Stop treating changes as the number of lines on the paper. This doesn't work here; and this doesn't work like that in real life either.
agree, the amount of people who didn't even try the patch once and still give their review on it is HUGE.
instead of just looking at stats and numbers, people should dll the patch, try the most retarded cheesy tactics and see if something changed (better or worst), but just saying "This particular change is wrong" is retarded..
If one wants to debate specific of changes or weather allied get on top or axis with patch,one can do so in any of the many threads .
This is thread is simply trying to point out that the number of changes (that affect all stages of the game are so numerous) making it too difficult to get everything right.
The truth is you got no other choice than to accept the whole patch or refuse it and play alone, Mr.smith got chosen to make the balance change because of his general knowledge on game balance, you just don't have the knowledge required to see if "everything goes right".
they are not going to make one change at a time each week to let you the time to see if it suits you.