It is possible to make an interesting WW2 RTS without shoehorning muh wunderwaffe krupp stahl.
*or Prototype tanks that never saw service
In CoH2: UKF got Comet, Tulip rockets and AEC (also only 629 built), Crocodile AVRE (no more than 800 Croc built), USF gets Pershing and Calliope
In CoH1 USF has Pershing, M18 rifle and Sherman Crocodile of which 4 were built and they saw service first in early 1945 (but at least they saw service lol). UKF has Crocodile and AVRE (at the time of Normandy around 180 AVREs had been built, overall about 754)
In CoH3 USF also has Chaffee and Whizbang, both very rare (about 30 Whizbangs used) and early 1945 stuff
It is not only the Axis that get rare / late-war stuff
but sure ... getting Panther non-doc is "shoehorning muh wunderwaffe".
Your complaints about the Panther and your advocating for early war setting get even more funny when one considers that you defended the implementation of the Black Prince
And mentioning Steel Division while complaining about shoehorning of Tanks ...