, doctrinal - ostruppen, storms, jaegers, ass grens
OKW - non-doctrinal: volks, obers, (possibly sturms?), doctrinal - falls, fussilers, jaegers
soviets - non-doctrinal: cons, penals, doctrinal - guards, shocks, partisants(lol wut), DP guards and something else
USA - maybe bad example cuz they only have rifles, but they are very versatile unit and have a snare after all and can build up many things with proper doctrine, doctrinal - rangers, paras, ass engies, pathfinders and such.
While Brits only got Tommies and what else infantry units? commandos only? that's it? no wonder that Tommies must be good cuz it's only 1 unit, without a snare, needs upgrade to use grenades, cant build anything except sandbags and trenches, they are simple as that and that's the reason why i say they need buff for late game, and slight nerf for early game. Apart of that i'd give them some 2nd non doctrinal unit like SAS maybe or non doctrinal commandos which can get upgrades with the proper doctrine
A late game upgrade for Royal Engineers could be a way to give UKF some more options in the late game.
Anvil Tech unlocks the Heavy Sapper upgrade that is more defensively focused, why not add an “Assault Sapper” upgrade to Hammer Tech?
“Assault Sappers”: Gives the Royal Engineer squad two Thompsons and the ability to throw a satchel charge (copied from Penal Troops).
Now UKF has a non-doctrinal CQB unit, more incentive to invest in Royal Engineers and more incentive to go for the less desirable Hammer Tech.
It doesn’t override doctrinal CQB unit’s like Assault Infantry Sections, Commandos or Flamethrower Royal Engineers because of the later timing that Hammer would come at. If you need a CQB unit in the early game you’ll still need to go for a doctrinal solution, but if you chose a doctrine without a CQB unit then you’ll still be able to get one later if you choose to tech for it. |
I think allowing live 7-man cons to have slot items AND 7-man is way too overkill. The survivability increase with DPS increase plus all the extras of 7-man are too powerful to co-exist with slot items fairly.
7-man cons are easily one of the best upgrades in the whole game. So much so that it makes doctrinal items (that were previously considered "good") like PPSh or SVT40 cons less desirable.
If slot item cons with the upgrade is to be considered, then the 7-man model will need a serious nerf or tone down to compensate.
I wouldn't mind a rework of Mobilized Reserves that performs like this:
* Lower cover bonus (15-25% weapon cooldown reduction instead of 30%)
* No extra man
* No cheaper reinforce (current reinforce time bonus is okay)
* Revert locked behind tech back to T4
* Allow for slot item/doc upgrades to be used (PPSh should take 1 slot size)
* Global upgrade for all Cons
I also wouldn't mind seeing Mobilized Reserves auto-unlocking molotov+at nade if they weren't already purchased, but hey, that's just me.
I agree that because 7 man cons are so good they are distracting from doctrinal upgrades, which in turn makes doctrinal upgrade based Conscript builds less desirable which makes fewer commanders viable which makes Soviets less diverse to play.
I say change the mobilize reserves upgrade to be a stepping stone upgrade that is comparable with other upgrades but much less good on its own. Still worth getting on its own, but synergizes well with other upgrades too without being op.
Remove cover bonus, lock to tier 4.
Give back one weapon slot that can be used to get a doctrinal upgrade or pick up a dropped weapon.
Also reduce the power of the doctrinal upgrades slightly so that when combined they aren’t too strong. This could take the form of simply giving only 2 PPShs or 3 SVTs for those upgrades. No change needed for the PTRS package since it’s an AT upgrade.
The result is that:
Mobilize reserves is slight weaker alone.
SVT or PPSh upgrades are slightly weaker alone.
SVT or PPSh + Mobilize Reserves is slightly stronger than Mobilize Reserves is currently on its own but without the cover gimmick and only at short range for the PPShs. SVTs can remain an all range buff as it is only in one doctrine and should still be weaker at short range than PPShs.
What about to adjust UKF base as well, so none of building and howitzers looking to the offmap direction?

Yes please. |
The whole point of the 7 man upgrade is so cons can be powerful WITHOUT a doctrine... Watering it down so it works betterwith a select few commanders returns cons to the "yea let's just shelf these lads again" pile.
That’s why you reduce the power of the doctrinal Conscript upgrades too. That way a Conscript only build will still pretty much require picking a doctrine with PPShs or SVTs in order to be your main damage dealers. But the 7 man Conscripts will still be valuable support troops for supporting a Penal heavy build or a Guards heavy build. Even Shock Troops will still benefit from having Conscripts around for the utility.
What this would hurt the most would be doctrines that don’t have Guards, Shock Troops or a Conscript upgrade. That doesn’t leave much out, and those doctrines will still be fine for tier 1 Penal Troops builds.
But, ya know, that’s just my opinion man. :/ |
Followup since my previous post is long.
Also to note that since officers aren't forced on the player, that does open up more room for elite infantry, so the impact on doctrines could balance out. I just don't think you would ever really end up calling in lmg paras or get 1919s on rifles when the captain can bring that much firepower though.
Also also, with USF having much less field presence due to not getting a free squad, maybe team weapons wouldnt need to be nerfed. But then that shifts USF far more towards being a weapon team based faction. Ostheer and even soviets can be pretty team weapons heavy, so I'm not sure that the game needs another team weapons faction.
Of course you could propose alternate positions for units in tech, and different tech timings/costs than the ones I guessed, but I don't see those working out much better. Most alternatives either make the m20 come much too soon, or much too late.
Anyway, I'd like to hear the specifics you have in mind. Mostly tech timings, and which units go where as I doubt my hypotheticals match up with yours.
Your points are all valid, but that doesn’t mean they’d be mutually exclusive with my idea either. I’ll make a new thread later with my exact ideas so we can talk about it.
It would require pretty in depth changes to a lot of prices for tech and team weapons in order to keep timings fair and balanced too. Once I have that new thread up I welcome any input you have.
To be honest it might prove to be a bad idea, but that’s why discussion is so important. |
STOP buffing soviet
A rework doesn’t have to be a buff.
If you remove part of the buffs that the 7 man upgrade gives then allow them to also get PPShs, SVTs or PTRS then it’s not a buff, it’s a rework.
-remove in cover bonuses from 7 man upgrade. Now it’s only an extra model and reduced reinforcement cost and veterancy requirements.
-move the 7 man upgrade to tier 4 so it unlocks for free at tier 4 but cannot be unlocked earlier.
-add a weapon slot back to 7 man upgrade. Now upgraded squads can pick up a weapon or get a doctrinal upgrade.
-rework PPSh and SVT upgrade to have one less PPSh or SVT respectively so the added man later on isn’t too strong when combined.
Result, 7 man cons are less powerful without a doctrinal upgrade and doctrinal upgrades are less powerful without the 7 man upgrade. This allows a Soviet player the ability to incrementally buff his Conscripts with munitions and fuel investments and upgrades as the match goes on. Each upgrade would also be less of a steep power spike that plateaus and more of a stair step of smaller power spikes that get incrementally better and synergize well together.
And that is one of the reasons why Ostheer should be used as benchmark when balancing the units.
Ostheer/Wehrmacht is the best designed faction and should be the benchmark by which all others are defined by. Unfortunately what has happened is the often talked about power creep and the bastardization of the original factions. MG42 and Panzergrenadiers in the HQ are bad faction design and are NOT how it used to be. These changes were made to “fix” Ostheer because they were not as good as the new factions. The problem was never with Ostheer, but with the way OKW and USF were originally implemented. Current OKW and USF are much MUCH better designed after several big rehauls, but the damage was already done.
But USF would be a lot easier to balance if they didn't get free squads.
The USF officers are the bane of the faction. They don’t feel unique to the player, they are mandatory to get if you tech up and they are frustrating to play against because “why does he get free squads and I don’t?”.
Lieutenant and Captain need to be reworked into specialist squads that are NOT free, NOT mandatory with tech and NOT just fancy Riflemen.
I’d redo the USF tech structure to be more like Ostheer. You are forced to tech linearly from platoon to company to battalion command post. Officers are still available from each level of tech but you don’t get them for free and they are distinctly different from Riflemen.
Lieutenant- 5 man squad with 3 M1 Garands on Riflemen models, 1 Paratrooper M1 Carbine on the Lieutenant model and 1 M1C sniper rifle on a Pathfinder model. This squad is an anti sniper team/long range combat team that can help USF in long ranged fights that it normally struggles with. Ability is a sniper shot that kills one model instantly and is intended for countering a sniper if you get a flank off. Good in long ranged fights but can only pick up one weapon. This makes him situational as an anti sniper or long range unit, but is weaker than a rifleman squad at generalist duties.
Captain- 5 man squad with 4 Rear Echelon models with RE M1 Carbines and the Captain who has a Paratrooper M1 Carbine. Can upgrade to have double Bazookas or double M1919A6 LMGs making him a good support squad with his good upgrades, but is weak when not upgraded. These weapon upgrades reflect what actual weapons were held at the company level and would’ve been issued out at the direction of the company commander (a Captain).
Major- no rework needed to his abilities or armament, just increase squad size to 4 men and don’t give him for free with tech. 4 men is a slight buff to the squad, but since you have to buy him separately and not get if for free then a small buff seems reasonable.
End result? USF officers are all more specialized in their roles and are more appropriately armed per historical tables of organization and equipment. They are no longer mandatory, but are no longer free. This gives USF players more freedom to get team weapons without being forced to get a squad they don’t want or need, but is also means that playing against USF you don’t have an enemy that gets free squads just for teching up.
Grens are possibly in one of the best places regarding balance. I genuinely don't see how they are broken or even underpowered against allied infantry.
LMG Grenadiers are one of the only units that still maintains their original intended relationship between Axis and Allies that was set up in the original game. “Unfortunately” CoH 2 has so many well balanced and unique factions that this Axis-Allies relationship is no longer as apparent as it was when you only had vCoH US Army vs Wehrmacht. The other two factions of CoH 1 were so broken that no one ever played them once Aimstrong broke Panzer Elite with his “bulletproof” strategy. CoH 2 players are blessed with a much more complicated game that is far more diverse and ironically because of this diversity there are more units that feel the same as each other between Axis and Allies.
Mostly this is a good thing. Diversity is interesting and fun. But it also means that some units that still retain the “original recipe” sometimes feel op or up to players who don’t understand this dynamic. The “original recipe” isn’t supposed to be Axis infantry vs Allies infantry. It’s some Axis infantry and support weapons vs more Allies infantry and fewer support weapons. Old build orders like Volk-Volk-Bike-MG42 vs 3 Riflemen, 1 Jeep really showed this dynamic.
Next time you think any Ostheer unit feels too good or too bad in its role consider that you might be using it wrong or countering it wrong. Grenadiers aren’t supposed to stand up to Allies infantry 1 to 1 without the support of an MG42 in the early game just like allied MGs aren’t supposed to be as good as the MG42.
My only concern with Grenadiers right now is the 20% reduced damage they get at vet 3. It’s supposed to keep Grenadiers alive better vs tanks in the late game because they are only a 4 man squad, and that’s fine. The problem is that the Veteran Squad Leader upgrade makes them a 5 man squad that still gets the vet 3 20% damage reduction. THAT, might prove to be op once more people try it. |