Penal: Remove Flamers + increasing popcap are two good points. shouldn't go further.
Their accuracy bonuses were too high. Mind you they were triple buffed last patch and are now dominating all axis infantry in live game, vet or non-vet. Well-deserved adjustments.
Guard: I would have simply reduce the squad size to 4 men. The main issue vs guard is their resilience to damage. 4 men squad make them vulnerable vs sniper/hmg/mortar and grens.
That wouldn't feel natural, in other words, not practical at all.
M17: Remove suppression on the move is a good change, but why do you nerf it more, I really don't buy your explanation.
Because it is rushed way too often and cripples axis mobility, suppresses the R43 on the first shot. Pretty broken. The damage is pretty high as well. Remember, this patch aims at adjusting the dominance of light vehicles, and the Quad is the second or third offending unit on the list.
I don't really understand the buff on Pioneer, Pioneer vs Engy/RE matchup is a question of cover at the moment. Don't you fear that they simply become too good vs their respective counterparts?
Pioneers cost more, don't have access to demos, 30muni TM35, and lose at all ranges expect CQC. It is such a trivial change that you won't be able to notice the buff. Try the mod.
Stug-E, every nerf on it is a good nerf. Can't count how many games I have won by spamming them like no brain.
@7CP, easily countered by the Su76 which arrives 5 minutes earlier at least. AEC, Stuart and ATGs are other viable options. Destroying rank 200000 noobs with a unit does not prove it it is OP. The cost was increased to address the spam meta. Nerfing the AI damage to (almost) the same level of regular StuGs is not justified at all. It doesn't do jackshit against in the preview mod.
eny its access to RE so you can't have cheap troops carrying M1919.
M1919 on RE is not a problem to begin with. Rifelmen's recieved accuracy, and the fact that they can pick up two are what made this upgrade broken. These issues are addressed now.
triple buff on Sturmpioneer. Great news...
Cost adjustment for medical crates and faster construction rate @ vet 1. They are kinda better at their role as engineers now.
251, good buffs, but the munition cost reduction is definitively too much, this + free medic kits on Sturmpio sound to me like "hey guys, just spam Volks STG, you don't need to choose where to spend your munition".
STG Volks is a different issue, and yes they do need some adjustments.
Piat: spam/blob is the new shreck spam/blob.
AEC: I don't follow you on your statements, the AEC is quite balance today in my opinion.
It is a light TD. It was designed to be a light TD. Not a generalist. The LMGs on the pumas were nerfed, even though they don't hit anything. The reason is simple, they are TDs.
Not to mention that the Brits infantry does not need such a potent AI support that early in game. Well deserved adjustments. It also received multiple buffs so it excels at its role now.