Yes, those are the number I used.
In your own calculations:
OH: Full 1070/235
OKW: Full 1100/265
UKF: Full 1360/270
How in the hell do you time and time again claim that axis have more expensive tech. Your own numbers. OH<OKW<UKF . Any way you look at it. Total of all techs - axis is cheaper. Rush to last tech - axis is cheaper. T2 - axis is cheaper.
How in the hell do you time and time again claim that axis have more expensive tech. Your own numbers. OH<OKW<UKF . Any way you look at it. Total of all techs - axis is cheaper. Rush to last tech - axis is cheaper. T2 - axis is cheaper.
want to see something cool ?
Okw 1100mp/275f
How in the hell do you time and time again claim that allies have more expensive tech. Your own<USF< Ukf<Okw . Any way you look at it. Total of all techs -
allies is cheaper. Rush to last tech -
allies is cheaper. T2 -
allies is cheaper.
Spoiler, su and ost are both cheap cause they need to build and get no free stuff like powercreeps dlc, when u look at cost su and ost are balanced against eachother , while west faction are balanced against eachother